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Guide to Playing Early Game and Defense against attackers.


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I have noticed a lot of newer players having trouble with getting early attacks so here's some help mainly for those under nation score 100


Tip 1. 

Don't be afraid to raid. When I say raid, I mean attack inactive nations. You can check their activity on their nation page. Generally if they are gone for a week or more they're not coming back to the game. Just hit them and take their money which they will not use anymore. Not only will you can money for faster than your daily income, You'll also get food and resources which means you dont have to buy them from market and can sell them on market if you feel like it.


Lots of people are afraid to attack other nations because they think its mean. This is just a game, you're not actually beating them up. At the early levels, war is the easiest way to get money bar none. Commerce and resource production is simply too cost inefficient in the beginning. Most efficient nation development in this game is from military to commerce to resource or maybe military to resource to commerce depending on the style. However, military is always first


General etiquette of raiding are

1. dont be bm no matter what. doesnt matter who started what. its dumb

2. always accept peace when offered.  

3. dont piss people off


That being said, with first 100 infra you should get power and 1 barrack. Then get 1000 soldiers. Nations can have 5 attack wars at a time. Definitely utilize all of them and attack 5 inactive nations. Neutrality is overrated in the early game. You should always have 5 active wars going on at the same time against inactive nations to maximize profit.


Tip 2

Dont upgrade your infrastructure too fast. In the beginning its tempting to spend all your money on infrastructure, but there is really no point. You dont get that much increase in income. Just keep hitting inactives and stock up on resources. Remember that once you buy more infrastructure, your nation score will rise taking you out of range of many inactive nations you can hit. When you feel that you have enough resources upgrade your infrastructure, build military, and repeat.


The reason why your nation gets beat up, if it is getting attacked, is because you dont have the resources to fight a war. You dont have resources because you didnt take them from inactives and cant produce them fast enough from resource productions.


Tip 3

Dont buy second city too fast. Although its cost efficient to buy 2nd city instead of upgrading 100 infrastructure in first city, its not nation score efficient. This means youll bring yourself out of range of nations you could have attacked to create a cache of resources first. Having 800 infrastructure in first city isnt that bad if you have strong military presence.


Tip 4 

Always have a strong military of soldiers. Tanks, airplanes, and boats are too expensive in early game but soldiers are a neccesity. Even if you're at peace maintain soldiers to deter attacks on your nation. It goes a long way to have 10000 soldiers for a one city nation. This also means you should also max out barracks as soon as possible.


Tip 5 

Dont be afraid of other nations attacking you. At low nation score, losing infrastructure isnt a big deal. If you are attacked, recruit as many soldiers as possible and go all out. This shows that you're not a pasty and will deter future raids.


Easiest way to mobilize troops is to use server reset time trick. 

1. go active at 11:50 pm server time.

2. recruit max soldiers

3. wait ten minutes for server reset time 

4. recruit max soldiers again at the new server time

5. attack enemy


This trick will allow for 2 days worth of soldiers in 10 minutes or so which is good. It can be also applied to any other military units. 


Tip 6 

Alliances are not necessary but are nice. Just make sure they allow you to raid or give out large donations to your nation. you dont have to raid as much if your alliance gives you lots of money as its a very good source of income, but depends on how generous your alliance is to new nations. However, you still need lots of soldiers to deter attackers.


Tip 7

Having lots of money isnt a bad thing. You dont need to spend all your money on infrastracture. Excess money on raids can be used to play the market. Essentially you buy below average price and sell high. Usually gains are not that much in the early game unless youre really good, but its something to do other than raiding inactives. You can also spend excess money on buying military goods like munitions, steel , alu, and gas. These are better than money spent then infrastructure. This is because infrastructure cost increase exponentially and gains from income are linearish (maybe???). 


Tip 7 

Once you have 2 cities and are reaching 100 nation score, you can slowly transition from military to commerce or resources.

Commerce is more stable but expensive while resources depends on how good the market is.Still maintain some military but as your score goes up and you join an top 20 alliance you should be protected from most raiders. You must join an alliance once you get around 2 cities or people will gain up on you. Even earlier is fine if they give you money or allow raiding or both.

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In est time, you'll need to wait until 2 am for the day to change. You should put "in-game" time so no one gets confused

Also have 2 tip 7's. Second one should be Tip 8

The many forms of proof regarding Kastor's sexuality:

- Kastor: I already came out the closet.

- MaIone: I'm gay

* MaIone is now known as Kastor

- Henri: i'm a !@#$it


Skable: the !@#$ is a codo?



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When you're raiding inactives or weak nations, it may be wise to check three things:

1) How much money are other raiding nations getting from that target

2) Any recent trades or bank deposits / withdrawals (for inactive alliances)

3) The nation's infrastructure, commerce, and military. (For calculating daily income and whether it is worthwhile to attack.)


Raiding will still be very profitable well into your fourth city, or around 200 score. After 200 score, raiding is more difficult with less targets, and you may remove your military improvements for commerce and manufacturing.


...Unless you don't mind raiding alliances. :P


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