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What Is Jangurupureri & Who Is Wu Sassiakastomo?


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Heya there! I'm Wu Sassiakastomo, the emperor of Jangurupureri, or rather the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri.


My nation was founded on the idea that everyone should be able to represent their culture and their individuality. 

My nation is fairly new to the game; however, I hope to fit in greatly with this community. So far, it seems that this community is fairly friendly. 


For more about my nation, go to this page: Official Janguresian Government Website.

This is because there are quite a lot of things about my nation that I don't think I'll be able to explain it all here.


As you know, I'm Wu Sassiakastomo, emperor of the UMRJ. I have a family of 6. My family consists of my absolutely crazy, but kind twin brothers, Yausobloi KaSaoulia Sassikastomo and Ahiaksidomi KaSaoulia Sassikastomo, and then there is my international little sister, Yasouankani KaSaoulia Sassikastomo, and my parents, who had taught me just about every single moral view I have, Stiabhan KaSaoulia Sassikastomo and Haroasilia KaSaoulia Sassikastomo. I appreciate them all to death. My family even has a dynasty flag, because of that whole illegal ballot thing that went on before. I just find it very kind that my people want me to represent myself and my family as much I let them represent myself. I just worry that I don't allow them to be their own persons enough, you know?

My Family's "Siaurkandyualsaimon (Grand Family's Heart and Soul) Flag"

The first part of the flag is the colors, the following colors used are purple, bourbon, hot pink, black, dark green, red, yellow, white, beige, light blue, and Air Force Blue.  Purple for loyalty, bourbon for my family's favorite color. We love to use it a lot on our clothing, and we even have a grand piano that was brought on Bourbon Street one time, the street we named in Jangurupureri. We also have hot pink on the flag to represent my family's curiosity behind things. We literally can't leave any stone unturned, otherwise, it just infuriates all of us. There is also black to represent my family's determination. We also have dark green and red to represent the family's ethnic groups. My family is actually part Taylashain and part Raiganesian, myself being both of those, and a bit of Chinese and Mongolian, too. There is also yellow to represent the wealth they brought to the nation and the wealth they have. I love lavish living, it allows a-lot more opportunities for things, and so, I'm just glad that we were able to allow our people to have the same kind of feeling, too. We also included white to represent the family's wanting for diplomacy and peace. I personally don't like solving problems violently, especially since many of the traumatic experiences I've had were of that of people solving their problems through violence. There is also beige to represent the comfort they bring to others. I want the people to feel like they can be respected in the nation, I don't want them to have to fear anything because of where they came from or what they look like. We also included light blue and Air-force blue to represent the trust and honor they've strive for. I try to uphold my honor as much as possible; however, even I can feel a bit down in the dumps, too.

The color: rgb(40,40,60), is a background color; however, it can also be represented in the flag as a light found the darkness, a sign that represents the family greatly as they never assume things are always going to be bad forever.  That's a particularly important thing about my family. Back then, we were of a low middle class. We had moved from Mongolia to Nepal, in 2064. We originally lived near the capital block of Ulaanbaatar, my home nation's capital city; however, taxes were starting to rise, and my family simply couldn't afford it no longer, so as much as we loved Mongolia, we couldn't stay. I was 12 at the time, and it was hard for me to really leave my homeland, and it was the same story for much of my family members. We didn't move to the PRC because we had figured that we wouldn't have as much of a great time there as we did in other nations. Luckily, though, we didn't need to go through the PRC because of Mongolia's history with Russia. We were able to go towards other nations, and we had discovered that Nepal actually was one of the better options for us, since it was considered one of the happiest places in all of Asia, and we wanted to be happy. This is why we included it in. Because we never believed that just because things looked bad now, will they ever be bad permanently. 

The symbols below are the Siaurkafaniabhi, or the symbol Facing Towards Grand Peace, two of the ethnic group banners, found in the Janguresian flag, a sun with 22 points, to represent my family's lucky number. 22 Is my family's lucky number because of the fact that whenever we thought of the number 22, something always seemed to turn out great for us, for instance, when we found out about how happy Nepal was, it was on a route named NH-22, and we saw many amazing sights that let us know that Nepal was the place for us. There is a bourbon and golden moon, to represent our celestial strive and ambition. The symbol of the Sun Dragon can be found within the Siaurkafaniabhi.



Danke. You took the time to really read all of this storyline that I've given my nation's leader, Wu Sassiakastomo. I want to really give my nation a good storyline to make it have more of a personality. I don't want my nation to simply be a hollow husk, where it's just grinding to be the top player, I want it to really mean something to me, because my nation represents my views and what I want for people, so why not give my nation it's own sense of personality?

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