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Nationalising the Sex Industry


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The welfare of the State, that is the people as a whole collective unit, is superior in importance to the whims of the individual. The kind of petty liberalism you espouse would only result in a declining birthrate and thus the general decline of the entire Nation. It is not backward to assign roles to individuals, all people must contribute to society according to their abilities, while the State gives to them according to their needs. Women biologically can increase the population, thus it is their role, the same way the Queen Ant and the Soldier Ant have their own roles. Human beings are an animal just the same and follow the same logic. Remember that for every one child a women does not have, the foreign nations produce three or more children, thus three or more workers and soldiers, it is a numbers game and there is strength in numbers.


Liberalism is the political outgrowth of bourgeois relations of production and thus must be smashed. The rights of the individual must always be subordinated to the Nation.

Are you actually from Eastern Europe? I only ask because I have yet to encounter a Westerner who espouses such views.


Have you ever read the political opinions and theories of the Prince Klemens von Metternich? Although he was a 'reactionary' and a monarchist, von Metternich describes himself as a socialist in his 1837 correspondences. I ask because what you have presented appears perfectly aligned with his philosophy.

Edited by Klemens Hawicki
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Are you actually from Eastern Europe? I only ask because I have yet to encounter a Westerner who espouses such views.


Have you ever read the political opinions and theories of the Prince Klemens von Metternich? Although he was a 'reactionary' and a monarchist, Metternich describes himself as a socialist in his 1837 correspondences. I ask because what you have presented appears perfectly aligned with his philosophy.

I'll look into it, thanks.

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I dont think prostitution is a very glamorous thing to promote in a country, but I also find it completely silly that two consenting adults can have sex and be fine, but as soon as money is involved you are now a sex offender and need to be thrown in jail and branded for years.


I think decriminalization with some very heavy restrictions would be best for the safety and health of the girls.


I think it should also be left up to individual states to decide if they want it in their state or not.

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