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Infrastructure Damage Calculations


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Infrastructure damage in battles is calculated based on units sent, units defending, randomness, victory type, and the amount of infrastructure in the city.

Victory type is between 0 and 3, and corresponds to Utter Failure, Pyrrhic Victory, Moderate Success, Immense Triumph respectively.


The general formula for ground battles, airstrikes, and naval battles is:

min(((Attacking Units - (Defending Units * 0.5)) * Unit Damage) * RAND(.85,1.05) * (Victory / 3), City Infra Limit, Total Infrastructure)

Ground Battles

Soldier Infrastructure Damage: 0.000606061

Tank Infrastructure Damage: 0.01

City Infra Limit: (City Infrastructure * 0.2) + 25



Aircraft Infrastructure Damage: 0.35353535

City Infra Limit: (City Infrastructure * 0.5) + 100


When infrastructure specifically is not being targeted, infrastructure damage is divided by 3, with the exception of dogfights, which divide damage by 2.


Naval Battles

Ship Infrastructure Damage: 2.625

City Infrastructure Limit: (City Infrastructure * 0.5) + 25




Missiles and Nuclear Weapons destroy an amount of infrastructure dependent upon the amount of infrastructure in the city targeted, the city's population density, and randomness.


The general formula is:

min(RAND(Base Infrastructure Damage, max(Max Infrastructure Damage, Population Density * Pop Density Factor)), City Infrastructure Limit, Total City Infrastructure)


Base Infrastructure Damage: 300

Max Infrastructure Damage: 350

Pop Density Factor: 3

City Infrastructure Limit: (City Infrastructure * 0.3) + 100


Nuclear Weapons

Base Infrastructure Damage: 1700

Max Infrastructure Damage: 2000

Pop Density Factor: 13.5

City Infrastructure Limit: (City Infrastructure * .8) + 150


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