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Prince Hunter of Bavaria

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Everything posted by Prince Hunter of Bavaria

  1. The DeustchReich is attepmting to saves it own people, from the unsalught of death by the communist party, and it was them who started the revolution and massacered 10,00 Bundeswehr soldiers, defending our nation from the people we betrayed and The Nation of Evenstar has been invited to join our current civil war, and of which they had out of pure generosity sent in their soliders who may die fighting to quell this rebellion that has spurred.
  2. I like the NPC idea, and it does add up some more interaction, maybe a ransom events or something along that line
  3. The DeustchReich Minister of foreign affairs was sorry for his comment and has resigned, the new foreign minister has removed the aggression part of the embargoe reason, and hopes that diplomacy will solve the issue not bickering and argument
  4. The DeustchReich is thankful for your assistance and help in this time of crisis showing the DeustchReich people that there are good communist nations and asserting them all as evil trannts is a nonlogical move
  5. And if you read my Facebook which states I was a former United Federation of Europe which dissolved to seperate states not a nazi loving nation that agrees with Nazism and it's horrific and unspeakable actions
  6. What does Germany have to do with nazis today, Germany as the first country the nazis invaded, do you think I support what nazis did, and this is where we role play not take things to offensive comments and threats, if you wish to threanen my and offend my ahead, but I am role playing my nation which has taken steps to become friends with evanstar and Btw I am American for your information and my countrymen and family have died trying to save Europe from the nazz tyrants
  7. The DeustchReich has redacted its military orders against the polish nation, seeing as future conflict is pointless and as a sign of goodwill
  8. Because reich mean empire or real hence the land of the Germans or the German Empire, both of which have no nazi affiliaction,
  9. Unless your babbling and unlawful tongue is kept such, the DeustchReich will take hostile measures against you nation starting off with an airban, and embargoe, and military positions along our entire border, do not think you illegal comments of fascism go unnoticed The Minister of Foreign affairs demands an apology for using the fourth reich and the removal of its name
  10. The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated "we will defend democracy, we will not allow tranny to reign unopposed, we call on all nations to embargo the Albanian nation till it changes it ridiculous religious laws" the Vice Chancellor Ellna Von Der Kükn signed the requests of the ministry of foreign affairs on the bases that the DeustchReich must defend the religious values of its people of which Sunni Islam makes up less than 4% who were outraged by your comments, and has set up a free visa for the religiously persecuted people in Albania and has sent in civilian helicopters to evacuate its citizens before its airban takes place, any people seeking refuge will be protected by the Deuetchreich Angela Merkel is yet to respond
  11. That is a yes for your Military Assistance and Special Forces, you have our thanks
  12. Maybe it is time for that to change, we will open and embassy in your capital with your permission, and vice versa when things are calmer, We are thankful for your military aid.
  13. Following the Removal of Religion in a communist state The Red Terror group, A Referendum in which an immediate new government was elected the results came in Current Government: Federal Republic of The DeutschReich Deutschland First Party holds a majority of the 350/700 seats in the Bundestag The Deutsche Volke party holds 200/700 being the second majority And the Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands holds another 100/7000 And 50 Various Independent and other small groups Federal Republic of DeutchReich Chancellor: Angela Merkel DFP President: Josef Müller TDV Vice Chancellor: Ellena von der Kühn DFP Minister of Defense: Imperator Wilhelm Rommel DFP Minister of Finance: Legolas Heinz TDV Minister of Foreign Affairs: Kaiser Von Klause DFP Minister of Internal Affairs: Ellyzabeth Merkel DFP Minister of Transportation: Jarvis TDV Minister of Environment: Lucia Averhart CDUD Minister of Civil Defense: Emma Wolf Independent Minister of Education: Von Krüger TDV Minister of Health Burkhard Von Weber TDV Minister of Agriculture Christine Schwarzenegger TDV Minister of Entertainment Mikeal Müller DFP DFP Majority Leader Angela Merkel TDV Majority Leader Hans Günderbad CDUD Majority Leader Ellana Kitchner At 3:00 AM, Communist Revolutionaries Took arms and began their revolt, they said, we will keep our promise and we will bring Communist to our German State. An immediate Revolution began shortly afterwards Communist Supporters seized and killed 10,000 soldiers stationed in Stuttgart as what is not called the Stuttgart Massacre The Ambassadors were removed and flown to Nearby Kingdom of Sweden. Within Minutes Commie Killers rolled into Stuttgart, An hour long firefight ensured before Aerial Forces of The Luftwaffe pounded the city to dust, Royal Marines in the Naval Base in Stuttgart counter-attacked the main Communist Lines. The next 2 hours a Naval Battle ensued in which 2 of the 5 Naval vessels sent to search for submarines were loyal to the Communist Party, The SMS Hindernburg and SMS Kaiser were struck and sank, 1,500 sailors lost. The Submarine SMS Reich was able to sink the TCS Lawrence TCS Marxis. A Ground invasion of Suttgart was underway and the 3rd "Imperial" Armee Korps was able to regain the city only losing 23,052 men. The Deutsch Self Defense Forces counter-attacked and killed over 40,000 Communists in Berlin who planned to stage a governmental Coup Angela Merkels plane was diverted to land back in New Deustchland after news of the Civil War had reached her. The Communist Rebels then attempted to seize The Bundestag and The House of Jüker in Frankfurt but The Local Garrison was able to fend of the invaders taking light casualties little over 500. Within The Final Hours of the war, The Commie Killers were soon attacked by The Reds, The Red Serpents and The Bundeswerh and Lufftwaffle. All Reds in prison were exectued Death Count Bundeswehr 50,039 Casualties 30,000 Wounded Lufftwaffle 3 Planes destoryed 2 Pilots Killed 1 Pilot Injured Imperial Navy 2 Crusiers Lost 2,000 Sailors killed 150 Mising. The Reds 120,000 Killed 0 wounded The Red serpents 12,302 Killed 0 Wounded The Commie Killers 1,024 Killed 12000 Wounded Death Toll is an estimate, there are still sporadic actions of violence across the DeustchReich, The International Humanitarian Agency Amnesty has begun their collection of data towards the deathcount Following the silence and no more gunshots, The Red Serpents and Commie Killers turned over their weapons and said, "Our job here is done" It is rumoured Members of The Bundeswehr clapped and applauded them, The Vice Chancellor Dissolved The Communist Party, all its assets have been sent into exile in the Isle of Death. The Presdient of the DeustchReich has made a plea for the forgiving of the Two Terror Groups, undecided. Angela Merkel has been immeditaly notifited and is making her return journery as we speak. All Planes will be shot down, this is their offical warning All Naval Vessels will be struck Any civilian on the street will be killed This is not a drill An FSB Inquiry has been made into whether a foreign power was involved, and if there was a planned invasion for assistance in aiding the Revolution. FSB Director Angela Hotzendorf Vowed that if any foreign nation had a play in this civil war, they will pay the ultimate price. Angela Merkel Called an Emergency OCSO Meeting in Ruthenia The DeustchReich Foreign Minister assured its allies and friends, we will not be defeated by this threat, we will prevail, we will become stronger, and we will not fall to the forces of evil. The Minister of Defense has confirmed 8/10 Major Cities were in DeustchReich control, 13 Villages and 12 towns are in Communist Control The Bundeswehr has called up its reserves and enacted Conscription bringing their total manpower to roughly 600,000, minus the dead Soldiers from previous attacks. The DeustchCross has opened a donation and aid channel for any nation or people willing. www.DeustchCross.org/Donations/Revolution
  14. OOC: Lol we do not want that xp The DeustchReich is curious if its citizen's can practice religion in your nation?
  15. The DeustchReich is happy for the newly wed couple, may their marriage be as strong as ever. Angela Merkel has sent the Diamond of Leonimest to the New Married couple as a present.
  16. The DeustchReich Ministry of Defense was astonished on how quickly Japanese R&D Members were able to reverse the DeustchReich Leopard DR2-7 Which took several years to develop and create. The Minister of Defense has stated that DeustchReich proposal of Military Engineers and Research and Development crew are still available is wanted. We hope to continue with assisting you modernizing your armed forces
  17. The DeustchReich is currently unaware on how to react to No Religion, we are curious is foreigners visiting can practice their religion?
  18. Last night at 3:00 AM, an Underwater Explosion triggered a Tsunami Warning Arry, within seconds, millions of people crowded the street who were heading to the Saftey Bunkers. Residents in Stuttgart and Frankfurt began evacuating 30 minutes after Berlin. Ambassadors and Foreign Dignitaries were flown and driven to The Federal Bunker in The Federal Chancellor and The OCSO headquarters. Some citizens who heard the blast assumed it was some Red related violence, however, the Tsunami Sirens said otherwise At 6:00 AM, UAV, and Naval Radar Stations did not detect any follow-up waves or movements discovered a Cargo Ship was sinking and was on fire. At 8:00 AM Deutsch Coast Guard Vessels, Freighters and Helicopters were sent to recuse the Crew. At 9:00 AM the all clear was given, The Minister of Civil Defense Emma Wolf thanked the people of the DeustchReich for helping foreigners and being orderly and calm, One Person fainted due to cluster phobia, however, The Ministry of Civil Defense promised to fix the problem. At 10:00 AM Foreign Dignitaries and Ambassadors returned to their hotels and Embassies, checking in on their Citizens etc... 20,000 Emergency Personnel and 10,000 Soldiers have been deployed to help, and a Missing and Found Application has been released to help people locate missing people At 12:00 PM The Ministry of Defense Concluded that an Underwater Explosion had triggered the Warning Censor and blew up a hole in the Cargo Ship, All hands were lost, Recuse forces did not see nor read any Insignia nor Call Sign on the ship, or its destination. A Naval Diving team and a Special Force's Diving Squad have been deployed. At 3:00 PM it was discovered an unmark Nuclear Submarine had crashed down into the Deutsche Sea, and it seems debris had fallen onto it, and over 10,000 different animals and fruits were found under the ocean belonging to the Cargo ship, 34 Bodies were found, with the Captain having an unknown but eastern Insignia of a Special Forces unit. At 4:00 PM Three Navy Cruisers, a Destroyer 4 Submarines and 2 Helicopters began dropping bombs and searching the area to find any other vessels. The DeustchReich Imperial Navy has warned all Cargo Ships about these events, and has sent Ships to guard the Cargo Ships. The Ministry Of Defense has sent a message to all nations asking if they have lost contact with a Cargo Ship, or a Nucelar Submarine. Naval Divers are still trying to search The Cargo ship and the Submarine as we speak. Coast Gurad Helicopter Rescuers trying to save the Cargo Ship The Sinking ship in the middle of the night The Ship had almost sunk by the time The Coast Guard got there A Underwater Explosion
  19. The DeustchReich is happy this criminal has been brought to justice and congratulates the Seekers for their amazing task
  20. The DeuschReich is sorry for not changing the nation roster, however we do not want to intrude on nations, and make them feel pressured to host an Exercise, however we can change the location to your nation, But The DeustchReich also wants to have 3 naval exercises, One in the North Sea, One in the Black Sea, and one in the South China Sea, The DeustchReich would like to ask if you would like to hold the Exercise? In a statement to DeustchReich24 Angela Merkel stated "The Negotiations and talks are currently going well, and we are going through some tough and important topics that will increase and make OCSO much better" Minister of Defense Imperator Rommel said "As of right now we are not revealing details of all our Exercise, however we plan to have a global OCSO Excseries with Naval Drills from the pacific to Military Manuaevers in The Middle East" We will increase and broaden our Military Exercises"
  21. The DeustchReich is also sending in Aid and medical supplies/personnel to help with The Displaced people
  22. Breaking News: Foreign Relations DeustchReich Ambassador and Embassy staff to The People of North Ember have been recalled back to The DeustchReich Angela Merkel spent the evening with her friend Empress Armaryllis and First Princes Lucia in her northern resort Angela Merkel and her son Hans Merkel are currently staying in The Kingdom of Wintery as part of her Asian Trip to The Communist Japan, and New Deutschland Breaking News: Opening of New DeustchReich Planes starting flying to New Deutschland bringing in Military and Civilian Personnel, This brings the total population to over 400,000 people The German Architecture Company GArt has been relocated to New Deutschland New Deutschland is becoming a major economic and tourism zone Current News: OCSO Meeting Ambassadors from Hequ and Chernigov arrived at the OCSO Headquarters in Berlin, DeustchReich FSB Agents were on standby to assist, and the People Road that goes through all of Berlin was closed off for the motorcade, They meet with Foreign Minister Von Klause and Minister of Defense Rommel to discuss the current Terrorism situation in The DeustchReich Military News: Terrorism in The DeustchReich Over 100 People have been killed in Red related violence Soldiers have been given order to Shoot on site Military Soldiers presence increased throughout The DeustchReich with the current 3 Terrorism War The Red Devisl-The Reds- The Commie Killers The Ministry Of Defense posted a link on their website to send and tips or warnings of impending attacks or information "We will not be intimidating by these terror groups and will end their campaign " Acting Field Marshal Mikeal Müller the acting assigned leader to Heersgruppe Deutsch responsible for policing duties in the DeustchReich. Government News, Will the Communist Party survive Hundreds of Thousands gathered outside public spaces in mass protests against The Communist Party, they have begun assaulting members of The Communist Party, A petition received over 2 Million signators calling for the dissolution of The Communist Party A member of The Communist Party said "This is insane, we can not go outside without being harassed, we are not safe in our house or outside, This is why The Reds were created, I do not endorse them but they were formed because The government does nothing to help us An Emergency Meeting was held by Vice Chancellor Ellan Von der Kühn and 300 senators excluding the Communist Party and A majority of Deutschland First members were not invited, the topic of their meeting is unknown A minister of The Communist Party said, "This is stupid, if the Communist Party is dissolved a civil war will ensue and destroy the DeutchReich" A group of Protesters said that "The Commie Killers has been formed, we will protect the DeustchReich people and our beliefs and values from these Communist Dogs who threaten our nation" "If the Communist Party is not dissolved we will do it for them" Communist Related violence has increase to 90% of all crime Communist Owned properties and stores were burned in the DeustchReichs Capital DeustchReich24 is sorry for this late and short post, the Orgininal Post was deleted by a hacking group or internal sabotager We promise to make a better edition next time and will increase our cyber security German Special Forces arresting a terorist planning to blow up a government building German Soldiers and Police in a firefight between The Reds, Commie Killers and Police/Soldiers Mass Protest outside a government complex Attack on the Communist Party Headquarter Protester attacking Communist Party workers and people
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