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Posts posted by Kurdanak

  1. 12 hours ago, Mayor said:

    No wonder Kurdanak stopped doing the alliance rankings, he saw what his score was and then spent the next several years trying to increase his score through meme posts. Everything is starting to make sense now.

    My post count is like 50% APR and welcome forum posts/general niceties from when I was active back in the day, 48% shitposting, and 2% actually representing Rose. :P 

    Interesting spreadsheet! A testament to becoming an alliance leader and only posting when necessary, if you're aiming for that attractive quality>quantity, lol.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Comrade Joe said:

    But it also let Afrika Korps exist which was literally a direct branch of the !@#$ military. So uneven moderation has not only allowed this problem to exist, but also flourish. 

    Fair enough, hence the "to some extent" - luckily the Afrika Korps problem took care of itself. Clean Wehrmacht myth sort of ridiculous nonsense is an unfortunately a recurring theme, though, yeah. I don't believe there are any alliances still in existence that explicitly theme along those lines, at least, but it certainly perpetuates the problem that there had been in the first place.

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  3. On 3/13/2021 at 8:48 PM, Sargun said:

    do y'all remember when CN got targeted because nordreich used Norway's flag in a recruitment video and Norway thought it was !@#$ propaganda?

    for anyone not in the know, this was in 2007.  nordreich, a weird shitty "german nationalist" alliance that "questions historical events" under "freedom of speech" made a recruitment video on youtube and they ended up taking the video down anyway after a lot of pressure.  and it turned out a lot of members were ... the exact kind of people you'd expect to end up in an alliance of that type.

    IC and OOC have never been separate in nation sims.  it's fourteen years later and there are new nordreichs and there are new people who flock to nordreichs because they appeal to them.  people like akuryo, people like nordreichs, they're always gonna be here and they're always gonna have their shitty little niches as long as we tolerate them.

    so what i like to do is not tolerate them.  and i think this game and whatever successor games in the future would be better off if we didn't tolerate them.  and it's really weird to see this thread about people defending an admitted fascist because they outed other fascists.  like, purging ranks of people who believe the same way you do but for a different party is literally textbook.  so very clearly there's no redemption to be had here, it's just some more nordreich shit we've been dealing with since 2007, and it's stunning that this game full of fully grown adult people haven't just grasped that this sort of intolerance has to, paradoxically, not be tolerated.

    this is a very bad look for whatever dumb alliance COTL is but it's also a bad look for anyone in this community who doesn't try to push these bad actors out.  IC and OOC have never been separate, no matter how hard we've tried to pretend they are.  we wear a facade for roleplaying but people have been taking this shit personally for a long, long time.  it's better to just own up to it and kick the shitters out than to pretend we need to tolerate their garbage.

    In P&W's defense, to some extent, Nordreich did come to P&W as well during Beta in 2013/14 and were promptly banned! CN provided a great case study of what not to do there. :P (that said, agreed)

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  4. 9 hours ago, Mayor said:

    Although what he says is true, old Kurd here is just trying to protect his secret winning strategy and I don't blame him one bit for trying to hide it. His true strategy is to save all the memes he can from everything he reads and expertly deploy them later on in basically any hot thread. His collection is truly unparalleled and he has admitted to this already. You can also confirm this for yourself; he will read every single thread and post you make and has a meme prepared for any situation. His advice here is good for second place and he knows it, but the memes are his specialty so don't let him fool you.

    posting opsec smh


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  5. On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 AM, Xaria said:

    HOW DID YOU GET UPVOTES FROM THAT wtf this is witchcraft



    Also, for a more serious answer re: OP - there was a solid 3-4 year gap where I didn't post much, if at all, and I still don't compared to the first few years of P&W's existence, so most of my reputation comes from said first few years. Like SRD said, that was accomplished mainly just by posting a lot and for long enough to become recognizable (in a positive way, that is). Not spam, just general responses, jokes, and otherwise that are even slightly above average. Be active and opportunistic, but don't try too hard (i.e. making 100 threads). Some posts are hits, some fall flat - but ultimately, it doesn't really matter, I just do this for shits and giggles/my own amusement. If you find intrinsic value in the experience, it's worth posting on the forums. 

    An additional route aside from being a major alliance leader (because only crazy people do that by choice), contribute value to the community in some way. Ripper used to rake in a ton of positive rep from his P&W comics, for example. Your poem thread was also good! 

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