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Everything posted by Rozalia

  1. I diplomatically tried to sort the situation several times, even as Queen_M pushed it more and more. It became clear enough that Queen showed such disrespect towards us and our protection as they felt that we would roll over and take it. They get their hits, Kosmo makes his thread calling us Nazi sympathiser cowards, and you're all very happy. However I take sticking to my word very seriously so you got countered. Many alliances would have hit you much sooner, such as the moment you decided that after agreeing to not spy them declaring wars instead. Again. I get it, you guys think paperless is an easy target, unlike Acadia who seems to put the fear in you all. However if you thought the Roz would be scared of Stratagem because you had Fark and friends then you were clearly quite mistaken. And if you knew I wouldn't, then hitting us was all part of the plan.
  2. Oh and so people don't get the wrong idea:
  3. You have shattered in-game/RL barrier. Are doing some sort of progressive Jihad. I say X about progressives all the time OOC (notice how it never mattered to me in-game). I'm going to throw said stuff at progressives. However this is merely a distraction on your end at the end of the day, not that is your intention but what it results in. The actual important thing is the evidence in relation to the harassment Queen M reports to have received. None of which has been provided, while SIR actually has evidence of harassment from Queen M herself.
  4. You need to understand that when you break the RL-in-game barrier like that then I'm going to make RL political statements too in return as I have no reason to handicap myself and continue playing by rules the other side clearly is not. That side is infested with anti-white racist types as I've posted on many times in the past. So yeah, you apologised, however why would that matter in relation to the rest of your boys? Gabranth has apologised too now, does that mean something in relation to others?
  5. The first two arcs were rushed out so you got big issues with animation, the fighting is generally horrible, and other problems. Both arcs exist as movies which you can watch instead and... get most of it. Someone on youtube actually combined the two, taking the best parts from the series and movie. Champa arc is where we finally got new content as the first two were retellings of two movies. It becomes more interesting certainly as we get more new characters and Hit is an interesting opponent. Future Trunks is where most people will say the anime really got good. So you could watch the two movies and then start ep 28 if you wanted. Battle of the Gods Saga (Episodes 1-14) Resurrection of F Saga (Episodes 15-27) Champa Saga (Episodes 28-46) Future Trunks Saga (Episodes 47-76) Universal Survival Saga (Episodes 77-) Note that there is "filler", quotes as technically nothing is filler, just that people tend to mark "slice of life" eps as filler between each arc. The Universal Survival Saga also has a lengthy recruitment period which some people really don't like even though they are character focused and provide development (people want the big shoot bangs and all that) instead of seeing Krillin overcome dark spirits in the shape of previous villains (some of which have killed him). Though special mention goes to the Copy Vegeta mini saga as some call it where... yeah... it ain't great and comes off as very fillery. The point is that "I'm memeing" is such an easy go to. Not all people will believe that you are.
  6. Oh and by the way. Your side is the one that said memeing was not a defence when it came to the likes of Gabranth. I merely hold you by your own standards.
  7. You keep posting these but not the choke? I was telling Ardito that one man/one woman was a social thing that happened, believe I also said it was communism which he hates. I put it in the vein of "redistributing the booty" however the message of the comment was no joke.
  8. See folks. They have these saved screenshots (seen that one before fella) of my talk on my love for women of all kinds, actually on record saying I prefer non-white women and yet... they cannot provide screenshots from what they claim is several events of harassment of Queen M on their own servers? How is it they have for months saved material on me (this comes up now and then) and yet did not manage it with SIR? It doesn't make sense. Edit: For those wondering for the context on just how that comes about. Believe I was talking to Gabranth/far-right and telling them they'd love non-white women. Man, what evil.
  9. Gabranth tried that defence with you fellows, guess how it went?
  10. We got this gem just now. Starbuck's response to it is to post images of out of context statements where I'm destroying the far-right, because attacking people defeating the arguments of the far-right by showing how wrong it is... is smart? Anyway, no extra context needed there on mine above.
  11. So Krieg has evidence of the things that Queen M and Kosmo say happened but they just happened to delete before saving. He is free to show it if the case, but all that sounds off. Sounds more like you're referring to the Iron Guard stuff (he even said his stuff was July or whatever it was), so Krieg does not have evidence of the stuff that went down that Queen M is claiming. I've provided evidence of your sides harassment and also provided the logs in full to show exactly what was said and wasn't as Queen_M was trying to spin that she was reasonable and I was, to quote, like a child. I like the fact that every time you try you only dig the hole deeper. Do you think what you said there actually supports your side in this? Foolishness.
  12. The response when you have absolutely nothing.
  13. So Krieg has evidence of the things that Queen M and Kosmo say happened but they just happened to delete everything before saving. He is free to show it if the case, but all that sounds off. Sounds more like you're referring to the Iron Guard stuff (he even said his stuff was July or whatever it was), so Krieg does not have evidence of the stuff that went down that Queen M is claiming. Smith's thing was a little over 2 weeks before SIR was even an alliance. I've provided evidence of your sides harassment and also provided the logs in full to show exactly what was said and wasn't as Queen_M was trying to spin that she was reasonable and I was, to quote, like a "child", so people are now able to judge how true that is. It was about the fact that it would have repeated if resolved in an incomplete manner and you'll just hit RW next time instead of hoping intimidation is enough. SIR agreed that it would not be fair for us to be in the middle of this little Jihad. Oh well, we are now certainly and are the ones taking all the hits. The message seems simple enough. "We want to harass people out of the game. We have intimidated people up to now in pursuit of this, however now we're going to make an example of Roz Wei to show that you let us harass or we destroy you".
  14. Because the likes of Kosmo is just such a trustworthy account. He isn't heavily biased and out on his little Jihad or anything. If I get some friends to back me up on something I have no evidence on does that make it true? Again, your sort is in the business of putting together these cases against people. The claim that you guys failed to get evidence in not one, but several cases, but we should totally take your word for it is nonsense.
  15. Black men in America are... 6.3% of the pop and are 40% of the cases looking at it. 78% of said cases coming from male to male infection. They are also less likely to get treatment. https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/healthdisparities/africanamericans.html#HIV However as she didn't raise the issue in those cases you have to trust that said men were not Homosexual/Bisexual (Bisexual is iffy, is "pay for gay" really enough to deem someone a Bisexual? Many would say no). Heterosexual men are only 15% (wonder what defines the 7% left over...) of cases among black men which would reduce the total 40% (which includes gay black men) to 6% which matches their pop numbers. This still actually still means over representation when you compare them to other groups, but being Homosexual/Bisexuals is very much the big factor.
  16. It is funny that for all their talk and their little Jihad. The "Nazi sympathisers" in KT and Acadia are allowed to continue to exist in game... maybe they want to first harass out the people they "sympathise" with first and then they'll put the bullet in the "sympathisers"... then again... a lot of people who aren't KT and Acadia have been sympathising here... oh boy, a lot of bullets are going to have to be put in people. I can see it now: Queen M: Nexa racially attacked me on mine and Fark's server. Kosmo, Starbuck, others: We have no evidence oddly I know, but we totally vouch so lets harass and drive Nexa from the game.
  17. Not what I said at all, however muddying things up and trying to make me sound crazy is exactly what Nuke Bloc is here to do. Got to try and stop the rot of rep you're taking. What? SIR doesn't post on here, the latest for a long time was the posts in the goodbye thread of Gabranth. Gabranth himself posted, but he wasn't SIR. They also don't exist on a lot of discord servers, even the KT server they largely stopped. The key difference is there is a Jihad against one, and not against the other. Also this harassment talk you guys are on has no evidence provided for it, while SIR has evidence of Queen_M and others harassing them when they want to be left alone. Heck, lets bring up one of the things that Queen_M cites as them starting to "harass" her. The bit where she cites a screenshot that is "3 of 6", which the rest she refused to give me. Apparently this was where they decided to "harass" her and if they hadn't done this then she could have left it. The above is nothing and Queen M seriously tried to use it. Why? Because she doesn't it seems have any evidence of anything else. The likes of Kosmo is not a source I'm going to believe. On the other hand there is plenty of Queen M, Kosmo, and so forth's harassment. When did harassment become acceptable? As I deem progressivism disgusting does this mean I am just if I start getting people together to run you lot out of the game too? They bring RL into things and decide to put the bullet in me too and I'm supposed to... just let it go? Nah. Doesn't work like that. They made it a RL thing so now they have to deal with it as a RL thing. If this is stopped here and now then they will simply destroy someone else in future for these RL political grudges. Oh no, X said something about how illegals should be deported in a politcal channel. We need to destroy him for it in game.
  18. Of course you want it private, doesn't reflect good on you when people see how this went. You claim otherwise, and seem to think that if Nuke Bloc comes in here saying the same that everybody has to swallow it down, but you'd be wrong. Your people are well noted for the saving of such material to use later down the line in your little Jihad and what I've been told is not once, but several times, you and your friends failed to save material that would be a killshot on SIR (the stuff in the servers involving yourself). Instead I'm supposed to believe the cited words of Kosmo, Starbuck, and other possessed people. You think that "hey these are bad people so you got to believe me" counts for anything? It doesn't. Ibrahim is a bad dude. If someone told me he started racially harassing someone I'd still need evidence of such a thing. What stops you using this complete lack of evidence against anybody? Pick anybody in this thread. Claim they racially attacked you on your server. Evidence? Don't need anybody but he totally did it and is a bad dude. That may work for the likes of Kosmo who says that evidence is not required, but it is for most people. Who has given this right to pass judgement to the progressives? If the Conservative player base reduces and lets say packs itself in a few alliances, will they be deemed next to be ran out of the game for their racism/sexism/insert ism? When they're gone will the Liberals finally get the bullet too? This is why I don't bring RL into things, it is a total mess when people start pushing political grudges into the game. "Filth". That is the word you used to describe those against the breaking down of the two realms that exist.
  19. Nothing hypocritical. You and your fellows have broken that line and I'm supposed to still maintain it? Please. As people have heard. They spent months on Acadia, sending them all this "evidence". When it comes to me, nothing, Kosmo threatening RW once offhand is literally it on the matter. Only after they start hitting with spy attacks does a dialogue happen and that is one initiated by me and then nothing is ever provided. Kosmo who is very involved here even tells me on our server that they need provide no evidence, heck it was "infringing on their sovereignty" apparently. Am I supposed to just believe them? People who are possessed, have been harassing and it appears are willing to do anything... they wouldn't lie to me? I'm supposed to believe super biased people? If this happened regarding Queen_M, heck from the sounds of it there were several events even, then why was no screenshot taken? Am I expected to believe that they wouldn't? Had they shown evidence of this, SIR acting in such a manner and racially abusing Queen_M on her in-game server, then what happens after is natural. However they didn't. All I see is a group that acted as they did as they were very much into hitting RW too. If I had backed down in the face of all the disrespect then they'd have instead simply posted a thread on here stating that the "Nazi sympathisers" are cowards and blah blah blah, heck in Kosmo's words here it wouldn't even have stopped an attack. So RW was getting hit regardless I'm guessing, unlike Acadia, who they would have liked to, but are too cowardly to do so. I protected the 3 Islamists for months. Not once did anyone raise an issue. Some hate speech can be tolerated it seems. You say they still get hit, sure, when they become raid targets, so largely like anyone else would be. Shifty is the only one who has posted here that said women's right to vote should be repealed. He ain't relevant to the matter so why bring this up?
  20. You should, Super has only improved as time has gone on. Goku is currently facing down the biggest oddzs he has ever had to try and overcome. Jiren the Grey, Ayy Lmao himself, is stronger than the concept of time itself and even after attaining his new Ultra Instinct ability Goku was still beat, while Jiren was holding back too. Will Goku really be able to hit the Attitude Adjustment after getting beat up the whole match and pin Jiren for the 1-2-3? Can he even lift up someone so big and tough? Edit: Huh... considering the villain to hero ratio... Goku does in fact hit literal Attitude Adjustments to people... only the EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE/DREAD/EVIL himself has resisted it, but you know he is slipping currently. I can't find it right now but someone drew Frieza as Pan's father figure in the vein of Piccolo to Gohan. One day, one day, Frieza will find goodness in his heart.
  21. They were dropped as both sides could not come to a conclusion in their feud and I had no intention of being in the middle of this little social war of yours. Naturally, it is the progressives who put the bullet in me. Unlike yourselves I actually have taken on Nazi arguments in large numbers and taken them down far harder than any of you ever could. There was no aggression on our end, we defended our protectorate after numerous attempts at a diplomatic solution. Out of context. It refers to planning hits, "moves', and what have you. SIR was founded on October 26th. In addition that doesn't appear to be one of these "raids", one could have been going on, but nothing on the shown person being the one responsible. Such people spam, they don't spend time to highlight people and argue some point. The context of that discussion is also not stated, could be political. In addition whatever may have happened with TKR, they cite other events which they then did not and seem cannot provide evidence for. I ask in the logs themselves, that if there is a killshot then just present it. I have long been aware that at some point, these SJWs and their "sympathisers" as that is the in word right now would come gunning for me. I am not part of a group like the Conservatives so putting the bullet in me is manageable enough for them. They hate how their attempts to call me a racist and all their other words simply have no effect. They hate that Stabuck for example can ask me if I want to chain women up, and I can respond happily that yeah I do enjoy tying women up... and smacking them... and spitting in their face... choking them... so on. Puritans like this deal in shame, and I see none in sweet love. Very liberal if that is the word like that on such matters. So anyway, they spent in Kosmo's words, months working on Acadia because they feared hitting them, but not a single day working on me. Kosmo once threatened me with destruction in late October and then said no more... and that was it. These SJWs have been utterly destroyed by me again and again, and their sympathisers such as those in Alpha, well one will soon be deported for daring to challenge the Roz for a start so them too when they dare. What can I say, the Roz is too smart for his own good perhaps when it comes to humiliating and destroying these types and their mad views. Note that I have long been destroying the far-right and the Islamists in the past, however there is a ironic, due to Social Justice, and key difference between them and these people here today. Those groups have no power whatsoever, zero. These guys however, different, they are backed, they are seen as acceptable, when as said for all this talk of the seriousness of racism they will go around shouting kill all whites after they have preached to you. Imagine for a second a Islamist or Fascist/Nazi alliance trying to drive people from the game, now think how quickly they'd get obliterated for it regardless of treaties. So these people, no longer content with just pushing for getting me warned for "racism" for stuff like the 4 wives thread, have taken their real life politics into the game and have began meting out punishments, attempts to drive people from the game. My personality is not unknown, I'm not going to kowtow to these threats especially when they make such evidence-less backed statements (they have form politically in that may I add) and treat me with such disrespect. They knew this would happen no doubt and it was exactly what they wanted. Pathetic are the people who have to bring such RL stuff into the game because they cannot win when it comes to actually putting forth their ideas. You can destroy as much in-game infra as you want, but nothing will stop the fact that your ideas, your movements, your politics, will end up in the dustbin of history in good time.
  22. https://pastebin.com/T27nWat6 As Queen M states there is nothing wrong in the logs I thought I'd share. She can thank me later.
  23. My arguments against you people are well known. For all the bluster you won't do the same to Muslims/Islamists due to how it all works for you guys. It is why your side's anti-white racism comes so naturally. #NotAll obviously but some of you certainly are, and no push back is given against them.
  24. The Communist people privately tend to not be that bad, in game, as far as I know. The comparable ones are the Islamic guys who support ISIS. Where is the campaign against SK threatening them to drop protection? Oh wait, there isn't and never will be one.
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