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Charles Bolivar

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Everything posted by Charles Bolivar

  1. Perhaps you should take your own advice and read all of the forum replies. You might find a post from me earlier on the first page 👍
  2. It doesn't really tell me anything I didn't know already. Editing it to emphasise relevance might be a good idea 👍
  3. Who is the intended audience of this topic anyway? We get it, you don't like the war reasoning 🤷‍♂️
  4. Solution: destroy the treaty web and shred it entirely. Before we can create a new multi-polar world we must first destroy this one.
  5. Whilst tS did jump sides midway through the war when IQ became paranoid/worried/ ( insert whatever irrational thought suits you best), their failure to steadfastly stand by TKR earlier in the war when NPO approached tS in looking the other way whilst IQ subverted TKR's interests is a somewhat other matter. Granted the snake wasn't around much then by his own words and kayser was running the ship at that point in time does lend some form of ethical defence to partisan. What does concern me though if I remember my conversation with partisan correctly, is that when NPO did approach tS about looking the other way whilst NPO took direct/indirect action against TKR's immediate interests , instead of telling NPO where to go and ending the relationship/treaty, tS enabled IQ's war effort by attacking guardian and co. When I asked partisan why this occurred (granted he was not overly active within tS gov actions then so his knowledge may be patchy), his response was, and I hope I remember this correctly but I believe I have the fair gist of it correct, " things were not good between TKR and tS at the time." No doubt likely due to Kayser who conveniently assumes much of the blame for tS shenanigans last war. So, in short , tS didn't immediately abandon IQ when it became clear what IQ was up to. But hey, it looks like tS and TKR patched things up so I suppose it doesn't matter 🤷‍♂️
  6. This is true. So true. Entirely true. Could be nothing but true 🤣 Also sup man. Long time! Is it -3 or -5 stability for defending without a CB again? Apologies, I forget.
  7. God emperor doesn't sound bad actually. Old relic emperor might be better though, hard to tell 🤷‍♂️ there is one title I am missing out on though and I am wondering on how I can get it. Any advice on how to get the " I sold out to NPO and all I got was my allies rolled and this lousy t-shirt?" That was the subject of our conversation that night and apparently I was terrible and silly for not knowing the finer details behind a bunch of sell-outs well...selling out? But hey...good luck with the war👍
  8. Oh you mean when I called tS out over the hypocrisy shown towards Camelot, then had good ol fashioned fun trolling your discord ruffling a few feathers in the process before moving on to better pastures? Sure, I remember that. But of course, feel free to spin it as you please. That's all you can do after all at this moment in time 👍
  9. You would have to ask them. I'm apparently just some old washed up relic from a bygone era after all. What would I know? 🤷‍♂️ If I had to guess though, I presume their CB would be almost identical to the one utilised by tS. You know, responding to an imminent threat and all that which they are entirely allowed to do in much the same manner as tS. Goose, gander, whatever the rest of the phrase is.
  10. Pretty sure the attacking party provides the CB last I checked 👍
  11. So the official propaganda line moving forward is basically.....? How wonderfully constructive 👍
  12. I think you have summed it up pretty well. Hallomony war.
  13. What a topic. Aside from the the typical and usual adversarial nature of this forum, I have to say I find this conversation to be simply hilarious. Groups on both sides attempting to claim some nonsensical moral superiority when the truth is both sides are simply responding to the perceived and implied threat posed within the opposing sphere All in the game, yo. And with that we can now return to our scheduled broadcast of No U!!
  14. I think you need to give up Buo. Clearly you will never amount to much in his eyes. I mean how could you even approach his level of competency and care for community when you haven't pulled off anything aproaching this level of brilliance. Deja vu perhaps?
  15. Oh I have seen the basis or have been informed of the relevant particulars at least. What I have been priviy to just reminds me there is a fine distinction between the amusing and the petty. Feel free to share and vent though 👍
  16. Oh I wasn't attempting anything. Just merely commenting upon some emotional tantrum throwing which I found to be quite distasteful.
  17. Sheesh, that's a bit rough don't you think? Buo's community building couldn't have been that bad considering half of TGH post disbandment went to tS, two of whom are members of your gov/depts and I dare say the rest play an active role in your community. I know buo has been getting a bad rap for how he has been, well, his usual hippo self towards a few of them over post TGH drama but discrediting any community he built seems perilously close to discrediting or tarnishing these upstanding former horde members who now call tS home (whom I wish well in all their endeavours and also whom I hope I do not have to fight during this war.) But do what you feel 🤷‍♂️
  18. All in the game, yo. Or would you have us believe you haven't been engaged in the same planning, plotting and scheming since the start of the NAP?
  19. You started this little mud fight. Perhaps you are asking the wrong people?
  20. I suppose we should have just let you look after our collective interests and decide what is best for us? Spoken like a true hegemon 🤣
  21. Halloween war suits me though Knightmare before Christmas is a good one someone else nominated.
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