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Everything posted by Prefonteen

  1. https://tenor.com/view/taylor-swift-boxing-angry-bite-gif-4827361
  2. Nice buzzword. What's next, oRgAniC SpLitS? It's painful that you are entirely oblivious to the most basic of concepts. This is not about (my) comprehension. It's about how organizations and cross-organizational relationships work. Authority is not something you can just swich on and off. Perceived authority is something one tends to be mindful of due to the impact it can have on your position. Must be that darned echo chamber again.
  3. Do you understand the definition of irony? You're gov; whether you want it or not, people will attribute your opinion to your alliance. I'm not claiming not to be representative of the alliance I help lead. What exactly is ironic? You're quite literally concluding that "SYNDI MUST HAVE ITS ENTIRE ALLIANCE GAGGED BECAUSE THEY SAY THINGS I DONT LIKE", and then calling that an "IQ similarity". IQ had historical tendencies to avoid the OWF, to call anything its opposition said "pRoPaGaNdA", to consistently reference abstract concepts like "echo chambers", to contradict itself constantly, to try to pull diplomacy into backrooms while shoving a narrative of lies through the throats of it member bases etcetera etcetera. What they did not do, where possible, was make public threads or statements.
  4. Or maybe people are just agreeing on the things you're saying being dumb. We don't get to decide what your policies are, no. But the way your government members (you included) present themselves in public most certainly impacts your relations with both us and other parties, as well as whatever political decisions flow from there. Quack = IQ tally: twenty-something. Get a grip.
  5. @HeroofTime55 Let's be fair to Ronny. He did give the truth there, and he has also been truthful in private. The issue is that others in his coalition are outright denying that truth.
  6. Yeah no. You're high gov. Fa even iirc? Correct me if I'm wrong on that please. Either way, you represent your alliance whether you want to or not. And right now you're doing so in a way that is undermining your boss' diplomatic efforts.
  7. @Lord TyrionPlease clarify which of you two is representing TI's view on things. Are you bs-ing us or is your dog off his leash?
  8. Reread my post. I told tyrion to knock it off or continue the conversation after (publically) reviewing logs. He opted to engage in dm, so I stuck to exactly what I said I would do.
  9. Ah yes. Another "We didn't mean it like that!!?!" to throw on the pile. Carry on
  10. read the quote again. It speaks of curbing quacks growth. The only way to do that is through war. It also speaks of not waiting for us to break up. Same thing on the "fighting" bit.
  11. This quote literally underlines a lot of the things we've been saying?
  12. I have learned nothing this war, but that you are all cowards and I need to be less nice.
  13. I want a new ronny friend. This one is broken
  14. idk man. Your whale hegemony looks like it could beat our top tier pretty well if you got the first shot off. That aside; I don't think we look like the hegemonic horde you seem to be reading into this.
  15. Food for thought on the last paragraph: On the flip side you could say the same; our decision to hit tcw is irrelevant due to the pre-existenve of the swamp-hm agreement. That's something that's been brought to me in private a good few times. I think shiho noted how we assessed it at the time already: We anticipated HM and TCW to be 100% involved, and our plans revolved around a highest likelyhood of 2/3 of the spheres entering. For perspective: The idea of hitting *just* HM was floated briefly as well. It would have been a more convenient way to force any such coalition to choose between revealing secret treaties or steering clear. It would also have been a dogpile and a shitty war. We chose not to, part for ideological reasons, part because it'd be inconsistent with our CB (the log). I personally regret that now :P. A post by mayor is different from an official alliance stance. Similarly, hearing the same thing repeated in discord channels and threads (in different words) is generally indicative of a general consensus among an alliance or side. The thing is, that every time we bring up statements that contradicted earlier statements (from leadership), or graphs to counterpoint claims of our size, we're thrown another argument inspired by well, little more than feeling or perception I guess? Are you certain cooper is not calling out the leaders who made these deals? As noted above and by shiho: Our reasonable estimate/expectation was 2/3 entering/being true. Fewer and more were possibilities we obviously had contingencies for, but the 2/3 was the expectation (or hope). At least, when we made the call to militarize. The logs suggested HM/TCW were aboard for sure. Swamp/Rose were still both more ambiguous, and so we had to rely on our own assessment. Though our expectations were met (and suspicions confirmed) we did not have *that* benefit of hindsight when we made the call. I'll note that as the week went by, we increasingly viewed 3/3 as a likelihood. By the time we pulled the trigger, we were 99% certain both rose and swamp would enter (based mostly on deduction and assessment of posture + movements). Im not sure what else to say Hodor.
  16. You've literally stated: "If we had the whole game vs quack, we're down to roll them" is what this boils down to. The log was enough for us to act on. You validated it. Friend Ronny... I much prefer focusing on green prosperity with you.
  17. I appreciate your enthusiasm phoenyx, and I'm doing my best to interact with your questions and suppositions in a way that corrects mistakes but does not demotivate. With that said, there is history dating back several years underlying some of the rifts and events that eventually culminated in this war. Between both groups and individuals. Your attempts at understanding the here and now is not going to be the catalyst to peace. Peace will usually eventually be hashed out in some smokey backroom on discord by a handful of representatives and then announced for the world to see. You can view forums as one side of the FA coin. Private conversations are the other half. Usually the latter is where decisions are made and the former is the polished public branding meant to generate support for those decisions. When it comes to the why and how this war started: its unlikely people will come forward about their own duplicity as that goes against one's interest. And so we are doing this public dance. If you really want to understand both sides of the conflict, I do invite you to find me on discord and talk to me there. I don't bite.
  18. Once again: the sphinx and Boyce logs were enough to act on as per community precedent in other wars (in which your sphere allies have at those times engaged). Our decision to go to war was further inspired by your allies' hegemony rhetoric dating back all the way to February and separate corrobations from sphinx' ex-fa gov. That's a lot. Lmao. Our decision to do so has postfacto been validated further by the reveal of a network of anti quack treaties, a shitton of contradictions, your public admission that you were approached by swamp but would not commit unless rose joined in, and a line of rhetoric boiling down to "well yeah we did all that but quack too big". The other logs I alluded to with tyrion are in reference to a swamp party having been double dealing for multiple months on a related but different subject, and while controversial in the sense that they heavily impact relations moving forward, that set has no bearing on hm. Tyrion has since hit me up in private and so there has been no prompt to post the logs as I suggested I would if he did not knock it off. Your calls for logs won't change that. 😛 I think you're strongly misinterpreting my views on the political meta as well as the events that have led up to this. 😉
  19. You mean the agreements which I literally announced for the public to see? A publically announced agreement is a wholly different thing than what is being discussed here. Nice strawman though.
  20. So when others attack people for plotting its self defense. When we do it it's aggression 😛
  21. The Frisbee golf was definitely rooted in reality. Its an avg Friday night.
  22. Do you ever think before you post, hippo? NPO had not entered the war by the time t$ joined, and when NPO did join..... t$ left the war, in protest.
  23. Have you looked at camelot Dow yet? 😛
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