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Posts posted by Aqua-Corpsman

  1. 15 minutes ago, Akuryo said:

    Am I the only here sitting here confused trying to figure out if this is a joke or stupid people trying to be serious?

    Hey, you're the one that's confused. 🤷‍♀️

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Urias The Observer said:

    This is side not while reading the comments. However your crime is inexcusable, the German Reich was left wing. The only thing they were right wing on was the social scale but so was Stalinism so its still not an excuse to conflate Nazism with Conservativism when Stalinism held almost entire the same beliefs minus cultural superiority (even with that many Russians did and I think still feel cultural superiority towards the Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Estonians). The German Reich removed property rights given to them by the German constitution, consolidated corporation in 13 companies, dictated what these companies could and couldn't make, stated how much they could charge for the products, the corporation had to get government approval for any expansions, need approval for the usage of resources, and corporation incomes were taxed to where they barely made anything. The Reich also repeatedly increased family subsidies from 39-42, had state sponsored holidays, united all workers unions into one (just like Lenin), had rent control and price controls, tried collectivizing responsibly of German peasant farmers debts among all peasant farmers, and hell the even had !@#$ Commissars. In the clubs and association also were forced to conform to the government regulations and requirements and made the individual subserviently to the community those are anti-right beliefs. The Reich was a massive failure when when it came to implementing fully socialism because they wanted to do it after conquer lebensraum, living space, in the east because they need the resources to do as such. Because, they failed does not discount everything else they did and did not mean they were on the right at all. They were failures not right winger. 
    (side note within side not but most modern Reich-winger are still on the left from everything I have researched)

    the new york politician at the restaurant. 

    You have my approval 👍

    Also, I'd like to note, Stalin died almost consequently because he had all the Jews within 100 miles executed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_the_Soviet_Union#Jews. The Chinese as well prosecute minorities, and literally have concentration camps https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/16/world/asia/china-xinjiang-documents.html. The Vietnamese are hardly communist, they are just a disaster, but they also persecuted minority ethnic groups https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_the_Montagnard_in_Vietnam. I am unsure of any mal-doing in Cuba, but, again, it's a tropical resort island. Maybe a large missile carrier at best. Communism has never and will never work simply because nobody except the people that want to abuse the system truly want to live under that system. Mixed economy can be discussed, even social democracy. But communism at its premise can and will not work and trying to make it work should be held in equal scrutiny to trying to make fascism work. It doesn't. Give up.

    Collectivism sucks, embrace individualism.

    Also that NY politician is Mr. Cuomo, who is literally a gremlin. I had some respect for him at the beginning of the pandemic, but he squashed it. He was elected by the city, not NY state at large. The bureaucrats in Albany and NYC can whine all they want, he isn't my governor.  

    This post was made by Objectivism gang.

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  3. 1 hour ago, KiWilliam said:

    Add the option for secret bounties. Only paid out once the conditions are met, but you don't know what the conditions are/how much it is. Maybe just hide the payment. Seems like that would be funny. And I think humor is the highest virtue for deciding these sorts of things.

    Meh. It defeats the point of a bounty. Bounties are meant to entice people to attack someone, not give someone a gift for winning.

    Buuut, bounties are almost pointless. Im not saying remove them, but only pirates would ever go after them and most people with bounties are whales and the war will be very costly. No real way to fix this, it's just how the game has evolved.

    Fricken civilization smh, return to monke.

  4. 1 hour ago, dtc justice said:

    You're in spy range of a massive portion of pnw tbf, and unless you have a sheet that tracked everyone online both times, you're stuck in confirmation bias by seeing some of them online


    I also wouldn't say 200 maximum, as there is currently 230 on

    At day change, yes. The spy attacks happened at 2 low activity times of day.

    But also idc anymore lol. This was a overzealous joke that you somehow got defensive over. The book was open then closed really quick, and that's all there is to it. I did indeed have a sheet of paper, on which I wrote down a lot of names. Not all. Hence why I did not say this was convicting evidence. But I did it enough that as the motives lined up the alibis faltered. 

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hate ASM anyways so its not like this changed anything other than provide me with something to do.

  5. On 1/29/2021 at 10:59 PM, dtc justice said:

    Oh you don't know how to switch war policy? Let me explain, you simply click on edit, and you can change it there 😀

    There'd HUNDREDS of people on covert, you wouldn't be able to sift through and say it's that person just because they're on covert, without any evidence. And yes, basically everyone with half a brain who wanted to spy you off of 60, with being undetected would swap to covert. 

    Oh, I guess you didn't realize that there is a timer between policy changes. That's okay 😜 

    False. There are only 200 people on at any given time. Considering the people I suspected were also on both times and were within my range was a giveaway. 

    *200 at a maximum

  6. 4 hours ago, Gudea said:

    You just lied, my friend. I never said anything about sending Trump supporters to work camps. Those guilty of plotting, inciting, and/or engaging in an act of Insurrection, yes. You need to read more carefully, or are you intentionally misquoting me?

    In case you're unaware, the hard labor sentence does still exist, and not in work camps. Ever heard of Leavenworth? Maybe Mannheim is still around too. Your above paraphrase is, shall we say....somewhat inaccurate.

    By the way, I did not now, nor have I ever, reported anyone's comments to moderators. If you're having problems with someone, what do I have to do with it? Involving me in the spat mentioned on this thread was probably not one of your best ideas. But...OK. Have it your way.....

    Actually, I had to look up the weird term "pogue". It seems to be synonymous with what we used to call a "Remf", which I can't define for you due to Rules. Besides, "Pogue" is a Navy term, not Army. So, I'm a "Pogue", huh? I was a U.S. Army Combat Engineer-type "Grunt", 1 ea., and we both know you were being derogatory. It wasn't a good idea for you to admit it on this thread, whilst attempting to cover thy hindquarters at the same time.

    Nobody has to "weaponize the rules" against you. You convict yourself. Look, Slick, in all likelihood, I done my time before your parents ever had a really bad idea. I got out back in 1987. And you refer to me as "boy"?! Gotta tell ya: I wish I was, and know what I know now. And the younger, the better....for lo! I sayeth unto thee to hearken unto the sermons in Mathematics to handleth the Compound Interest Formula, and thou shalt be Well-Heeled, and thou shalt score Much Wealth, such as thou shalt knowest not how to spend! But, again, I'm probably old enough to be your Daddy, and you were trying desperately to be derogatory.

    That being said, I'd rather not see ya hang, get chastised, or have your meal card stamped 'No Dessert'. I've always considered Keyboard Commandos to be good for a laugh; playthings that Divine Providence created for my amusement. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm not the one(s) who make(s) the call(s), either. Nor am I able to speak for other parties. Maybe Alexandra B sees things differently. We've never met, chatted, etc., so I have no idea. Also, I have no idea how many others you tried and failed to irritate with your insolent ad hominem attacks. It doesn't work with me, since I'm an Old School 'Boomer' hard case. Other people still have feelings, or somethin' along those lines I guess.

    Yes, you tried to provoke me with your post. Ya gave it your best shot. You tried. You didn't succeed. Just tried. And, of course, managed to totally fail. But, I'll give ya a Participation Award for Epic Fail. Whether Epic Failure to Provoke is against the Rules or not, I don't really know. I admit I never read the Forum Rules. 

    I'd give you a heart and laugh if I could, just fyi.

    I must have misread about the work camps or I was not paying attention enough to actually read what you said, sorry about that. But I didn't say you reported anyone to moderators, I was pointing out that Alexandra only ever reports my messages even when there are other messages that could be breaking the rules in the same thread.

    Indeed, I did "try to provoke". I guess I could get in trouble for that. And yeah Remf=Pogue pretty much.

  7. 1 minute ago, dtc justice said:

    Oh also, pasky has spy sat which means it's 100% not pasky, kill counts dont add up, you really gotta get better at pointing the finger fam.


    You should maybe look up what confirmation bias is, just because you saw some ASM online during the spy ops, doesn't mean they're guilty. If ASM wanted your spies wiped they would have used 1 of the 5 spy sats they have, and if they wanted to keep it out of the gov...they would have used covert.

    I am aware what confirmation bias is. But you seem very very adamant in defending something that, supposedly, has nothing to do with you. Why is that?

    In case you didn't know, you can't just switch war policy. They'd hardly switch from arcane to covert for one person. Besides, then it'd be too easy to tell who did it.

    Tbh, I was asking Pasky to see if he'd slip up and say who actually did it. Worth a shot lol 

    Im going to sleep. Maybe. Probably not.


  8. Just now, dtc justice said:

    Anyone with 60 spies has the same chance, I guarantee there was at least 50 people outside of ASM online with IA. It wasn't ASM, they know better to swap to covert for spying.

    They didn't swap. They have been on covert. 

    Also, reminder, I was attacked multiple times. The only people who were active both times were ASM. No matter what you say, I am personally positive it was ASM. I do not have any solid evidence which is why I haven't singlehandedly gone on a suicide mission to 1v6 them, but anyone with half a mind knows they did it.

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  9. 1 minute ago, dtc justice said:

    80% ASM when there's probably 200 other people online lol.

    You accused pasky, yet they're on arcane. Why would someone spy you while trying to be sneaky and sit on arcane? Based on that accusation I can say anything you say without legit evidence can't really be taken as valid.

    Your first task should be looking at who's on covert and go from there. Which quite literally, there is ZERO covert from ASM. Try again 

    I did that. No one within range who had the intel project was online at the time and could spy me that had covert. So I concluded they must've done it without. Which, according to my calculations, had an overall ~70% chance of success so it isn't that far fetched.

    Also why are you getting so worked up about this?

  10. Just now, dtc justice said:

    And what proof do you have its ASM?

    have you read this thread?

    I have said there is no solid proof. But all signs point to it being ASM considering I was literally watching when the spy attack came in and I flipped through all the possible nations and landed on a few ASM ones. I forgot which one I concluded was most likely to have done it, but it was after a lot of consideration and (funnily enough) math as I calculated out probability.

    At the end, I concluded there was an 80% chance that it was ASM (or someone from there) that did it

  11. 1 minute ago, dtc justice said:

    this probably came from someone you pissed off recently

    like asm perhaps? or are you saying they are competent?

    if you are, you should make an orbis comedy show.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Redarmy said:

    Is this what's like to live rent free? 

    yah, you should talk to brython about letting people live rent free


    also no, I lost 2.5m and had my nations/alliances sovereignty breached.

    4 minutes ago, dtc justice said:

    You can tell it was a nobody because they did an intel op before hand lol

     Then 3 more assassinations came that day.

    Just now, dtc justice said:

    Could you kindly build up above 3263 score? 

    give me the money to, or kindly shut up

  13. Just now, Pasky Darkfire said:

    What? Are you actually in my spy range? I don't actually do spy ops outside of wars. But if you do find any credible evidence any of ours did it, let me know. I'd have to be the one to reprimand them.

    Hm. If you say so.

  14. On 1/6/2021 at 9:02 PM, BrythonLexi said:

    I can't, in good faith, continue supporting my own report here.  The events of today in the Capitol have stunned me and make me realize the importance of unity instead of difference.

    Do as you wish - be it nothing or not.  But I want to bury hatchets.

    In retrospect, this is as adorable as it is ironic.

    • Downvote 6
  15. Correction, all numbers/odds/data/probability points to ASM. 

    Could some random nobody in a random micro have randomly chosen me to do 3 spy ops on, killing 40 of my spies? Yes. Did they? No.

    I could narrow it down to a few people in ASM that are most likely the culprits.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Nukey6 said:

    I don't think it could have been Menhera since Weebunism have a treaty with CC.

    Correct. I figured it out.

    It's ASM, naturally. Nobody got the bounty.


    Until next time on Neighborhood Watch with Aqua!

  17. Ooh ooh ooh, and you aren't reporting Gudea for wanting to send people who support trump into work camps.

    Or calling "reich-wingers" lunatics.

    I could go on and on. You didn't see me fall down and cry wolf, and I didn't see you do it either.

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