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Join the Orbis International Water Polo Competition

Ekejen Luish

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The Orbis International Aquatic Athletics Competitions Administration is proud to announce the first ever Orbis Water Polo Competition!




We have changed our policies with payment, just to make the prize bigger:


Each nation competing must give $50,000 to compete, and prizes are as follows:




0-9 nations competing: All money is refunded, competition is cancelled

10-19 nations competing: $400,000

20-29 nations competing: $800,000

30-39 nations competing: $1,200,000

40-49 nations competing: $1,600,000

50+ nations competing: $2,000,000



0-9 nations competing: All money is refunded, competition is cancelled

10-19 nations competing: $100,000

20-29 nations competing: $200,000

30-39 nations competing: $300,000

40-49 nations competing: $400,000

50+ nations competing: $500,000



Team Traits:

The following traits are used to decide the winner of each game:

  • Speed - How fast your team can swim
  • Stamina - How long your team can keep playing without getting fatigued
  • Offense - How well you can handle the opponent's defense
  • Defense - How well you can handle the opponent's offense


How is the winner decided?

The winner of each game is decided with this formula:


(Team1Speed+Team1Stamina+Team1Offense+Team1Defense+(Rand. 1-20))-(Team2Speed+Team2Stamina+Team2Offense+Team2Defense+(Rand. 1-20))


The score is decided using two randomly generated numbers; the greater number is the winning team's score, the smaller is the losing team's score.


How do I join?

Join by replying using the following format:



Link to nation

Team Name





The United Provinces of Rekishstein



After that, you must accept the trade offer for 1 food for $50,000 from Rekishstein. If you don't your nation won't participate and you won't have a chance at the grand prize.


How do I raise my team's traits?

Raising your team traits can help you win more games. You can raise your traits after you enter and pay the $50,000 needed to join. You can raise them by replying using the following format:



Team Name

Trait(s) you want to raise

Amount of points you want to raise traits by






Stamina, Offense

Stamina: 10, Offense: 10


It costs $1,000 per point to raise traits. Your points will be raised after you pay me in game via trade.


How is this competition organized?

Once at least 10 people join, there will be four days after that until the competition begins (to let other nations join). After that, the nations will be separated into four groups using the following method:


The four nations with the top total amount of team trait points will be separated into the four different groups. Then, the four nations with the lowest total amount of team trait points will be separated into four different groups. The rest of the nations will be sorted our into the groups evenly. Any remaining nations will be placed in one last group. The champion of that group will play as well.


Once the groups are sorted out, the nations in each group will play each other, and eventually we will have four (or five) group champions and four (or five) group runner-ups. If there are four total champions/runner ups, the champions/runner ups will play each other in elimination games until there is one champion and one runner up. If there are five champions/runner-ups, the champions/runner ups will play each other, and eventually the top four champions/runner ups will be separated from the bottom champion/runner up and will play each other in elimination until we have winners. It is a bit complicated, but it'll work  :) .

Edited by Golen
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This is very small

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