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Military, Improvements and Population


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So currently, when we enlist military units, they're created out of thin air and when we discharge them, they disappear. The amount we can buy is based on a nation's population, but that is all.

What I propose is that military units become a part of the population (with Tanks, Aircraft and Ships being worth x population).

When you lose military units in a war, your maximum population is temporarily reduced. This would then reduce a nation's income and also reduce the amount of military you can enlist (as you have less citizens to draw from).

The nation's population would then be slowly restored over x turns or days (and potentially be a good way to integrate Approval Rating). If you're at war, this would be further reduced (as there would be less migration to a country at war).

I would also assign x population to relevant Improvements and if you enlist too many military units, this potentially means they are pulled from your "workforce" and Improvements are disabled (much like they are now, if you don't have enough Power) or run at a reduced capacity.

When you discharge military units, they are then restored to the population and either the next turn or the next day, they are then restored back to any Improvements. Discharging military units (if it doesn't already), should also reduce your Approval Rating.

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