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Ranking (Some Of) The Best and Worst Socio-Economic Ideologies

Leo Alexander

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Anarcho-Communism: Mentally ill people who think its possible for human beings to have no state; also they would be crushed by any state surrounding them, including mine if I had one

Marxism-Leninism (Communism): Dystopian planning board end goal, but at least they realize the need for a state, also I really respect one of Lenin's ideas

Juche: North Korea is terrible, most communists I know even say that 

In the Middle:

Anarcho-Capitalism: Really bad quality of living for most but the Wild West was pretty cool (e.g. they had an awesome horse and train based transportation); moreover Murray Rothbard had some really awful takes

Imperial/Monarchism: Usually pretty stable, but in many cases quite exploitative, also I suppose this ideology could align with any sort of nation that has imperialist tendencies (US) or monarch tendencies (Kim family)

Market Socialism: Workers having some sort of ownership certainly provides a higher quality of living, furthermore having a market based economy is better than a central planning board because (broadly speaking) people can determine what has value to them and aspire to achieve more. The downsides are people aren't generally not smart enough to make good decisions, much less in a business or government. 


Corporatism: Not a corpotocracy, but corporatism, when society is divided into 'corporate' groups, be it in business, churches, etc. Advocates class cooperation, which is much more achievable than a classless society where everyone is exactly the same (history has shown this usually leads to the opposite). Unfortunately associated with many bad fascist regimes, but imo corporatism could work in many ideologies

State Capitalism: I wish Lenin had stopped here. Wiki describes this as when "...the government controls the economy and essentialy acts like a single huge corporation, extracting surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production." For the best example, see China's current day economy. State Capitalism and Corporatism can also intertwine in many cases

Edited by anders0814
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The bad quality of life of the Wild West was less because of the lack of state and more because there was no modern medicine or technology. It was pretty decent to be there by the standards of that time. 

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