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Best City Build at 1000-1500 infrastructure

Markus Sutcliffe

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Hmm... since this is meant as a debate topic, not as an advice topic, then I'm going to start with "22 Nuclear Plants" as the first answer.  It has the advantage of having never been tried by anyone before, and no matter how often you get attacked, you'll always have power so long as you have a nation of at least 50 infra.  I mean, that's very important, the need to have power in your city.  

There are probably other people who will debate other answers; since I just made this up off the top of my head, I'm open to listening to what they have to say.  I think this is a cool debate topic actually.  Let's see what happens!

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  • Markus Sutcliffe changed the title to Best City Build at 1000-1500 infrastructure
  • 2 years later...

Replying to myself here! First, let me introduce myself. I am Lark, from Galgadon. IRL I am a computer engineer/mathematics dual major. As a player of this game, I had the same question and sought to solve it. Here's what I found: 
There are 24^30 possible builds* for a 1500 infra city. (That's 254 with 39 other numbers after it. or 2.54 e41 for mathy people) That's way too many to check all of, so I added some restrictions. 
I want my city to have max military, which means I need power. Previous math that I won't go into here tells me that nuclear power is the cheapest and most effective. 
So I know I want 1 nuc power, 5 barracks, 5 hangar, 5 factory, and 3 drydocks. I don't want anymore power buildings or any farms, (They're not worth it unless you have several thousand land) That means I need to pick 11 improvements from the rest of the options.
Some more math that I made a computer run tells me that there are 2.8mill options that meet that requirement. You may not believe me, but I ran a program to check every single one. Here's what I found.

At today's market prices**, The city build with the highest net revenue and max military is 1 nuc power, 5 munitions factories, 5 aluminum refineries, 1 police station, and the rest of the military buildings. For a total of $196,350 in Net revenue. This project was 2 months in the making, thank you very much. Mike drop, Lark out. 

I did notice that using some market data from 2 months ago, 5 steel mills was actually better than 5 munitions factories. The best build is, after all, influenced by current events and market prices.

*Math people may point out that there are 24^30 combinations of options, not 24^30 permutations of options and that the permutations would be more accurate and a smaller number. Very true, but still a huge number and not a number I cared about much.


**Market prices from today are as follows:
food_price = 175;
oil_price = 3668;
coal_price = 3925;
iron_price = 3725;
lead_price = 4225;
baux_price = 3615;
uran_price = 2672;
gas_price = 3418;
mun_price = 2320;
alum_price = 2525;
steel_price = 3942;


EDIT: I did make a small math error, accidentally calculating the monetary gain using 550 as the infra count and not 1500. Surprisingly, this didn't change the answer for best build, just how much money the best build is. 215kinstead of 196k (I like those kinds of mistakes!!

Also, city builds are calc'd with 1000 land.

Edited by Lark
Small error in math
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