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The Mystery of the Marker


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Golf of Mexico

Near the beach of Texas

Mysterious signal detected - Top Priority

---This Document is classified to be seen by the government of the Allied States of America’s Governments eyes only---



A mysterious  signal was detected by a National Coastal Guard patrolling the coast of Texas - Near Houston. The signal was electromagnetic in nature, and nearly caused the systems on the ships patrolling the area to malfunction. After some consideration, the newly constructed Pentagon, built to centralize the Allied States Military Command, ordered an investigation of this signal.

What was discovered

The Allied States Navy, which was dispatched to investigate and uncover this mysterious signal have found an artifact of some sort, dubbed as the Marker.


Location the Marker was taken to

The Pentagon ordered the Marker to be moved to a remote location on the coast of Texas near the Texas-Mexican border. The Joint Chief of Staff have been ordered to increase security over the remote research facility and any unauthorized citizens entering the facilities property, inside or outside, are to be detained if possible, killed if necessary.

The President of the Allied States of America has also sent a research team to take over the facility from the previous owner of the facility and assigned Michael Altman as head of the team.

Colonel Romeraz will be heading the Security, who will directly report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


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Edited by Natalia Poklonskaya
fixing grammar



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Chapter 1: Exciting findings

"The things we could learn from this marker... It seems to be broadcasting to me. Every line on the marker is precise, it showing me blueprints, designs never seen before. We must move in and figure out the hidden messages of the marker. I'll need to make notes and send them off to to be analyzed. It may be the thing to boost us into space, better weaponry, better mining tools. Who knows what else is hidden on the marker and all i have to do is observe it, study it and let it broadcast its message to me," Altman says aloud, using a recording device to record his findings. He scribbles even more notes, writing numbers, drawing designs of weapons, mining equipment, a ship. Every blueprint toe the weapons, equipment and ship designs are masterfully drawn, just as he saw the images broadcasting into his mind. 

"Sir, I have to raise my concerns over the marker. Ever since you got near the marker, you have been acting strange. I think you need a complete mental evaluation to see if the marker is having any affects on your mental state, and you are not the only one whos been acting different since the marker has been moved to the facility. We need to figure out what is going on before we expose anyone else to the marker," Colonel Romeraz stated to Dr. Altman before having to respond to a call. 



Dr. Altman rolls his eyes as the security officer walks off. How could someone fear an artifact? Its a natural wonder, a gift from unknown source, so alien. If i could figure out the way it is transmitting me this data, we could use that to increase unit coherence greater than the enemies. Will look into that later, must write up a DATA LOG for the report...





Author: Dr. Altman

The marker is broadcasting images directly into my mind. My current theory is the electromagnetic signal it gives off has properties that allows data to be transferred from the artifact to any organic life that has the correct intelligence to make out and decipher the message. Was this artifact place on Earth on purpose? And the location of the marker is quite interesting. Current evidence believed and asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, but what if the Marker killed them off? If so, humanity would of never gotten a chance without the marker. I also plan to place the marker in a more isolated room to ease security. No need to cause a uprising on my watch.

I also tried to take a chunk out of the marker, but none of my equipment worked, will see how the blueprints i sent in will do once we get those produced however if its indestructible and turns to be evil, then we are doomed. Lets just pray it does not end up being a source of evil, but a source of power and uplifting.




Running further tests, but current data points to promising future. DATA LOG 001 and Image of the marker has been placed in this report - Report finished, not enough data to make a complete report of my findings so you will have to get over it. 





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Chapter 2: Not setbacks, just side effects.

As Altman took notes on a newly design focused on nullifying all form of magic, it was hard for him to understand the image being broadcasted into his mind. Some images are unclear, sometimes violent. He will catch himself imaging highly deformed bodies and massive killings but it only shows for a millisecond, and then the next, the next component to the Anti-Magic device. As far as the team is concerned, the device effectively absorbs leyline energy and uses it to create a feedback for magic within a perimeter, effectively denying a user of magic from casting/using magic against the soldiers, however the flaw behind it is it requires a lot of power, and the strongest batteries we can produce will only allow it to stay on for 15 minutes, afterwards, once power stops going through the device, the device must be allowed to cool down for 24 hours. If we could find a continuous  supply of power to it, it would effectively be a permanent solution  to the problem, however the marker doesn't show a design for a permanent device. Its only a mobile one, Altman will have to send this off to Research and Development to tweak with the design to find a way to make a permanent field. 

As Altman studied the marker more and drew down more information, he hears a grunt from Alexandria, a nurse responsible for ensuring we stay healthy during our time down here. Nurse Alexandria reported today that she is seeing hallucinations and she believes its from exhaustion, however that makes no sense considering she gets the minimum amount required for the body to fully recuperate, she shouldn't be having signs of exhaustion. I will run full psychological test to ensure she is not starting to show signs of schizophrenia or any other mental issues. 

"Alexandria, you are needed to med-bay, we have a crew experiencing hallucination, dementia and one attempted to commit suicide. These men and women had no prior mental health issues, something is going on," The Colonel stated before glaring at Altman. "Alright, i'll go and check them out, however it would be nice if you would authorize a full medical team, im only a nurse, not a doctor," Alexandria stated before walking towards the door to exit the room. "Sir, everyone that has gone into contact with that thing has started experiencing forms of mental breakdown, all those in the med-bay are the ones who were in here with you when you study the marker. I demand that you quarantine the area and study from afar, not allow anyone near the marker," The Colonel demanded before taking a step back as a enraged Altman steps closely to his face and says in a raspy voice, "You do not make demands of me, I am the Head Researcher and i answer only to the president, and you answer to me god dammit! You will take orders, but not give me any orders or i'll have you dishonorably discharged. Get out of here now!" Altman is fuming, hes upset that during this magnificent finding, some can be scared of the future but he tells himself that they are children, and like children, must be disciplined when they are disobedient. They must come to terms that the marker is our future, our way to step out of the darkness and propel the Allied States to a global player. 


"Audio Log T5-001, Dr. Michael Altman here, as much as I can tell, this marker was implanted with technology to speed up the advancement of any species that discover it, I have found multiple designs and information from the signal it is broadcasting to me, its miraculous on how such a thing can exist. All science would say this form of communication between machine and organic should be impossible, but it is possible. This marker defy our knowledge on science. Its almost godlike, but obviously that cant be the case. There must be a far more superior species out there that is guiding us, just what would be the purpose of uplifting us? Humans are generally aggressive to unknown variables, aliens would cause a massive panic. Whatever sent us this marker will be in a rude awakening when humanity meets them... I don't have any faith that the governments will react kindly to an alien lifeform. If humanities fear doesn't cause us to be hostile, it will be our curiosity to learn everything about the alien through any means deemed necessary. Oh, on a different note, my team have started experiencing signs of dementia, hallucinations and suicidal tendencies. I don't want to believe it's the marker is the cause, but what if the data being broadcasted into their minds are causing them to have mental breakdown, and if so, how come I havent started experiencing these symptoms? Does it have to do with an individuals intelligence or does the Marker select the individuals it wants to speak to? I'll need to run further tests to see if I can find any correlation between the staff and the marker. If the marker can cause chaos, it wont be safe to keep it here on Earth. 

End of Audio log, Dr. Michal Altman out."


Edited by Natalia Poklonskaya
quote mistake



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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 3: Do Not fear the Reaper


Do not fear the reaper:

"They want our bodies."

That is what she said before she slit her throat, and she wasn't the only one who was speaking of this insanity, nor the only successful suicide. The deaths were sudden, and Alexandria was overwhelmed with a further increasing patient list, and having to open up the morgue of the facility. The Director finally authorized more medical trained associates to work under Alexandria, but she still wanted an authorized Doctor, which they still have denied to send. She is also having patients claiming to hearing noises, complaints of violent images popping into their heads and have stated the saying: "They want our bodies." All hazardous tools have been locked up, and only the few remaining staff unaffected are authorized to use them, while being under constant watch from the newly reinforcement of Security to ensure that dangerous tools are kept out of the hands of the ones affected by these unprecedented cases. Lead of Security , Colonel Romeraz, still keeps requesting for Altmen to close down the research facility, however his demands are still denied...  

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