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Julja Tişul Currently Unopposed for Election

Ekejen Luish

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GOLENKERT - During a press briefing this afternoon, President Ekejen Luiş announced that he would in fact be campaigning for a 2020 Senate seat, however he will not be open to appointment to the position of President. The announcement came with initial shock, as many assumed that he would be campaigning for the presidency due to the lack of candidates and his current popularity.

Luiş's 2016-2020 term began slowly, with little achievements in the opening months of the presidency. However, by late of 2016 Luiş had ended the 2016 Rekish crisis and passed several laws. Throughout the next years of his presidency, Luiş was able to sign several more bills into law, as well as sign two constitutional amendments. Under President Luiş, the Rekish economy grew six percent, and the unemployment rate dropped from eight percent to five.

The latest survey gave Ekejen Luiş a 87.3% approval rating, and it had been rumored that Luiş was organizing a reelection campaign, which is why it came as a shock when he made his announcement that he would not accept any appointment for the position of President. His campaign was instead to get reelected to the Senate; he has confirmed he will not campaign to fellow senators to vote for his appointment to President.

"I have spent three years so far doing what I best could for this nation," Luiş said during his announcement, "And I still have the rest of this year until I my term will end. I am here to announce that I will in fact be campaigning to become one of the Senators representing Tşelix, however I must say that I have no interest in being reappointed to the office of President."

Luiş's announcement has put the Labor Party into a state of almost panic. The Labor Party had viewed Luiş as a probable candidate for the Presidency, and as such had put no effort into finding a new candidate to replace him. With Luiş no longer a potential candidate, the Labor Party has no strong replacement, leaving the opposition conservative Central Democratic Party's announced candidate Julja Tişul with no serious opponent.


Since the introduction of Rekishtein's first commercial vertical farms in the city of Golenkert in 2015, there has been a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the topic. One point of controversy is the use of chemicals in these urban farms due to their close proximity with densely populated city regions. The government finally took action yesterday, with the Federal Organization of Food and Medicines (KSMP) banning the use of chemicals in commercial urban farms.

Although the decision has been met with some opposition, many notable persons and groups have commended the action by the KSMP. "One of the main reasons that I, personally, got into the business of urban vertical farming is to make bringing goods to city residents better for the environment." says Dionisia Crespo, founder of Crespo Farming Əlim, one of Rekishtein's largest urban vertical farming companies. "It would be contradictory to say that urban farms are good for the environment when we treat our plants with chemicals that could be harmful to nature."


Earlier this week, Apeat Jun became the first person in Rekishtein to be executed in 2019. Jun had been arrested in 2016 for organizing the 2016 Sait Nuremikeat terror attacks, in which the Kaisemi Kenaxwa Bank tower in Sait Nuremikeat was bombed, eventually collapsing and killing at least 500 people. He was tried in 2017 and sentenced to death. He was held in Prison 29 in Aupinuil until Wednesday when he was executed by Controlled Atmosphere Killing.


Note: All 'j' are pronounced as 'y'

Edited by Pizzachev

This is very small

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