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Prime Minister Dankers gives an arousing victory speech

Karlis Ulmanis

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Oskars Dankers, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia


"I would like to thank with all the strenght of my Latvian heart, the hundreds of thousands of Latvians who voted for the popular nationalist movement: the Latvian National Front, who turned their backs to the defamation by TV channels, and the liberal press. They were against us all this time. They accused us in the worst possible way. On their TVs they showed only people who didn't receive one third of the votes we got. They despised the Latvian people, and the Latvian people despised them. In brief: the attempts of the liberal elites to subdue the Latvian Nation continues. The national resistance of the Latvian National Front against the liberal elites will continue too.


Both inside and outside the parliament, we will continue the struggle for a Latvia liberated from speculators and corrupt politicians and public functionaries. For a Latvia independent and proud. For a Latvia without the slavery of poverty, and the surrender of our national sovereignty to the occult powers of Capitalism. For a Latvia that will not be a social jungle because of the increasing crime rates and the thousands of latvians living in conditions of extreme poverty. For a Latvia that will not tolerate the fact 1 child out of 4 cannot afford education. For a Latvia that will not tolerate the fact 1 Latvian family out of 3 lacks the money to provide their children a high protein meal at least once a day. For a Latvia where youth unemployment has reached 50%. For a Latvia where its own citizens are left behind, struggling to meet the end of the month, whereas banks and multinational companies exploit its natural resources.


I have a phrase to tell you. And for those who will not understand it, i will be more specific: 'Veni, vidi, vici!'. It means: you accused me, you defamed me, you silenced me, I defeated you. The victory of the Latvian National Front is a victory against the tyrantship of the liberal elites and the mass media. Against the junta of political correctness and their liberal press, the fight of the Latvian people will continue. In the end, i want to dedicate this victory to all of our brave lads, who wear the black shirts with the ancient Odal rune, symbolising several values of which are of central importance for the Latvian National Front: kinship, family and blood unity.


I dedicate this victory to the men and women of the Latvian National Front were running in villages, waving the Latvian flag, for the Latvian National Front. For Latvia! The new golden century of the Latvian people is rising. For those who betray this homeland, the time has come to fear. We are coming! That's all i had to say, and nothing more. Shame on our sychophants! Shame on our accusers! We are Latvian patriots, we are nationalists, and we don't let anyone question that. The fight continues even stronger, inside and outside the parliament. Heil Latvia! Strong and Free!"



The Comment on "Latvia Today", the country's most important newspaper.


RIGA (Latvia) - Oskars Dankers’s victory in November’s election came as a shock to many in Latvia’s political establishment. But among ordinary Latvians, his rise on a Latvia-first, anti-liberal, anti-globalization platform was much less surprising. That’s because the right-wing nationalist party has boomed in popularity in the small Baltic country since the economic crisis and the more recent food crisis. While the far-right party had long had a foothold in rural Latvia, nationalists have rapidly gained ground in the main urban settlements where such groups have historically had little sway. Even in Riga, where far-right nationalism has been taboo since the Second World War, the Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Globalisation Latvian National Front party won an absolute majority of the vote in general elections earlier in November. The Latvian Liberal Party has failed, according to Prime Minister Dankers, to address the anger and the frustration of the Latvian people.


“This election result gives courage for the Latvian People†read Prime Minister Dankers’s statement on November 25. "The Latvians did not believe the manipulations of their mainstream media, and Latvian citizens had the courage to make their decision in the election booth themselves and not to remain resigned at home.†The Latvian National Front platform is a collection of populist national and socialist right-wing themes: Welfare reform, nationalization of banks, closed borders and a return to the Latvia of yesteryear, before what many of its members and supporters refer to as the “Impoverishment†of Latvia. The party seeks to reduce unemployment by establishing government control over the economy, and poverty by granting privileges and priority to latvian citizens who filled a request for an apartment in one of the country's public housing buildings.

Edited by Karlis Ulmanis


Karlis Ulmanis

President of the Republic of Latvia



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