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Posts posted by Miller

  1. 16 hours ago, Pubstomper said:

    Coming from the alliance that felt it necessary to dogpile on arrgh for 10 months. Yeah you sure are the dogpile champs. 

    Here is a brief summary of TKR being the dogpile champ:

    - Anti-Piracy war on arrgh

    - Compass war (431 nations fighting 34)

    - Bank Heist (91 nations fighting 6)

    - The Nothinging (15 nations of CoS getting rolled by you and friends for a month)

    - Sparta/Grumpy war (due to very high tiering this one isn't as bad, your side had 32 nations fighting 18)

    - Radiant Crusade (another time you rolled arrgh, this time just with HBE you had 164 nations fighting 57)

    - Papers Please (You fought with 880 members to 148)

    - Stop Online Piracy (another time you rolled arrgh, 152 nations to 99)

    There is nothing wrong with a dogpile, a large part of wars is how much you can set up to be in your favor before the conflict breaks out, and often times it does result in someone betraying someone but thats part of the politics. Don't play victim to something you consistently take part in across your entire alliance history. If anything, I would argue that you single handedly made arrgh the champs of getting dogpiled. 

    All of these (sans the tail end of an arrgh campaign) were before my time and I’m coming up on 3 years. Let it go, bro. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Mayor said:

    For the love of Christ this coming from TKR of all alliances. Such hypocrisy. TKR is the dogpile champion of alliances. Everyone dogpiles in these globals, convenient how often everyone forgets.

    We really are the dogpile champs. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets dogpiled like we do. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Faravahar said:

    Alex specifically OKed a Farming alliance (I don't argue if it was a good or bad thing) and then he turned around on his word and punished them harshly.

    Correct on the first line. He didn’t ok offering those people an out of game reward in exchange for their participation. Which is what so many of you seem to ignore. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. 52 minutes ago, Thalmor said:

    I just want to point out that P&W recently got review bombed, and from the screenshots I saw, accusations of pedophile and child porn were in them. They were also being upvoted.

    I would post screenshots myself, but a lot of IRL names were in them and I'm choosing to be a better person than them (which is not hard).

    Imagine the kind of person it takes to do this over a nation sim. Entitled garbage that won’t be missed. 

    • Upvote 5
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