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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. I kept my promise YOU ATTACKED FIRST we dont offer protection to alliances who attack constantly. Now remember it was just you guys and mad at war no one else you guys were pissed cause mad attacked you guys we were not going to get involved and i was so close to making peace but you guys blew me off and attacked 3 more mad nations when almost all of the wars stopped most of them your attacking had nothing to do with the war . Now i keep my word but when someone blows me off like that f that .
  2. We were so close to peace then suddenly you guys attacked mad again most of the previous war were done and truce were about to he made to saeton plus the 13k i paid to you for our previous damage cause im trying to change the image of CIN into something more respected but nope you attacked mad agian i got pissed boom war .
  3. Well if you look at the war history it isnt the whole alliance its mabey 3 members who attack those alliances which i dont understand i guess the guys just like raiding. Except for test who were at war with for good reasons. And no im not like ken and im going to work for peace for all three i did it with atlas and guardian i can do it again haha
  4. Who said this is a raid yall dont have money haha were protecting MAD from your attacks
  5. I left temporarly to help out a freind in need of money which i had to use there alliance bank and it says on the info Dylan minister of foreign affairs ☺ and lusaka i said if they declared war on a another nation in your alliance i would drop it . Not attack a nation thats hes been fighting for 3 days .
  6. I did my best to offer peace to Terminus Est but after i paid some of the war reps you immediately declared war on our ally The mad club so we had no choice .
  7. Yo i sent you a message in the game hope we can work this out
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