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George Clooney

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Posts posted by George Clooney

  1. The take away from this thread and this war really is you surrender with your allies.  Allowing yourself to get focused by your enemies leads to desperation and your situation getting worse.


    Could be VoC will pay hundreds of million in reps, could be they show their middle finger to the enemy and drag the war out and finally disband.  Whatever the case, Orbis isn't improved either way, not that some of you care, I know.


    Have fun figuring this one out.  It was a good read for a while.  I'm out.

  2. Why would he have to prove anything. We just refuse to believe any bullshit we get slung about not having money. 



    Actually, the real point I was trying to make is that if cheating was involved, then it's an Admin matter, and clearly they have no intention of reporting the thing as a hack, so that implies that the money didn't just magically disappear.  Either they lost it through war and large scale bank looting, or they are hiding it, and they would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for those darn kids.


    You are all a bunch of nobodies, now let's get back to the matter at hand.


    Where did DEIC's money go? Should we file a bug report on behalf of DEIC or is DEIC going to admit they have been caught red handed trying to get lower reps through pity?


    It certainly doesn't look good.  Someone needs to put on their big boy pants and fess up privately.



    And unfortunately we do have to deal with this, it's a damn thread posted in the wrong forum section, though I wasn't surprised by it.

    As for the lost money, I would of held the money myself but I had a talk with my sister and she said she would make a nation to hold it but she has since forgotten her password. I appreciate that sis if you're reading, real helpful. 


    Please just be quiet.



  3. They're trying to hide the money so they can complain about how poor they are during peace talks, hoping that it will mean they won't have to pay up like UPN did.




    All you have to do is prove it.  


    Of course on the other hand if my alliance just lost $200 mill, I'd be submitting a bug report and would be working with Sheepy to track down the hacker(s) responsible so that justice could be served.  Funny how no such report seems to exist, eh?

    • Upvote 1
  4. are we going to ban references to the NRA because they have been called a terrorist group? What about the militiamen who fought in the revolutionary war? Some have even called Gamergate a terrorist group.


    Could we limit this new ban on terrorist groups to extremest terrorist muslim groups as determined by the Unites States and consensus of the international community (ie: no Al Qaeda, no ISIS . . .). As of right now, the use of the term terrorist group is excessively broad and could mean any number of groups that most people wouldnt actually consider a terrorist group. Also, making a thread that specifically names the banned terrorist groups would be useful so that users know which groups are considered terrorist for the purposes of this game. Because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


    Real life moral relativism should be taken for a nice long walk away from P&W and common sense should prevail.  We already have plenty of simulated moral relativism as is.  Since I doubt any members of ISIS or al Qaeda play P&W, consensus on what constitutes common sense should be obvious unless you are in dire need of getting off campus and out academia for a weekend of staying up too late, eating the wrong things, and drinking more than you should.

  5. If you destroy a national project, how soon can you construct a replacement?  For example, let's say you have Vital Defense System, but wish to replace it with Nuclear Research Facility, rather than building another 5,000 infra in order to obtain another national project slot.  


    I know that there is a waiting period after you construct a nation project before you build another, but for obvious reasons I'd rather not find out after the fact that there is a similar waiting period after you destroy one.

  6. The immediate problem I can see with holding back units in reserve would be that odds are if you are taking enough of a beating that not immediately deploying them makes sense, you are probably also losing infra at a pretty rapid clip.  If your units in reserve are being depleted along with that infra, then you wouldn't be able to leave them in reserve for very long before enough of them are evaporated away that you wasted your time (and money and resources) for nothing.


    That said, I like the idea of being able to create reserve units.  Instead of making them go away with your infra however, I would do things differently.  


    1. Reserve units can be built at the normal unit cost/time associated with building active units and are counted toward the limit you have for a particular unit type.

    2. They do not contribute to your attack or defense strength while in reserve or while they are being mobilized. However they are counted toward your nation score.

    3. They have a lower maintenance fee associated with them (less wear and tear on the equipment over time).  Numbers to be worked out be Sheepy & Co.

    4. You can activate a reserve unit at any time, however, you must pay an activation fee to do so, and the units activated don't become become available until the next game turn (this simulates the cost/time needed of activating RL reserve units, which often need additional equipment, training, etc. to be brought up to speed with their active duty counterparts).  


    There are multiple trade offs here.  It becomes possible to maintain a much larger military for the same amount of money you would have to spend for a smaller force were they all active, however, if you are attacked, those units don't just magically spring into action.  This would allow for the creation of a counter force as is being suggested by the OP that would be activated when help arrives.


    Alternative proposal...


    1. Reserve units are constructed at Reserve Barracks, Reserve Factories, Reserve Air Force Bases, and Reserve Drydocks.  These would be additional improvements that a player could purchase, and would only be good for producing and housing reserve units, not active ones.  Conversely, regular Barracks, etc. would only be good for producing active units, not reserve units.

    2. Everything else is as above, except that the limit of reserve units is determined by the number of reserve military improvements you have, not by a cap on all units of a particular type.  So for example, if you had 2 regular barracks, and 1 reserve barracks, you could have 6,000 active soldiers and 3,000 reserve soldiers.  This also means if you have 1 regular barracks, and 2 reserve barracks, you could have 3,000 active soldiers and 6,000 reserve soldiers, HOWEVER, you could only active up to 3,000 reserve soldiers at a time, since you only have 1 regular barracks.

    3. If a Reserve Barracks, Reserve Factories, Reserve Air Force Bases, or Reserve Drydocks is destroyed, the reserve units housed there are destroyed with it, as with regular military improvements and active forces.


    Including new improvement types might actually be easier to code as far as keeping the unit limits straight, in either case though, it would be not a code tweak, it'd be a project, but it would I think create a whole of of opportunities additional strategy and tactics to enter the game.  

  7. 1. If everybody has read it why are you and your alliance using vacation as peace mode. Either you were ignorant of that post from sheepy (which would justify the need to quote it); or you blatantly disregarded it (which is far from a faux pas).


    Either way chill out


    2. The previous war had terradoxia fighting aligned to your sphere. From posts in this thread from ve leadership you and your alliance were upset you were not part of the last war. It is confirmed teradoxia was cheating in money and resources during this time. If I were to follow your logic and transitive property of guilt you are just as a"guilty" as us. It's also classic Argumentum ad hominem.


    Don't get mad at us that you are hiding from this war and now look bad


    1. As I explained to you about my own situation and others have tried to explain to you here, many of us had legitimate OOC stuff going on in the time frame of the VM.  Ultimately whether or not people went into VM or not was an individual choice, not the choice of the alliance, nor should it ever be.  As it turns out now, because of the reset, there will be people who will be going back into VM, again because of OOC stuff, but some of us now may decide to rethink the decision.  Again, it's an individual choice, but I have advised everyone at NAC that they should not use VM unless absolutely necessary.  As Sheepy also said, "fortunately, you'll have a 2nd chance at things, so see if you can improve your performance from previously."


    I'm not trying to score political points here (and clearly I'm not, nor expected to do so), your friend is, in a war that is supposed to be wrapping up in the coming days.  A war tainted by scandal.  Given the circumstances, it's best that EVERYONE drop all discussion of things that happened between August 27th and when Orbis was taken off line and move on.


    2.  Do you think that VE or NAC is proud of being associated with the previous scandal?  No.  Cheating taints everyone and everything associated with it, whether they actually had a role in it or not.   It is not any sort of logical fallacy, it's just reality.  As for "hiding", as I recall, you weren't even in range anymore, neither was anyone else in your alliance with a nuke.  Not that it matters, if I have to carry on using a smart phone and a carrier pigeon there will be no VM for me going forward, I tire of being lectured by people regarding "courage".

  8. When Sheepy created vacation mode he never intended it to be used as a way to avoid being attacked. NAC has by there own acknowledgement stated that they did indeed go on vacation mode to save there members. This is a direct violation of the game. The fact that they even admit to abusing the vacation mode is just more proof. Anyone that agrees with NAC should read what Sheepy intended vacation mode to used for. I have posted NAC's message of guilt and Sheepy's intent for vacation mode



    Posted Today, 02:33 AM

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    • Alliance Name:North American Confederacy

    I am sorry that Guardian feels a few extra attackers from what is basically a micro alliance was unfair. You were already outnumbered and the few extra number we were able to add made little to no difference. As a small alliance we were always going to get pummeled in this war.


    We planned our tactics to be able to stick around as long as possible and do as much damage as possible, and yes, that means some nations going into vacation mode before their slots are full to make sure that some of us survive for round 2. As for so few attacking at first, war range prevents attacking whoever you want and when your guys had dropped into range for most of our member they were already beaten, again this is the result of game mechanics.


    I wonder if this is all just a smoke screen to justify attacking us in the next round instead of taking on VE, afterall, it is a lot easier to fight against an alliance that you are far stronger than.




    So basically you have no real intelligent answer to the man's point, you just copy and paste material everyone has already read.  Worse, you and your buddies are going on and on about something that qualifies at best as something of a player faux pas, but also one that doesn't even begin to touch what your side did in order to try to gain an advantage in this war, by hacking the &#33;@#&#036;ing server.


    Oh but hey, I'm sure you were in no way responsible for it, no worries.  That would require a level of intelligence and knowledge that eludes you.  In public and your private messages to me you come across as a petulant child.  "DDURRRRRRR...I play head games!!111!!"  Just Pathetic.

  9. What is "off Orbis?"  This is part of Orbis canon, dude.  Anything is fair game since we're doing RP.  Sherman tore that !@#$ up and all his soldiers sang that song whilst doing so.


    Which still doesn't help you, since the point was that not every Union general was a rockstar.  If you are trying to compare yourselves to the rockstars of the Union Army, you might want to check with a carpenter regarding size of the door frames in your alliance--your going to have trouble fitting your egos through a normal size frame.  While I'm sure you have very competent people among your alliance, you no doubt have your share of Kilpatricks, Rosecrans, Buells, Banks, Sigels, Burnsides, McClellans, and Butlers as well.

  10. Oh if we're going there (meaning off Orbis)...don't forget Kilpatrick (nicknamed "Kill Calvary" for his tendency to get his own troopers killed), Rosecrans, Buell, Banks, Sigel, Burnside, McClellan, and of course Butler (so despised by Southerns, and such a despotic military governor, chamber pots were made with his face in the bottom).  Truly stellar military leadership there...  :rolleyes:

  11. And yet still, the fact remains it's a Chinese-made rag, same as any other, it's no one's fault but their own they hold such symbols above that of human kind interests.


    Or perhaps, just perhaps, that flag means something a little big different here on Orbis?  Slavery has never been a thing here, nor was there any Reconstruction, Jim Crow, nor any need for a Civil Rights Movement.  Oh and, where is this Chinese factory (I assume it's a rag factory) you bring up?  What country on Orbis contains it?  No one in our alliance knows anything about it.


    Look, I understand that in another universe it has become suddenly fashionable to hate on anything with the Stars and Bars on it (even if it was only used as a flag for less than two months and saw very limited distribution), but if you think that flag is the least politically correct, most objectionable thing on Orbis, it's not even close.





    Our protectors at Viridian Entente have gone to war and we at the North American Confederacy support them fully in that effort and agree with their rationale in doing so.  We also could not sit idly by as they enter the conflict. 


    When we made inquiries as to how we could be of assistance, we were honored to be invited to ride along with them. Therefore, the North American Confederacy declares war on Guardian. 





    Chairman of Board: Shavar 

    CEO: Curtis Lowe 

    Board of Directors: Kamon, Klaus, jeff744, Dorsaiwolf

    Celebrity Spokesmodel: George Clooney

    • Upvote 3
  13. i like all these death threats by crucifixion against my real life person


    i give legit debate i get hate


    It is your destiny.  Actually, aren't you suppose to know that already?


    Note: You actually think people want to kill you IRL over this?  That's both sad and amusing.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Because otherwise we'd have to war actual nations and it would hurt their pixels.  It's ridiculous.


    The solution is to encourage more war, not make a farmville type system where people end up only battling with NPCs for easy cash.


    As the person who put the first official Defeat on Blackbeard, I can say that there was no easy cash and I likely spent more than I got in loot (side note: I kinda doubt there was $20 mill there to start). But I didn't do it for the loot, I did it for the challenge. Though a trophy would have been nice and should be added in the future if another one of these "NPCs" shows up. 


    Tsah, people can't even handle one Blackbeard without resorting to missile like that's going to do any good :v


    But I do agree that NPC nations should be built like any other nations, with proper city count and infras to support all the improvements... just so they can have better income and have better loots overtime


    I think that people were using Blackbeard as a missile test firing range for the most part initially, since in order to put a defeat on a nation that had that much military required something called 'effort', and no one seemed to want to go there.  I did and I learned a few things.


    I also agree with you in that a proper city count, infra, and so on would be better.

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