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Everything posted by ComradeMilton

  1. Congrats to you guys. You seem off to a very good start.
  2. Ignis Imortales officially declares its existence on the planet of Orbis. We do not refer to any noble virtues or vices. We simply want to play a game with relaxed alliance politics and as little intensity as is necessary. We are not holding grudges about any past interactions members have had with any groups or individuals in the land of Orbis. Government of Ignis Imortales is based on a two-person triumvirate, or duomvirate if you will, comprised of ComradeMilton and Ollysho. We may be found on the ColdFront IRC server on channel #ii and http://ignisimortales.comyr.com.
  3. Nation Name: Tipple Nicklers Nation Link: http://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=3406
  4. So far I think nuclear weapons are pretty underpowered and could use a boost, but I'd also like to see P&W take advantage of the fact that nations have firm physical locations on various continents and add some random radioactive fallout from nuclear strikes that would land on neighboring nations and especially on some of the nations in your own alliance that are on the same continent as the targetted nation. Kind of make it a bigger deal in both damage and consequence. Make it less acceptable to drop the weapons, but then when there's enough to justify it, make sure there are some decent consequences that affect the entire physical region using RNG.
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