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Everything posted by ComradeMilton

  1. Who cares who wants to join up with whatever? And no,that definition is useless for this discussion. I've made my beliefs about violence not being against property already and it's not going to change.
  2. He's adopting Goebbels too? We haven't had an actual propoganda organization since World War II. I don't recall mentioning the TPP or anything else. Except impeaching him.
  3. BLM is mostly peaceful, but since they're not an organization if some random person wants to claim membership in it there's really no way to stop it.
  4. You'll probably have to read my post before responding for your response to be accurate.
  5. I consider the country already ruined until we get control back and undo all of Trump's actions. I said if, not that it is.
  6. BLM may have had a person or two inspire them, but they're not an organization and do not have have leadership. Random people taking the name and using it for their own purposes happens and appears to be happening to them now.
  7. If it's a problem, it'd be a domestic one, not international. Trump's already lying, I'm not sure why he wouldn't further that with a statement like you provide.
  8. No. Do it yourself if you're that interested. I'm not your Google butler. He can't co-found an organization when there isn't an organization. BLM's doing good things whenever they're out protesting. If that's not enough for you it's a shame because that's about as much energy as I'm prepared to offer you. Who said it was a peaceful action? They're not an organization, thus can't have leaders. Are you really this slow IRL?
  9. Also if Sweden did make adjustments in its records, how is that any of your business? They're sovereign and if they want to do that they're perfectly fine doing so.
  10. No real reason to believe random people on an Internet forum without any evidence of it.
  11. The rest of your argument in that post was just 30 year old stereotypes. No point in responding to stuff like that.
  12. BLM has no black supremacy or violent tendencies. That's remarkably useless. Well done. Nope. Just keep reusing the "Not My President" bumper stickers I got from Republicans to use against Obama.
  13. Probably should read about welfare a little more. Your ideas about it are about as fresh as the 1980s. I didn't make off-topic comments, just responded. $30m's not going to do it. BLM isn't an organization. I can defend it as much as I like, thanks.
  14. Who's holding the gun to your head to make you stay in the US under this horrible, horrible system? I'll go pick up some day laborers at Home Depot and send them in to free you as you appear to be held hostage.
  15. And as a result can definitely be considered right-wing welfare. We don't need any military this size to defend ourselves or our allies. I've no doubt the Democrats will win and have to spend at least a year undoing all the damage Trump will inevitably do.
  16. Are just assuming Wilders is going to be back out of jail by then?
  17. Oh, I bet they were hedging their whole system on getting user Jacob Moore's positive opinion. This will crush them and they'll have no choice, but to disband and leave PW forever.
  18. Then we do it again. No big deal and we can dump the saved $500m or so into Medicaire/Medicaid/Social Security. Everyone wins.
  19. Do you mean censor? Lots of countries have censors. Everything the Israeli media puts out has to go first through the Military Censor.
  20. Cut funding in half and allow the Pentagon to use their judgment as to what stays and what goes.
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