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Praximus Cladius

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    Praximus Cladius
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  • Discord Name: Ryahn#7390

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  1. I like it now that PnW has a dark theme but I had some changes I personally would like to have on it. Below is a stylish css. This updates the link colors, menu, graphs and other small things. Below are some screenshots of what is changed. https://rpi.gomn.net/i/r_40b37936-d01e-49d7-b854-ebca2b4c261b_03-06-18_21-39-20.png https://rpi.gomn.net/i/r_faa5c34a-4715-4d7c-8b6a-ed06228338dd_03-06-18_21-39-31.png https://rpi.gomn.net/i/r_8dbc7082-3539-4ce6-9c49-6460acf622f8_03-06-18_21-39-42.png https://rpi.gomn.net/i/r_99d48361-3028-4729-b5e9-6cd0c5504712_03-06-18_21-39-51.png CSS Code - https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3d0ebea5155c06500edcb8043f0a9fee Styleish Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish-custom-themes-for/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe?hl=en Firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/ These fixes are easily added to current theme if Alex would like to use them.
  2. The link is in the original post but here is the download - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/8238-politics-and-war-helper
  3. Most of it works for the most part, there are tons of errors and other things that need tending to. Right now, I am not sure what this was being used for. If I am reading the code correctly, it was updating a database of sorts with pricing. Which could be a database that was updating from the PnW API to be stored locally. I also do not know how often the API is updated to make sure that prices are correct. The current domain being used, is no longer active. function checkPrices(){ if(resCount != resources.length * 2){ setTimeout(checkPrices, 1e3); }else{ createProfitsTable(); createBuySellTable(); var now = new Date().getTime(); if(GM_getValue("dblastUpdate", 0) == 0 || Number(GM_getValue("dblastUpdate"))+3.6e+6 < now){ GM_setValue("dblastUpdate", now); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "http://www.ereptools.tk/paw/pnwhelper.php", data: "coal="+GM_getValue("sellcoal")+"&oil="+GM_getValue("selloil")+"&bauxite="+GM_getValue("sellbauxite")+"&iron="+GM_getValue("selliron")+"&lead="+GM_getValue("selllead")+"&uranium="+GM_getValue("selluranium")+"&food="+GM_getValue("sellfood")+"&gasoline="+GM_getValue("sellgasoline")+"&aluminum="+GM_getValue("sellaluminum")+"&steel="+GM_getValue("sellsteel")+"&munitions="+GM_getValue("sellmunitions")+"&credits="+GM_getValue("sellcredits"), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }); } } }
  4. I didnt want to necro a thread from June/July. I am going to attempt to update this script to work with the current version of PnW Most if not all the functions that it provides will be stating, if they still work. I will provide periodic updates when I work on this but my free time is limited. If you guys/gals have any questions or anything, let me know. I will try my best to answer them.
  5. Nation Name: South Afrika Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=30516
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