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Everything posted by Psweet

  1. Platon, you did not actually address my concerns. I suggest you slow down and actually respond cohesively (in a SINGLE POST if you don't mind). Yes your money may be safe. However, you will have all of your investors flocking to get their money back *immediately* when a large war breaks out. Whatever you're using that money for, you won't be able to use it anymore should that happen. That means you're leaving yourself vulnerable (or whoever is getting their money from you is leaving themselves vulnerable, if they can pay you at a moment's notice). Your rate is 2.5%. Not 4%. That is a big difference from 5% If you cannot do basic math like 250,000 / 10,000,000 how am I supposed to trust you with significant amounts of money? Despite your claims that this is not meant for big economic players, the truth is that the only people for whom this might be a good investment (trust issues aside) are large players. Small players earn a much higher rate by investing the money into their own nation (infra, cities). Large players with their insane infra and city costs can use this to save up for their next city, and actually have significant cash where they are willing to invest some of it. A nation does not stay in beige forever. Are you going to keep searching out beiged nations to keep the money safe? Lastly: "Guys.If you don't like it make suggestions don't criticize.Please,its not a debate" No, it's not a debate, but you seem to be misunderstanding some very basic issues with your proposal. Since it's not a debate, instead of arguing back immediately, stop and think about the underlying issues, and find ways to solve them. Again, I run a bank. I sell bonds, and give out loans. I've been very successful and my bank is still growing at a very pleasing rate. I know what I'm talking about here. I've been studying this for over four months (since I and a friend founded said bank). Take my advice as advice instead of assuming I'm trying to shut you down.
  2. From a guy who runs a bank that currently has receivables of over $350 million, I see a very fatal flaw in this scheme... *You can claim back the money whenever you wish.If not you'll keep receiving the cash.* The first major war that happens, you are going to get utterly hammered. Yes, you say you keep 80% of your debts on hand at any one time. Yes, you say you have an additional source to cover losses. That doesn't change the fact that you really are going to face a run on the bank, and whether you can cover it or not, you're going to be taking some serious losses. Furthermore, just having 80% of that cash sitting there is utterly wasted money. If it's just sitting there then you're paying interest on it, but not making any money with it. I have a hard time imagining what you could possibly be doing that would cover the cost of such a plan. Furthermore, I've had very little success finding bond customers - and my rate is 5% weekly, which seems to be double yours. You'd be better off asking alliances for bonds than nations, as they have large amounts of cash and they get smaller returns on investing in their nations than the actual nations do. However, the above issues still exist. I wouldn't invest in your scheme, let alone invest with it.
  3. SK does not allow pirating.... SK allows its members to pirate against the pirates.... Okay then.
  4. Stratton Oakmont here, will now proceed to ask you things: What is your name? What is your quest? What is the unladen airspeed of a 5 week 5% weekly SO bond sold two weeks ago?
  5. The bank of Stratton Oakmont may be able to help you out. That would be by far the largest loan we've ever given, but assuming you meet requirements and that we can raise the necessary cash, we'd be happy to service your needs. Unfortunately, cash is scarce after this war and our ability raise more is limited (especially compared to short term debts we have that are coming due) so I would urge you to contact ASAP if you are interested so we may begin preparing. All the best, Psweet, CFO Stratton Oakmont
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