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Posts posted by Psweet

  1. After a tempestuous election, the people have spoken.  And they have spoken, I am afraid, unwisely.

    Despite my repeated pleas to let me retire after my service and long history with the game, I was elected, against my wishes, as leader of CC.  This has been certified by Adrienne: 


    As promised, my first order of business is to ban Allend from ever joining CC.

    I am extremely grateful and humbled by the trust that I have been shown, and I can only hope to repay it someday.  However, I am too run-down and listless to accept the burden of this responsibility.

    As such, I have no choice but to abdicate in favor of Lossi and Menny, who I hereby appoint co-rulers, with absolute authority over the alliance, in perpetuity.  Long may they reign! 

    • Like 6
  2. Greetings shareholders, business partners, customers, and friends.

    As many of you may know, we in Silenzio have been strongly considering leaving PW for some time now.  Indeed, the only reason we've stayed so long was the existence of Moonlight bank, and our duty to those who had invested their money and trust into us.  Sadly, over the 9 months Moonlight has existed, 7 of those were during a catastrophically destructive war.  But now peace is coming, and Moonlight Bank has found a new Director.

    @Gobi will be taking control of the bank henceforth, in possession of all shares that were owned by any Silenzio member; of all powers that Strum, Joel, and I wielded; and of all debts formerly payable to us. 

    Gobi and I have been discussing this move for quite some time, and he has my full confidence in his ability to maintain Moonlight's tradition of transparency and innovation.  I hope you all enjoy working with him as much as I have during this period. 

    Speaking personally, it has been my pleasure to serve the community, even for so limited a time as I was given, and I wish you all the best.  May your futures be prosperous!

    • Like 3
  3. 7 hours ago, Alex said:

    I agree with Prefontaine, the player run "banking" system doesn't need to exist, and it will either adapt with the game or it will fail. This isn't Wall Street, there is no "too big to fail" and I am not going to let development be held hostage over whatever financial system a few players have rigged in the game.

    It's less about the fact that banks, specifically, should continue to exist as they have, and more that there is a meta game that you should be taking into account instead of riding roughshod over.  That said, I don't see why this change would harm the banking system to begin with...  But that doesn't excuse your mindset on this particular issue, imo.

    There are methods of helping resource valuations that are less of a bandaid fix and hit the underlying problem of low resource demand.  I'm honestly puzzled why this discussion is even happening.  Fix the underlying issue, or don't do anything.  

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  4. There is an easier and (I think) more interesting way to pump demand for resources.  The main problem is that resources are currently only used for war.  We need a way to use them for peace.  A consistent use, not a one-time or rare occurrence that gives the economy a shot in the arm and then fades.  

    I support adding resource costs for infra.  That would help a lot. 

    I would support adding resource costs for cities, though the amounts proposed here are too small to have much impact, I think, and it certainly wouldn't work on its own.

    But I believe the simplest and strongest way to increase demand appropriately would be to add actual resource consumption to a nation's existence.  Even without growth, a nation should be consuming more than just Uranium and Food.  The way I see this being most easily implemented would be to add a tertiary resource: consumer goods.  Perhaps even multiple flavors of consumer goods if you want, but I think it's best to keep things simple with a single abstracted resource.  It would be a tertiary resource, meaning it is manufactured using manufactured resources as inputs.  It would be consumed by running a nation with a commerce economy.  Consumer goods would be a stand in for civilian economies, whereas current resources are 99% military applications.

    You could, for example, have each % of commerce in each city cost 1 consumer good per day.  You'd only have as much commerce plumping your revenue as you had consumer goods to supply it.  What good is a store without things to buy?  What good is a bank without mortgages or cars to finance?  ALTERNATIVELY, you could create a new improvement specifically to consume consumer goods and output tax revenue.  Either way, you have just given resources a peacetime use, which will actually climb as nations become richer.  Larger nations will need/want more consumer goods to consume, so as the whales grow, the lower tiers can get rich off of increased demand.  Making this a tertiary resource would ensure that all the other resources get buffed as well - Steel sees demand increase because it is used for consumer goods, Iron and Coal increase because they're used for Steel.

    This requires no bandaid.  It requires no extra behavioral shifts from whales, or lower tiers.  It doesn't penalize anyone, if it's implemented sanely (that is, if incentives and costs are mostly in balance).  It doesn't make growth more expensive for anyone except maybe the very most upper tier whales who will find themselves spending a ton on consumer resources, perhaps.  And it makes the game a bit more interesting having those logistics to juggle and another tool to evaluate and invest in.

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  5. Greetings friends!

    Stratton Oakmont was previously in the process of liquidating, but we put that on pause due to the war.  Given that the war is over, we figure we might as well have one final bout of lending to speed you all on the road to recovery (and our investors on the road to riches).  We are currently sitting on roughly $6.5 billion, and we're looking to lend it out in bulk.

    Please submit bids for how much you'd like and what weekly interest you'd be willing to pay to me directly on Discord, or to my in-game nation, here: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=20018

    Bids posted in this thread will not be honored or responded to.  Also, please note that bids for amounts under $1 billion will not be considered.  

    Things that will make us more disposed to approve your bid (other than a higher rate.  That should go without saying):

    - A history of faithful credit with us

    - A history of faithful credit with another well-established bank (yes, we will ask around)

    - A larger amount requested (assuming your alliance can shoulder the interest)


    We will accept bids for a few days before settling on borrowers.  We may, if we receive more good bids than we have dollars to fill, go for several rounds of lending.  Best of luck!


  6. 4 hours ago, Seb said:

    you are going to try and defend that? please make my day

    My pleasure.

    First of all, you'll note that far from trying to sabotage your bank, what we were concerned about was YOU possibly being a crook.

    Is it unethical for people to not want others to run scams, now?

    Second of all, as Josh noted, this conversation happened well over a year ago.  Emerald was a relatively new bank.  We didn't know you, we didn't know your bank.  And honestly, completely private and secretive finances still rub me the wrong way, but whatever.

    Third of all, what do you hope to gain from posting this?  Possibly to sabotage OUR banks by trying to make us look sneaky when the whole point was us being worried about you being sneaky?  

    Instead, all you have is a conversation between two colleagues who have not (to my knowledge, at least, I cannot speak for Paul) done anything to harm you or your bank, who were instead worried about fair play in the niche they worked in.  And we have you trying to stir shit up by insinuating that this amounts to sabotage.

    Let me know when you have something substantial to throw at us.  There is a reason all of SO's transactions are open and public.  We stand on our honor.  Always have. 

    I know I shat all over your idea in suggestions, but this is pathetic, Seb.  This is attempted character assassination.  If you can point to anything we ACTUALLY DID to sabotage you instead of just things we might have wanted to do in case you were, you'd have a point.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Arrow said:

    I get your point about risk regarding banks, but why on earth would someone want to risk their money they want to save for a set date with a player-owned bank rather than this proposed bank?

    They don't.  It's a risk they'll have to take.  People need to be forced to take risks, or the game will quickly become even more boring than it is.  Just like how I wish SO didn't have to take a risk when lending to people, but if we want to make money then that's a risk we have to take.  Risk vs reward needs to be kept in balance.

    5 minutes ago, Arrow said:

    I'm thinking from a point of view of me putting my life savings into this bank

    If you want to minimize risk, split it up and put it in many different banks.  If any one bank goes under, even if it takes your funds with it, the rest of your funds will survive and you'll only be out that one investment.  Diversification is a real-life tool to manage risk as well.

    7 minutes ago, Arrow said:

    I could just go away from the game and not worry about anything until the set date I chose to withdraw the money at. With player-run banks I'd be constantly worried about a global war breaking out and your bank's money being taken.

    Again, it's never happened yet, and SO has been around for... hmm.
    Ah, quite a few wars.  I don't trust my memory to count accurately.  Every war that's happened since before Oktoberfest.

    Again, if you don't trust the major banks at this point, you have trust problems.  It's POSSIBLE that they'll get screwed over, but removing ALL risk from the game is not the way to go about "fixing" this very real and complex issue.

    9 minutes ago, Arrow said:

    Also this could set about more regular global wars, with the peace of mind that you have enough cash/resources stashed away in the proposed bank, there's absolutely nothing stopping people from making this game interesting again. With player run banks, the owners are rarely in favour of war because of their mindset towards the game which is in itself a problem that needs to be ironed out.

    I'm afraid I don't understand this at all.  Could you elaborate?

    I don't see what the connection is to people storing money safely and having more wars.  People don't eschew wars because they're scared of their savings being stolen, they eschew wars because they don't want to *spend* those savings, and/or don't want to lose the war to begin with.  Do you think whales got to be whales by throwing themselves into battle with abandon whenever they got the chance?  How would letting them store away money risk free at a profit encourage them to have to spend that money instead of using it to grow larger still?

    Bank owners actually love war.  You know when we do our best business?  Yeah, it's right after a war.  We actually have wait lists, there's so many people wanting loans.  It's great!  Not to mention those of us who do brokering often manage to make out fairly well during/before the war as well.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Arrow said:

    I want to highlight what you're main point is because I think its important regarding already established-player owned banks.

    With player run banks, there is absolutely no guarantee of safety regarding a customers money/resources regardless of reputation. You are essentially putting your trust in someone who could quite easily refuse/ignore your requests to withdraw their own money and keep it for themselves, I'm not saying that it will happen just that its a possibility. Taking out the middle-man and having a centralised bank for the majority of the game would offer peace of mind when their hard earned money is stashed away ready for that big infra jump or bulk city purchases. There's already a bunch of 'alliances' that have been created just to keep others' money stored away, Yarr, Planet Reach & Stratton Oakmont to name but a few. This idea could somewhat render these shell-alliances useless and keep the alliance leader boards clutter-free. At the rate these shells are being created, there might as well be an option to setup a corporation inside your aligned alliance instead.

    There is no guarantee, correct.  This is a very realistic thing that I think is GOOD for Orbis's finances, because uncertainty creates opportunity.

    If there were no risk, there'd be no reason for us to charge decent interest.  If there were no risk, banking would be a lot more BORING.  That said, let's not overplay the risks here.  To the best of my knowledge, NONE of the big banks have EVER defaulted on a liability (possibly excluding the Gringotts/Greene thing which I'm not super clear on the details and won't comment on).  While that doesn't mean that there is NO risk, it does mean that if you're scared of investing in any of us, you need to get your head checked because I think you've got some serious trust problems.

    Peace of mind is not something we WANT everyone to have for no downsides, with great ease.  That's just boring.  The game NEEDS to have problems to solve and risks to take or there's no point doing anything.  As I pointed out somewhere in my wall of text above, risk is an inextricable part of economics.  I don't think the game would be made better AT ALL by removing that wrinkle. 

    Why would rendering shell alliances moot be a good thing?  Why is that even an argument?  I don't understand.  I mean, I understand thinking the concept is stupid (and I agree with you there, even!).  But I don't see how removing them is an argument unto itself.  It's not like they harm the game.  

    I'd seriously like the ability to set up non-alliance entities though.  That'd be rad.

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