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Posts posted by MrsPigeon


    It's almost painful.

    I mean you can't really criticize other alliances when you guys are the quintessential backstabber who hid behind your protectorates for a majority of your existence.
  2. Stfu, Only reason they did so well is because they're !@#$in great at this game along with their friends who are also !@#$in good at this game.


    If being good at this game means betraying your allies and signing treaties with everyone and their mother so you have no risk, then I'm not sure you have very high standards.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I dunno what you mean by leaving them in the dirt, was part of 2 years of winning with them. I do not leave alliances in bad standing.

    Only reason tS did well is because they surrounded themselves with trusty lapdogs after betraying their bloc.
  4. You talk a lot of shit for being in an alliance that's full of losers. Win a few wars and then you can talk.

    Seems like you're more dedicated to tS then you are for Space Uncle. Maybe you just shouldn't have left tS. Maybe then you'd be taken seriously.
  5. Guardian has been clapping ass since Lordaeron was a thing. Lordaeron is about to catch another L along with the numerous L's all of your membership has taken from their previous alliances. Lordaeron is just an alliance that is so used to losing, they have all started to believe that it's winning.

    You talk a lot of shit for being in a paperless alliance that is smaller than global communist bloc
    • Upvote 3
  6. nah, you still too irrelevant unfortunately. I'd more than half the damage your entire alliance did in my 5 wars yesterday lol


    Lordaeron 04/14


    Value of Infrastructure Destroyed:




    me 04/14


    Value of Infrastructure Destroyed:



    For someone who just took a jab at TFP and CS, 4/5 of your wars are with CS and 1 is with VE. And you're a whale. So to be honest you could've done better than that, babe.
  7. You guys won't be soon. Better pucker up those lips for peace talks.

    Is that a hint or just wishful thinking? Cause last time I checked Mensa lost 40k score and is now only 10k score above Lordaeron. Looks like the steamroller ran out of steam
    • Upvote 2
  8. I know you're a bird brain, but I didn't take you as an ostrich with your head stuck in the dirt.  I like messing with the kid.  I mean, he was pretty public with "attacking Polaris" on voice chat to many people who heard it.  So it's nothing new.  It's a running gag at this point.

    I'm infamous for making things a bigger deal than they actually are. Don't mind me, I'm a drama queen.
  9. That's the exact reason why it happened.  I have multiple PasteBin logs that can fill out the context very easily.  I have nothing to lie in regards to what was going on with VE as I had no initial vested interest in them other than asking Seeker for a favor.  People didn't believe me, plus I was told to do it.  Normally I don't, well, unless you're Kastor then he's free game.





    If this was a consistent thing from me (Or whoever), then you'd be right.

    Well sure, there are times when log dumping is perfectly acceptable, especially when people don't believe you. I'm just saying that all the log dumping on this thread specifically is pretty pathetic and clearly an FA ploy to smear Lordaeron for no other reason than you guys disliking Kastor. This thread is about tS and somehow everyone made it about Polaris. There are better ways to go about it than that. It's pretty clear Kastor doesn't give a hoot.
  10. Yeah, how dare people post evidence to expose the truth? It's almost like we live in a fact based reality.

    Are you really going to defend log dumping? Let everyone today know that durmij and Rose support desperate log dumping on the OWF.


    It's generally well accepted that log dumping on the OWF is pathetic. I can easily screenshot something, take it out of context, and pretend it fits into my politically driven narrative. Come on durmij, you've been around long enough to know this. Maybe if you take your head out of your biased arse you'd see the situation for what it really is. The logs Pride dumped aren't even good ones. If you have something to say, say it.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Coming from a pretty outside perspective and reading only was was posted in the OP and the subsequent couple of pages, it seems to me that the VE-tS treaty was signed for practical purposes and not necessarily because they liked each other. I thought it was generally accepted that this is a common practice. You see it all the time, across the board. It should not surprise anyone that Seeker may not have liked tS but signed them anyway.


    Is any of this proof that the intention of signing tS malicious? Doesn't seem like it to me. I have no qualms with tS or VE, in fact I don't really care if either of them exists as I don't have many connections to either of them. But it's pretty clear that Seeker hadn't decided upon anything yet and was just having a discussion. It's clear he didn't really like tS or syndisphere. Surprise surprise, not everyone does. But you can't just blow it out of proportion and claim he intentionally signed tS will clear cut plans to betray them. Unless there is evidence to say the contrary, it's merely speculation.

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