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dtc justice

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Posts posted by dtc justice

  1. 2 hours ago, MaliciousOnion said:

    "snitches get stitches" is a phrase used by violent criminals, threatening physical harm on those who report them. is that really the position you want to take here?

    also, i have been reported by a goon for rulebreaking and received a warning for it.

    You all are too new to PNW to understand how things work. If an alliance pisses off the community enough, they will be the sole target of the future war. Happens time and time again. This is what they mean by snitches get stitches

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Epi said:

    Tfw Sheepy nerfs the spy war so you actually have to do intel ops.  But 20 milcom dudes die inside because their work can't be automated.

    The spy change just hurts the people who aren't organized. This change benefits the alliance who were already good at the spy game, it's a terrible change because it skews it harder (even though it benefits me, I disagree with the change)

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  3. 12 hours ago, Elijah Mikaelson said:

    when you makeup lies and then follow it with "I lack evidence" then your nothing more than a laughable joke. plus there has only ever been three on my network, my wife and my neighbour,  but yeah run with that 4-5 nations next week it will 7-8 I'm sure, you should have stayed in retirement lol, plus pretty sure the mods said they would warn people who derail the topic clearly you can not read so anything you claim to know must have come from a picture book.


    Desimal, huggies, dubayoo, moonshadtow, that's 4 that you told gov in rose that you have full access/control over. and that people verified them seperate for you. ?‍♀️ 

    Edit: after looking it up I no longer see huggies as an account. Either the account has had a name change since the beginning of the war (I scoped you guys out and know I saw huggies as well) or huggies was banned, just because you have 2 multis now (and who knows how more, that have been made since you were in rose) does not mean you only ever have had 3  nations on your network lol

  4. When Elijah was named moonshadow and was in rose, he did pretty much admit that he controls all of the 4-5 accounts that were verified by his neighbors and family etc, and that moonshadow himself plays all the accounts. Also said that he plans to funnel them all into his main at one point in the future. I lack evidence. However I know this to be true, and that makes me believe the keno 5bn is a fabricated ss ;) afk back to retirement.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Alex said:

    I think we ought to just eliminate alliance bank looting as it's a mostly useless mechanic that just causes moderation headaches.

    I can get behind that, but if you remove the bank loot then there should be some kind of compensation, such as a larger nation beige loot maybe? Lots of people go to war for the purpose of looting, and not looting a bank is a large stream of lost potential 

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  6. 3 hours ago, Hodor said:

    @Frawley this is just a minor gripe, but the metric "Nukes Killed", is more like "Nukes Eaten" and probably shouldn't be factored into damages.

    Should be nukes eaten I agree, but it should be factored in because people nuking 1k cities shouldnt be awarded with positive net lol

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