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Lu Xun

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Posts posted by Lu Xun

  1. New problem: massive constipation. I'm trying to deal with the fecal impaction by drinking lots of water. I could try a conventional laxative, but all the tabasco sauce I've been drinking doesn't seem to work, so why should a laxative do the job?


    Note to self: the last meal before the fast starts should be fiber heavy. The first meal after the fast ends should be fiber heavy.


    Weight, as well, is up to 181, so while I'm not aborting my planned 18 day fast as it's for spiritual/personal reasons, my expectations of its efficacy is actually quite low.


    Just an interesting show article about how to manipulate your weight quickly using water loss / gain techniques:


  2. As for actual news, after weighing myself, I am now back up to 177 pounds. I'm going to be eating for another 3 days at this rate, so I forgive myself easily for the overeating. The last time, for instance, I was calorie restricting as I had planned a proper diet over 3-4 months. This time, well...


    The current plan is as follows. Approximately at noon, on the 8th, I stop eating again. This time, I take up the Lotus Sutra, and hopefully manage to lose another 27 lbs from my former minimum weight of 171 pounds, water fasting (as in, strict water fasting) for 18 days, ending on the 26th at noon. That solves the "spiritual" or "moral" element of fasting, i.e, I manage to finish fasting as a means of self-mortification and to endure suffering.


    Then fasting / exercise is now to reach my target weight of 135 pounds. The plan is 3 cycles of 72 hour intermittent fasting over 9 days, with a goal of losing 4 pounds. Then I am 137 pounds. Then, 2 cycles of 48 hour intermittent fasting, as I'd be rapidly approaching underweight status,with a goal of losing 2 pounds. Voila, 135.


    As for the unplanned rapidity of recent weight gain, I could attempt to fast to nuke it away, but I'm going to see how much I can cycle in the next day. 20 miles might be nice (effectively 3-4 hours of cycling at 10 mph, with time allotted for breaks). It probably won't do much, but will help keep my metabolism in order.

  3. 13 hours ago, Etatsorp said:

    @Inst you sound like you might have an eating disorder.  This sort of attitude to eating and weightloss is very unhealthy.  FYI fasting causes the release of stress hormones that (off the top of my head) trigger fat storage, muscle protein breakdown, hypertension and many other undesirable things.  Your weight loss is quite likely to be mostly water, muscle breakdown, and yes a little fat.

    Turns out I do. I have a binge eating issue, i.e, I tend to eat too much and to snack too much.


    My actual weight history for the past 7 years has ranged from 165 pounds to 220 pounds. This is roughly between 22.8 BMI to 28.8 BMI, between the boundaries of slightly under overweight and obese.


    Let me put it another way, we know one of your TKR friends. That person has a serious eating disorder because they're roughly underweight and still conceive of themselves as fat. I, on the other hand, am medically overweight on a BMI basis and medically OBESE on a body fat percentage basis. I'm resorting to drastic intervention to resolve this issue, and most people here end up resorting to their preconceived notions of fasting is wrong.


    There's recent and substantial medical research on the topic. Traditionally, fasting was researched as a potential solution for obesity. Unfortunately, people died due to a lack of fine-tuned control and the concept was dropped. However, as fasting is culturally ingrained (intermittent or single-meal fasting is common in many religions, as mentioned before, Buddhist ascetics will run it for up to 72 days, although that's highly dangerous and implies pre-bloating of at least 40 pounds above normal weight), it still has adherents and modified versions, such as 5-2 or 48 / 72 intermittent fasting, came into the fore, with substantially less danger.

  4. Down to 171 pounds. This phase of fasting is effectively over, I'm headed for oysters and an Argentine grill soon.


    In the recovery phase, I shouldn't exceed 175 pounds. I have about 72 hours of eating left to me; once I get to the 8th, I'm going to try to fast for 18 days, terminating around noon of the 26th.

  5. 1 hour ago, CandyShi said:

    I’ve been refraining from responding due to respect for your personal decisions, but I think I draw the line at encouraging others to follow you.


    Starving yourself for more than a day isn’t healthy. Don’t do this.



    But it's Candyshi.


    In other news, I'm considering trying an 18 day burst instead of only 10 days, because this is a normal fasting practice in Mahayana Buddhism for monastics. The experts have gotten up to 72 days, but this is considered exceptionally grueling and you'd probably need substantial body weight to make it work for so long. And of course, the monastics are monitored.


    One thing I've thought about recently is "Food addiction". Turns out, this is literally a thing, and something above and beyond merely needing a certain calorie input to sustain body functions.




    Food addiction is when you have a psychological compulsion to eat, and obviously this class of irrationality transcends mere questions of eating to live.


    The most important part, for me, of overcoming food addiction is understanding that hunger is normal, and that simply because you're hungry, you don't necessarily need to eat. You only need to eat in order to maintain a certain body weight and/or avoid malnutrition. The difference between food addiction and food dependency (i.e, you're a biological creature) is simply this eat-to-live vs live-to-eat distinction.


    As for the monastic diet, I'll also switch down from caffeine (no tea, just water) and also drop my nicotine habit. The target weight loss will be approximately 27 pounds, or a drop from 170 pounds to about 143 pounds, although I doubt I'll reach it.


    Another point of interest is that given that I'm losing 1.5 lbs per day, I'm roughly burning through 5000 calories per day, which is way more than my basal metabolic rate and caloric requirements. It's an interesting phenomenon and either implies biological inefficiency or that I'm losing a lot of water weight as my fat goes down.

  6. Down to 171.8-172.8 pounds, depending on the scale. It's been roughly 15 days since I've started fasting, so the weight loss rate is about 1 lb / day (total) and 1.5 lbs / fasting day. Looks like I have good odds of hitting a 170 lb target by the time I break fast tomorrow. But I'll still be overweight by S'porean standards for my ethnicity.


    Fasting for 48 hours, imo, is worth it for anyone who has issues with their weight. You can stuff it into a weekend and discover that your weight is something you can control. Moreover, when you fast, you experience an extreme short-term clarity that, imo, is sincerely liberating. Please remember, however, that fasting beyond 48-72 hours, especially if you are of normal weight, requires medical supervision unless you want to kill yourself.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Micchan said:

    I can confirm, this is our 14th month of being rolled by everyone and we have more members than some month ago

    Mainly because you're up to about 55% inactives.


    At some point, this war will transition from a war to a Pax Pacifica, i.e, while no one (outside of AK) is going to be dumb enough to post "unilateral declaration of victory", you're going to be reduced to the status of raiders and be suppressed as such indefinitely. Forget peace.

  8. Have a scale telling me I'm about 173.5 pounds, but I doubt its accuracy. I have another 48 hours left, and the scale that I trust (because it's on the high side) will likely tell me I'm 173 or 171 pounds by then.


    I'm ironically thinking about oysters as a way to break fast. I'm about 4.5 days in, and I'm tired, fatigued, and have a headache out the wazoo. On further reference, the Tiantai / Tendai sect has a rather prolonged fast:




    But unlike Tendai adherents, I have slept, eaten foodstuffs not exceeding 30 calories per day, and I've drunk prodigious amounts of tea. Maybe I'll give it a shot, and attempt to do the trek over a few years.

  9. Point that people missed is that getting rid of EMC fat is one thing, but getting repeatedly rolled just gets you fanatics, who often are incompetent. Deliberately getting rolled twice isn't about losing EMC fat, but is more about political consolidation. So yeah, this is going to attract downvotes. I don't care.


    As I've mentioned before, the IJA and PVA (in Korea) espoused a man over materiel strategy. In the former case, it got Japan nuked because the Americans got fed up with their shit, and in the latter case, the only thing saving the Chinese from American strategic bombing was that the Soviets were backing them and the Americans were piss-scared of overwhelming Soviet force. Even in the latter case, the PVA took massive casualties, especially once the war bogged down into a stalemate situation where breaking the front line without heavy equipment (coordinated and sustained artillery bombardment, aerial bombardment, tanks) was suicide.

  10. Still haven't been able to defecate yet. This Tabasco sauce is ridiculously ineffective, although my intestines have been grumbling all along. The Shirataki more or less just added .5 pounds to my body weight without flushing out my Thanksgiving meal.

  11. Down to 175.4 pounds, which implies I can hit 171 or environs weight by the time I break fast. I think the way I'll do it is start a 10 day fast early on the 10th, then recover for 2 days and then switch to intermittent fasting. That'd be an expected weight of 160 pounds, with about 6 pounds lost to end the month (and year) at 154 pounds. That still puts me at 19 pounds to go between 154 and 135, which might be doable by the end of January.

  12. Only down to about 178 lbs today. IMO, this is moving way too slowly. I'm thinking about moving to 72 hour intermittent fasting, but I'd need to make the point (10 days fasting) first. This would imply that I fast through Sunday.


    Doing 1.5 lbs per day, over the next 6 days, I'd be able to reduce another 9 pounds and hit 169 pounds. Then intermittent fasting should guarantee around 2 pounds per 3 days. That's 23 days, or about 16 pounds dropping me to a target of approximately 153 pounds by the end of the month. Which still keeps me 18 pounds distant from my 135 lb goal, but at that point, I'd already have blown through 37 pounds. How hard is the last 18 pounds going to be?

  13. 16 minutes ago, Clarke said:

    I doubt this thing you're doing is actually happening though. 

    Yeah, I cheated yesterday and ate an Umeboshi. IIRC should be around 0 calories, could be around 7 or so. Today, I'm eating 15 calories worth of shirataki because I want to clean my bowels.

  14. Finally dropped below 180 pounds. I cheated a little bit, though, and ate an umeboshi recently.


    I'm not sure if I can lose enough weight by Thursday to hit 170 lbs, unfortunately, so perhaps only 175 lbs is realistic. If the weight loss rate is too slow, I'll probably have to pick up cycling early.


    The plan is currently to quit smoking at the 10 day fast point, though, and that's prioritized over weight loss.


    Another thing I can do is roughly switch to 72 hour intermittent fasting (eat once every 3 days), but surviving 10 days without food is a high priority.

  15. Fasted for about 16 hours at this point, at about 182 lbs. Goal is, by December 21st, drop down to 160 pounds or environs weight.  Then by the end of January, weigh only 145-150 lbs.


    Current planned interval is 6.5 days, so I'll be able to eat again on Thursday.

    • Upvote 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Micchan said:

    You started years ago when you proved to the international scientific community that a human can survive without brain

    #1, the proposition isn't interesting; we've had vegetabilized humans living on life support for years. Headless chickens have been known to live a relatively normal life only off their brain stem.


    #2, there's quite a few philosophies and religions that would see that as a good thing; i.e, a purely intuitive existence unburdened by consciousness.

    • Haha 2
  17. 42 minutes ago, Adrienne said:

    Why do you want to aim for being underweight, especially knowing how dangerous it is? You don't sound like you're drastically obese. Just take care of yourself, get active, and eat better. No need to resort to any of the extremes you've mentioned.

    Nothung! Nothung!
    Neidliches Schwert!
    Was mußtest du zerspringen?
    Zu Spreu nun schuf ich
    die scharfe Pracht,
    im Tiegel brat' ich die Späne.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hohei!
    Blase, Balg!
    Blase die Glut!
    Wild im Walde
    wuchs ein Baum,
    den hab' ich im Forst gefällt:
    die braune Esche
    brannt' ich zur Kohl',
    auf dem Herd nun liegt sie gehäuft.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hoheí! Hoho!
    Blase, Balg!
    Blase die Glut!
    Des Baumes Kohle,
    wie brennt sie kühn;
    wie glüht sie hell und hehr!
    In springenden Funken
    sprühet sie auf:
    hohei, hohei, hohei!
    zerschmilzt mir des Stahles Spreu.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hoho!
    Blase, Balg!
    Blase die Glut!

    Excalibur! Excalibur!

    Envious sword!
    What did you have to shatter?
    To chaff now I created
    the sharp splendor,
    I fry the chips in the crucible.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hohei!
    Bubble, bellows!
    Blow the embers!
    Wild in the woods
    a tree grew
    I liked that in the forest:
    the brown ash
    I burned to cabbage,
    on the stove now she is heaped.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hohei! Hoho!
    Bubble, bellows!
    Blow the embers!
    The tree's coal,
    how does she burn boldly;
    how does it glow bright and dear?
    In bouncing sparks
    spray it on:
    high, high, high!
    smashes me of the steel chaff.
    Hoho! Hoho!
    Hohei! Hoho!
    Bubble, bellows!
    Blow the embers!


    I just keep remembering Siegfried slamming the door on poor Mime repeatedly, but that must have been a different production.


    [just because this is yet another Inst gnomic non-explanation, I guess I'll elaborate. Nothung in Der Ring des Nibelungen is a legendary sword once broken by the spear of Odin. Many smiths have attempted to reforge it, but it takes Wagner's hero, Siegfried to actually do the job because he breaks the sword into its component pieces and forges it anew. You can read Shaw for the symbolism of it, etc; i.e, it recalls Nietzsche's transvaluation. Likewise, the point of being underweight is just so that I get to say I was underweight once in my life, and because the musculature that emerges from such a state is not built on-top of old histories.]

    • Haha 1
  18. 15 hours ago, TUCO said:

    Hey friend I have the opposite problem in which i have problem gaining weight anyways good luck!

    remember though that losing weight too fast might result in excess skin. it can be removed via surgery but you might want to do some research on that.

    Coca Cola. Lots of sugar, ruins your teeth, but sugar tends to promote appetite. Will at least give you fat mass, which you can burn off for muscle later.


    Latest report: still at 181-182 pounds despite discontinuing fasting due to gastric upset. I was originally planning to fast again today, but I have some leftovers and will start, instead, on Friday after Thanksgiving eating.


    The most important part of fasting, for me, is the changed consciousness. Beyond mere irritability, there is a lot more control of what I think of and what I eat, and I've mostly quit the sugar since I've dieted.


    The other thing is, if your goal is to get underweight (and that's actually more dangerous than obesity), exercise won't get you that way because depending on your metabolism, you'll build muscle mass even if you do lots of aerobics. The only muscle group I really care about in my body are my abs, and everything else, in my view, is luxury.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Kevanovia said:

    Look up Keto diet. Although it’s not an ideal long term diet -You’ll loose a ton of weight moderately quick, and it’s wayyyyy healthier than not eating/only drinking diet soda.

    Yeah, I'm familiar with that and I've done it before. Fasting is just something I like; I mean, if I could safely take a knife and do home lipo, I would (because it's painful), but I can't. Put another way, there's something to be said for having literally starved yourself from the overweight to the underweight category.

  20. 1 hour ago, TheManWhoSoldTheWorld said:

    Fasting is a way to lose weight, but it's both unhealthy and not ideal for it ?

    I'd personally suggest just running or doing yoga or other light exercises. That way you're losing weight and improving your overall health. (I've only recently got back into working out so im not sure if im the best person to be giving you advice).

    Either way, good luck and stay healthy my friend!

    The alternative, of course, is liposuction. The goal is rapid, massive weight loss putting me into the underweight region, then sustained work at keeping weight in the 145-150 range.


    And part of the sell with fasting is that in animal studies, it's been shown that at the outset of fasting (first 72 hours), there's an increase in expression of proteins associated with neurogenesis; i.e, it improves learning and intelligence. This drops off afterwards, of course, but you can see the evolutionary reason for this, right? If you're hungry and starving, you probably f-ed up somewhere and are better off learning why you f-ed up.


    I don't see force fasting as a merely a means to lose weight, but also as a means of spiritual growth.


    As is, I can't continue to fast until this esophageal ulcer heals (5-7 days), but when I start again, I'll stick to Ito-en tea. I need the caffeine.




    To an extent, I also think this is representative of why people in the West are so fat. They're afraid of suffering, as well as suffering for its own sake. Medically-unsupervised fasting in a healthy individual is supposed to be safe to 72 hours, so you don't need to eat all the time and being dependent on blood glucose levels is a stimulus to unpredictable mood and general insanity.

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