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Posts posted by Spite

  1. I've also been to a shitload of airports. Heathrow alone has 70m or so visitors a year, I think statistically there are going to be times when we cross paths with other players.


    What's worrying is that I really don't know when I could have crossed paths with other players but I know of at least 2 who have been flagged on the same network. One of them at least lives in the same city as me, but MIB.HG doesn't.

  2. Hi 


    Sorry if this has already been answered-


    I recently had a same network notification when buying coal or iron or something from:



    I know previously that an alliance mate of mine who happens to live in London (where I live) told me that he had the same network as me too.


    How is this worked out? I have wifi at home of course, and last time I checked neither of these dudes lived with me in my one bed flat with my girlfriend... (checks cupboard)


    I don't really connect to wifi normally when I'm out an about since I have unlimited 4G on my phone. I do very rarely, but even then it would be in a library or a cafe or something- I don't use it at work.


    So I don't really understand how we could use the same network, unless it's to do with the phone connection, or (extremely unlikely) we happened to both have coffee and connect in the same Pret a Manger?


    Could it be made so that one-off connections to the same networks don't count if that's the case? You have to connect to the same network more than 3 times or something?


    Not that I desperately need to trade with these people but I don't want a huge list of people who supposedly are potentially my multis.



    • Upvote 2
  3. i with 60 and i can only fit 40kg max

    You realise this is a deadlift right?




    If you can only lift 40kg in this format then I'm guessing that's just due to your age/lack of muscular development. Most adult males can lift at least their own bodyweight in this format. A professional lifter can manage over double their own bodyweight. The world record is somewhere between 450 and 550kg depending on what kind of lift it is.

  4. They can only deadlift 100kg? That's pathetic. An average person with no training can lift 1.25* their bodyweight. A seven foot guy would be at least a hundred kilos. Basically your army is made of scrawny peasants.

  5. I agree the moderation does suck. For example when foxfire and I got into a slanging match the other day, I called her a terrible player and got a warn point for personal insults. Because saying someone is rubbish at a game is a personal insult now.


    The only thing that I could possibly be accused of is flaming since I was pretty vicious, but even then she came into my thread and started being hostile, so it wouldn't really stick.


    I think realistically if the mods hadn't interfered it would have been fine. They warned me after the argument was over and the topic had already moved on anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I'd say they're the same conflict, though as syrup says it wasn't really serious until vanguard decided to make it serious. Without Arrgh raid protection a few more enthusiastic raiders in mensa decided to go for vanguard's soft underbelly. Then vanguard issued some sort of ultimatum the attacks stop. Then they declared war on us anyway :P

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