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Waldreich National Syndication Issue #0001

Willam von Waldreich



Waldreich National Syndication

GDP drop puts more pressures on new government

The recent financial reports presented by the Department of Economics and the Department of the Interior has concluded that the recent expansion has caused some unexpected consequences. The nations GDP has dropped over 3% and will possible drop further as continued City Development and Military spending reaches new heights. The Department of Economics has stated that expansion in infrastructure has increased the upkeep while the number of establishments that increase revenue has stated the same despite the recent increase in spending. 

The Waldreich House of Nobles has been working with the Peoples Senate in order to create a new economic packages that would maintain the current military budget while increasing the revenue through continued economic growth packages to business owners. Part of the new package could also see an increase in spending for Farmers which until recently hadn't obtained any financial assistance from the government. The 'Farmers Financial Expansion Package' is being designed to increase the governments ability to buy crops directly from the farmers or through approved business while also creating a subsidy during times of shortfalls or droughts. 

"We believe that the government must be willing to help those in need when the time comes, while also ensuring that the people do not get too reliant on the government. It is one thing to help when the help is needed, but another thing entirely when people expect to be taken care of." stated Chancellor William von Waldreich during a meeting between the Chancellor and the Director of Economics and the Interior.

The announcement of the GDP dropping had caused some ripples in the nations markets with people fearful that this could be a sign of a possible economic recession just a little while after the new government was formed. This has put pressure both on the House of Nobles and the Peoples Senate.


Special Operations within Waldreich raise concerns of international conflict

A recent report from the Department of Defense and Security has recently shown where there was an operation recently that caused the death of several members of the Waldreich's Special Tactics and Recon Team (STRT). While the nation that conducted the operations has not been identified yet there is growing concerns the operation is simply the start of something that may lead to a growing conflict. The Department of Defense and Security has stated that they are currently investigating the possibility that the nation responsible could be one that has a vendetta against the Alliance that the Imperial Republic of Waldreich recently joined.

The STRT members that were killed during the operations will be laid in the Royal Armies National Cemetery with full honors. The Imperial Royal Guard will be preforming a ceremony for the fallen in the next couple of days. It is expected that the Chancellor along with the former King will appear and give a speech to the people and the families. "These young men and women were willing to live, serve, and die for this great nation. It is not just a duty to be there for them when they are laid to rest, but a great honor to be there for those who have earned glory and honor." King George von Waldreich III, stated when asked by WNS. 

Chancellor William von Waldreich announced that the STRT and the Department of Defense and Security will be seeking information from anyone who is willing to provide it and that the military has been put on heightened alert until the investigation is complete.



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