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The Norsif National News & Broadcasting is an important aspect of our people's national image. Learn about the latest news of Norsif!

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Norsif Police Kill Invading Caravan

Tensions at the border of Norsif when a Caravan ignited said tensions; so much so. The Police Opened fire upon the Caravan. When closer inspection was made. The Police seized over 80 Bricks of Cocaine and Fentanyl. 80 members of the Las Calibres Cartel were arrested at the border. And then executed by the Norsif Police Officer's. Their bordering neighbor Erondia is furious that they tossed the bodies over onto Erondia's lands after executing them. Norsif Wolves has been seen near the border



Norsif vows Nuclear Winter

The Kommandanten of Norsif has vowed that if the cowardly communists continue to attack the people of the Norsif. Then they shall envelope the world in a Nuclear Winter that will never end. 



Norsif invades neighboring nation

BREAKING NEWS: NORSIF INVADES NEIGHBORING NATION    August 30th, 2046 ORBIS DATE The Great Nation of Norsif invades neighboring nation of Aurellia for a massive land grab; as the medium sized nation entered into the borders; breaking the Non-Aggression Pact the two nations have enjoyed for several decades; after a blatant disrespectful tone by the President of Aurellia whom during his presidency has been anti-Norsif and has enacted tariffs on Norsifian goods that were unbeara



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