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Suggestion: New Government System

Georgi Stomana

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Basically the current system really seems to discourage roleplaying because of the different in-game effects Autocracy, Stratocracy, Democracy and so on have. So my suggestion is basically to make the government type have no in-game effect, but  be directly determined by your choices in the Policies. So for example if you have Extreme Left economics and Authoritarian/Fascist social policies you're a "Communist" government, if you have Fascist social policies but moderate-to-Right economic policies you get "Fascist" or "National Socialist" government. If you both both as moderate you get "Centrist" government, if your economy is more to the left but socially your quite liberal you get "Social Democracy", if economics is a bit Right but social policies are moderate-to-right you get "Conservative Democracy", then "Conservative Dictatorship" if you go further right on social issues.


That way your government is decided directly by your Policy choices, and you don't have to change to Autocracy or whatever because you want a bonus before buying infrastructure.

Democratic Republic of Koprivshtitsa (DRK; Bulgarian: Demokraticheska republika Koprivshtitsa)

Communist Party of Koprivshtitsa (CPK; Komunisticheska partiya na Koprivshtitsa (KPK))

Member-state of the Green Protection Agency


~Peace and Fraternity Between All Nations~

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I like the way it is. My reason is that ,for example, if you are going to roleplay as a military general and choose stratocracy, you will get advantages according to that. It only makes it more interesting and is realistic in my opinion.

Say, you want to roleplay as a Democratic ruler, you can do it quite well even now. Ofcourse, you will miss out the reduction in infra cost if you don't change it while buying infra but that will be your choice.

You can choose to prioritize your roleplaying over economics.

If we adopt your suggestion, the government types will be just names; with no use to majority of the players. Though if your suggestion is adopted, it will equalize things and make it easier for hard core roleplayers to follow their character to the max as they will not have to worry about any sort of economic disadvantage. But such roleplayers seem to be in a minority right now.

Edited by Niklaus

Blood of a king. Heart of a lion.

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