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Gérald Laurent

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Colonel Haas and his security detail walked inside the cold corridors of the Arctic Research Base. They entered the underground secure bunker, speaking directly with the President in the Vatican. 

Madame President, how is the trip to the Vatican.

Not that interesting, just some historical information and how religious we should be.

So basically like Reverend Holland

Indeed, The President let off a little chuckle 

So, Colonel. Have you received the package? 

Yes Madame President. With the map, we have identified the race as Naylidans. A probably highly technological race that colonized Iceland, Faroe Islands, and other parts of the North Arctic Islands. Our base in Grönland has uncovered their underground facilities, but the area has proven unstable. We have found the cause of our numerous cave ins to be the high electrical surges that rupture the ice core resulting in small tremors. 

Colonel, please do ensure the safety of yourself and the men. 

Madame President, we do have some vital news. During their routine exercise, an avalanche destroyed 3 of the Norwegian Ski Korps IFVs. However, the Korp discovered a huge underground system of tunnels and hangars for some type of ships. The Data has been sent to you, and we hope that you quickly act. There are some really interesting intelligence, even on what happened to Fort Caraciss. It seems they have been watching for sometime. 

Thank you Colonel, bring me any further updates. I need a break from these negotiations. 

Yes Véronique. Haas out.

The Intelligence provided a map of other advance races, the nearest being in the Chad region. The Command assembled a task force and quickly began preparations to transport them to Chad.  The Swiss Light Infantry Shock Battalion and 14th Nova Research Division landed in Tripoli, they quickly refueled and paid their local contact codenamed Fuse. The planes continued into Chad where they departed and began their operation to crack the 'Triskelion' Vault and capital. The Command was certain that the city would be a great find and excavating it would be quite resourceful. The Foreign Ministry provided The MoG PMC in the region information that a German military unit would be operating in the area. The Swiss Light Infantry Shock Battalion was made up of many elite soldiers from the Bundesreich's neighboring Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft. The Soldiers were trained in storming, defending, and deploying into hostile areas behind enemy lines as the main forces pushed. The unit comprised of many French and Swiss troops from the Former French Empire and her extended territories. Alongside the Norsk Ski Division, La Légion Étrangére Française, Witten Seebataillon Brigade and Nederlands vreemd Legioen . These units are solely based on ethnic forces comprising of Norwegians, French, Witten, and Dutch ethnic groups within the Bundesreich. Although in recent years some citizens have been able to deploy with the ethnic units, unit cohesion within these units are strong and generally preform beyond expectation. 


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Swiss Light Infantry Shock Battalion


  The Battalion crossed the river, entering the old city of chad. years of alien rule, the city had been degraded by fighting warlords and politicians who wanted control of the advance city. The streets desolate and barren. Windows were shattered and stones cracked by bullets, the squadrons of the Battalion moved through the inner city. Their target was the city hall, which was also under a warlord by the name Alfaro was using as his base of operations. 2nd Platoon under Lieutenant Wagner was tasked with providing a perimeter. His men quickly surrounded the Elegant City Hall. Although having small parts of its exterior and dome destroyed to mortar and small arms fire it still stood as a beacon of power in the city. Dog Company under Major Dogma was to storm the building. Their soldiers were equipped with standard G38s and specialists with MG4s and MR308 they walked into to halls. 

India Squad, this is Dog Company. We have entered Building, status on overwatch?

DC. This is India, overwatch in position. 30 Hostiles in mayor's office, 12 sentries across the halls. Multiple hostiles inside, pulse indicated ~100 

Copy India, DC received. Report back when Zulu Squad has prepared extraction. 

Roger, India out. 

 Dog Company pressed into the building. Their MG4s set up fire patterns in the hallway leading to the Mayors Residence. Echo Squadron handled the Soldiers in the hall, in a silent firefight, the 12 sentries dropped. Echo Squadron placed breaching on the door and took cover. 

This is Alpha Squadron, we have hostiles toward rear, permissions to engage. 

Echo Squadron...Detonate...I repeat Detonate 

Alpha Squadron enga....(Explosion)..ge Hostiles...I repeat Engage..(Sporadic gunfire) 

This is SSgt. Bern, heavy gun...I repeat...Enemy have us box...(comms went dead) 

Major! The enemy are jamming our signals. We are cut off from Alpha Squadron. 

 The Major looked at his subordinates. Marcus, take your Platoon and assist Alpha. Alexander, take your(more sporadic gunfire) Section and provide a overwatch as Echo enters Mayor's office.

The officers nodded and departed to their objectives. As Alpha Squadron was pinned down, they had already lost 8 men. They continued to fight against waves of militants hellbent on breaking the Swiss lines. 

Outside 2nd Platoon had engaged hostiles that attempted to enter the building, starting another firefight. Militants by their hundreds started to enter the field, transported on light vehicles. Using Panzerfausts Section 2-1 was able to rout the remaining vehicles, stopping the flow of militants by vehicle. 

This is India Company, be advised Major. Our forces have picked up multiple hostiles heading to the city hall. Be advised enemy numbers in the thousands, I rep... Sir! The enemy i...(A rocket took out India's command center) India Company's command was knocked out, with it's three platoons in heavy combat against militants who began to push the Company back.  

1st Platton to Command... Be advised India Company has lost it's command structure. Multiple Mili....(Mortar drops began to hit the Platoon) ENEMY FORCES PUSHING US BACK I REPEAT INDIA COMPANY HAS BEEN BROKEN....I REPEAT DOG COMPANY IS SURROUNDED, INDIA HAS BEEN OVERRUN....(The line went silent) 

The Swiss Light Infantry Battalion Command Structure just outside of the Main city began to panic. The researches were already attempting to find helicopters to be transported to Libya. Lieutenant General Heckler was not ready to retreat, he began to talk to his last Companies. Lieutenant Hauseman, take November Company and the 3rd Light Vehicle Section. Set up a fall back line across the base, and dig in. We will hold Command at all costs. Major Eliot, take Quebec Company into the city outskirts. Identify what is left of India Company and regroup. We must retake the town center and push the enemy away from Dog Company. 

Inside the main hall, Alpha Squadron had been decimated, with only Private Hellen and Corporal Snider surviving. They linked up with Marcus's Platoon and retreated to the major's position outside the mayor's office. The spotters were using flashes to communicate with 2nd Platoon. Sir... 2nd Platoon reports India Company has routed... India Command is destroyed... Enemy have encircled us... We are moving inside building... Major, major! The Spotter shouted. Major Dogma had been in shock. Their entire Company, 250 strong was surrounded. He only had 185 men left, and his exterior was about to collapse. Order a general retreat, all units who are able are to head to Command, and all units in the bubble are to fight to city hall. We will hold this corridor and surrounding halls until a counter-attack is set in motion. 

Ghost Squadron had set up a small outpost on top of Trickle Towers. Watching as the Militants began fighting each other in an effort to take the city hall. 

Ghost to Quebec, India has been wiped out. I repeat India has been wiped out, we have arrived at their command base. Major Hammer and Lieutenant Ibanez are confirmed KIA + 12 others. (Sporadic Gunfire) Be advised India's remained soldiers are routed and heading your way. I count only 15 men. Roger Ghost. Keep Mama Bear Updated. Roger, Ghost out. 

Major Eliot took her company to meet the remains of India. When the soldiers arrived they were shocked to see their comrades. Major! We have India, their entire command has been destroyed. Corporal Hans is in charge. The Major looked distraught, over 200 soldiers were dead, another 250 cut off from the main force. She radioed Lt. Gen Heckler. Command... India has been destroyed, 15 survivors. All wounded, India's Entire Command Structure has been destroyed. 

In the Command Base, Lt. Gen Heckle began searching their database. Ghost Squadron has sent photos of 3 dead militants, who were not of local ethnicity. He quickly discovered that they were fighting some PMC group. Major Eliot...Begin a withdrawal. Dog company has probably been destroyed, or will be. We must save what remains of the Battalion and regroup. Our enemy is not who we thought it would be. Heckler! We can't le....(gunfire began to erupt) Eliot! Withdraw your forces. I will not lose another Company. Hammer take your tanks and marauders and suppress the enemies attacking Quebec. We will begin a full withdrawal to DZ-2.

The Nova Research Division had already packed all intelligence and classified documents and began to transport it. Quebec and the 3rd Light Tank Section were able to withdraw, taking only 2 casualties they regrouped with November Company began to withdraw 

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Dublin, United Kingdoms of Ireland

President Laurens was speaking with the Prime Minister of Ireland when her Defense Attaché called for her presence. She was hurried onto PAT where she saw her Defense Ministers, Joint Chiefs, and Commander Bastion of the German Central Command. 

Madame President. At 4:03 Am Irish time, The Swiss Light Infantry Shock Battalion had begun to secure the capital of Chad. Our intelligence reported local warlords in conflict, but a steady cease-fire for a couple of hours. The Battalion had 4 companies, a force 1,000 strong and assorted light tanks and IFVs. The situation quickly spiraled and what remained of the Battalion had been forced into full retreat to DZ-2. We can confirm 1 entire battalion was wiped out, with a second battalion trapped in the inner city. We are under the guise they have also been overrun and wiped out...

Commander, that is 500 soldiers. You mean to tell me that the entire battalion was cut in half?

Unfortunately Yes Madame President. 

Damn it... General, I want that battalion brought home, dead or alive. The Commander and other Joint Chiefs left the channel. General Regnart... I expect your resignation on my desk when I arrive in Berlin..

Madame Pre..(The President left the voice channel) 

General Regnart was dismayed. He broke his mug, cutting his hand in the process. Damn it! He just started at the tactical screen as small lights began flickr. 

He picked up the phone and called Commander Lizbon. He would bring that battalion home alive. 

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In Crete, the Airborne Brigade had returned from their weekly PT. Commander Lizbon assembled her officers and debriefed them. 

Gentlemen, our Brigade is the closest German force to Chad. And we have a problem. The Swiss Light Infantry Shock Battalion has been routed and cut in half. They have an entire Company encircled in the capital, another Company decimated, and two companies retreating to their DZ. Our force will be deploying into The Outskirts and linking up with Quebec Company. Captain Lindon, you are going to take Fox Company and parachute behind November Company. We will link up with our companies and begin to prepare our push into the city. 

You will have 1 hour to gear up, we leave as soon as possible. Time is off the essence. 

In Berlin

General Regnart had finished writing his resignation. He looked over the paper, and pondered. 23 years of service, and this incident caused his fall. He spent years and hours of his life for this county and now this. He decided he had one final act as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He opened his laptop and logged onto a website where he sent an encrypted message. 

 Dear Mr......... 

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Inside Chad's city hall, Dog Company continued fight back against waves of hostiles. The Company Major and his men had regrouped their platoons inside the hall. Running low on ammo and out of water, the Company was left in a dire state. The Medical section reported that they had taken 45 casualties. The Major had decided that their position was no longer holdable. He acted quickly, and blew a hole through through hall. He and the remainder of his Company began to head onto the city square. 

In Southern Libya 17 Atlas Troop Transports began to cross into the Chad border. Libyan fighters attempted to intercept before The Atlas Escorts violently shook them off. The Air escort of 30 Tornados had started an air conflict over the Chad border were Libyan Planes attempted to stop them. The air battle ended with a German victory as the Tornados took no causalities while destroying 12 Libyan Planes and damaging 3 others. They quickly headed to the nearest Libyan Air Field in anticipation more fighters would be called. 

Dog Company began their retreat, losing 3 soldiers as they crossed the open city center. They were able to hold up in the financial district of the capital. Inside the building, they attended their wounded and restocked whatever they could. The enemy had stopped engaging for the meanwhile. Major Dogma meet with what ever remained of his subordinates. They were able to get limited messages out to Quebec Company, telling them to send projectiles into the City Center at dawn. 

Outside the capital, 14 PzH2000s and Quebec Company set up firing positions. They held the line, as continuous gunfire and the welcomed sound of G38s filled the air. The Company sat in their fox-holes, as the gunfire continued throughout the scorching sun. Major Eliot radioed Lt. General Heckler. Lt. Gen, Quebec Company is requesting to att...Major. You must understand, we will go in after Dog Company. Fire a spread of Projectiles, get scouts to mark targets. 


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The corporation hadn't been interested in the internal affairs of most of Africa, allowing them to do as they wished so long as it wasn't under a foreign flag. It came as somewhat of a surprise that the German forces were under attack by an organized militia, but not something that would be that difficult to handle. One of the cargo vessels that was waiting in the eastern Mediterranean sailed westward to end up northeast of Tripoli, awaiting further instruction. As the vessel steamed towards its destination, six AC-130W Stinger IIs made their way from Somalia to Chad, with refueling tankers in regular rotation to keep the half dozen aircraft in the air for up to a full day if needed, with another dozen gunships sat waiting to replace those already sent if the mission were to take that long. 

Along with the heavy firepower, six squads of operators were assigned to work as the ground forces for this particular mission, being HALO dropped along with their transportation, based off the standard APC design of the M2 Bradley with the various improvements that 50 years of technology innovation afforded. Once they were on the ground at twilight, a simple encrypted chirp consisting of "Showtime." was sent to begin operations. Another burst was sent to the German command. "Approximately one hour and forty five minutes after sunset our escorts will be arriving at your remaining forces location, until such time it would be most unwise to move, as corporate forces have been given weapons free orders towards anything with a weapon attached."

Satellite and drone surveillance had been used to identify likely targets and all at once the dark sky above the capital lit up and began to fall upon the opposing militia. 105 and 30mm shells tore apart armor and soldiers, and a salvo of hundreds of missiles from the Mediterranean began to clear a path to the N'Djamena International Airport with extreme prejudice.

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