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The Blessings of Chrislam: The Liberation of Yemen


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As the noble Bro fleet fought on above Mars and near the giant interversal gate...


More dynamic things were happening on the surface of Orbis (Orbis III).


Arabia had fallen. Chaos erupted across the land.


In the Arabian Peninsula itself, War Continued.


In the lands once known as Yemen, the Warlord Al-Shebab reigned.


Like his predecessors, he executed all those who failed to uphold his vision of Allah.


'Twas not the vision most were familiar with. The idea that "He who helps you in your time of need is your brother." as stated by the great leader Ali was forgotten. Instead Al-Shebab ruled by the sword and with the sword, slaying all those who would question his methods.


Across the vast Arabian desert, the various goat and camel herders were quite baffled when they witnessed a most peculiar sight.


From the great, cannabis-reeking Oasis of Universal Brotherhood came the Mucrihadeen. Warriors covered in thick turbans and other cloths. Strangely enough, large rocks who happened to strike them (as the sandstorms were particularly dangerous lately) simply bounced off of their bodies. Marching alongside them were men in heavy armor, with helmets that covered their entire heads. A red disc that glowed the color of cherries was where the eyes would be on more traditional plate armor. This armor, too, seemed to ignore various dangers that struck it.


Surely, these were the Sky People!


Shyly, several of the herders followed these warriors as they marched across the land. They curiously planted flags south of the lands that were known to be inhabited by the Sky people, beyond that great Oasis of the sharp-leafed plants.


Soon these flags moved forward, past what was once the Yemeni border towards the port city of Al Mukalla.


And in Al-Mukalla, Al-Shebab was waiting for them.


The Mucrihadeen sprang upon the bloodseeking infidels, the butchers who claimed to worship Allah. But the Mucrihadeen had no interest in endorsing Allah: that was the job of those who followed Muhammed. No, the Mucrihadeen followed another great prophet: A man by the name of Christopher. Christopher foresaw a land of comedic expression and playful banter; things that were banned under the rule of Al-Shebab.


As the terrorists began to attack the Mucrihadeen, firing upon them with their AKMs and various assault rifles, the Mucrihadeen responded by charging their enemies. While they managed to pierce the Mucrihadeen's cloth garments, the feared bullets of the former Arabian soldiers bounced harmlessly against that which was worn underneath. More bandits appeared with guns, but the fury of the Mucrihadeen and the Fire Warrior infantry who accompanied them would not be denied. As Fire Warriors exchanged fire with the Arabian terrorists, the Mucrihadeen fell upon their quarry with their signature weapons: the Power Scimitars.


Forged within mysterious furnaces, these Scimitars glowed with holy blue auras. And like the strange, perhaps composite armor worn by the Mucrihadeen, the materials that made up these Scimitars proved adept at slicing AKMs in two and cutting down the murderers that wielded them. Slowly but surely the people emerged from their homes to witness the rescue of their lands. Soon the sight of many terrorists slain by the Mucrihadeen led to cheering in the streets. "Allah has Answered our Prayers!" Many cried in their native Arabic. "We will fear no more!"


But Al-Shebab was furious. The sight of his warriors being cut to the last and of those foolish sheep who cheered at the arrival of foreign conquerers caused the veins in his forehead to bulge. When one of his lieutenants was cut down by the strangely armored men's glowing particle gunfire, he roared aloud and stood on the balcony of his palace:


"Murderers, Infidels, Tricksters who Mock Islam! I will set these lands straight and purge them of you! Who dares face me?!"


As the city streets were cleared of Arabian terrorists, some of the civilians observing the battle thought it best to slip back into their houses and hide from Al-Shebab's wrath, but one of the Mucrihadeen stood tall.


"I dare!" He called from within his shredded turban.


Al-Shebab leapt from his balcony, landing elegantly on his feet. He drew a scimitar that gleamed beautifully in the desert sun.


The Mucrihadi warrior who challenged him drew his own Power Scimitar, which cackled as though lightning danced around the blade.


The two swords clashed, and not a few Arabian maidens turned their heads at the sight. Would a hero fall today? Would the villain's reign continue forevermore?


The clashing of blades continued for but a few moments, and Al-Shebab's eyes widened as his opponent's blade suddenly sliced through his own.


"How is that possible? My sword is the best of Arabia!"


"Hmph... A fine work of blacksmithing... But our blades are made of finer things still."


Al-Shebab let out a horrifying scream as he lunged at the Mucrihadi, but with one swish of his blade the warrior cut down the tyrant.


Cheers echoed throughout the city, and soon they were joined by cheers throughout that region of Central Yemen.


"Y-Your name, great warrior!" A Yemeni maiden called, her headscarf flowing in the wind.


"My name... Is Zorro..." The Mucrihadi warrior bowed to her, and slipped back into the crowd of his fellows.


With Al-Shebab's death, things began to change for that region of Yemen. Brotherhood flags began to fly across the cities of that land, and a new government was formed that joined that which existed in Arcadia colony. Both Bro citizens and Yemeni civilians began to mingle as the Yemeni people began to gain Brotherhood citizenship. Soon, technologies far greater than what Al-Shebab once wielded were presented among the people. Soon, the answer to whether life existed beyond the stars became quite clear. The people of Yemen learned many things, and were granted the knowledge that Allah's Mercy extended across the universe!


Arcadia Colony was extended for many miles, and its might would perhaps be known throughout the region. But the people of Yemen rejoiced, for they were finally free!

Edited by Shex
  • Upvote 2

"The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel." - Horace Walpole

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  • 2 weeks later...


The Perim forces launched an attack on the region known as Ras Menheli, in order to show their loyalty to the Emperor. The attack was based off an Imperial Rescript issued shortly before the Coup, in which the garrison was to prepare for an assault on the Arabian Peninsula, in order to reclaim Narvanese territory gained during the original Arabian Wars.




Upon being informed of their assault of the Arabian Peninsula, the Emperor ordered a full-scale invasion of the region known as Yemen. Within hours, several thousand paratrooper CHAPPiE units were able to land in the region; yet despite the superior firepower presented by the CHAPPiE units, large portions were defeated in the farthest reaches of the Yemen region. As of now, these provinces of the region are under firm Narvanese control:








The Governor of Arcadia looked out upon the Colony's long range sensors.


What he saw...  Brought tears to his eyes.


The Governor of Al-Mukalla, who was doing his best to mend the scars left by Al-Shebab and, by proxy, Abu Habbad's tyranny, nearly impaled himself on his own scimitar.


Aden...  The great city...  A place of historic wonder and beauty...  Was gone.  Abu Habbad left it in ruins.  The CHAPPIE units of these new hostilies, in typical Orbis fashion, indiscriminately fired upon the entire region.


The screams of the herders, and their camels, pierced the sky.


What relics and historic temples that remained were punctured with gunfire as the victorious armies attempted to take what was theirs.  The beaten, devastated Yemeni of the Western Provinces could do nothing to stop them.


Did Allah abandon that land?  The answer was extremely clear, was it not?


The planet Orbis was constantly radioactive.  Global Radiation Levels were, during the last attempts at scanning the planet, severe enough to affect crop production around the world.  Cancer and other symptoms of exposure was commonplace:  even the Yemeni who had been saved by the Mucrihadeen's attempts had more than enough exposure to rival that witnessed during Chernobyl, or perhaps ten simultaneous Chernobyl disasters...


It was indeed fatal.  Millions had died from the initial nuclear explosions and subsequent fallout alone.  Across the planet, cities burned and people screamed for mercy.


The people of Al-Mukalla hoped that perhaps, perhaps they could avoid that fate!  Perhaps they could rescue Aden's historic treasures and even restore the dying memory that was UNESCO.  Perhaps sites around the world could be spared from nuclear fire and destruction.


But as Aden and the ruins that were once Sana'a were once again obliterated, the truth became crystal clear.


On the planet of Orbis, there was only War.  There was only Pain.


Some of the newly recruited Mucrihadeen were unwilling to accept radiation treatment.  When prompted, they would explain:  "Give the Medicine to women and children.  Allah cursed this land, and we will bear these scars.  Now the Monsters who wear the skin of Allah will burn with us!"  As civilians were removed from this ravaged world, these Mucrihadeen would remain.


If Oman and Kuwait had abandoned reason and wisdom, if Oman and Kuwait embraced the terrorists who destroyed Islamic Civilization across Arabia, then Oman and Kuwait would burn!


Allah had abandoned Orbis.  It was the duty of the faithful to thus carry out his will.  He decreed that Orbis would burn forever.  So it shall be!




The remaining goat herders who refused to join the 'cult' of the sky people witnessed a curious sight.


Those Yemeni who chose to stand with the Sky People...  Began to float!


They, and their camels, slowly ascended into the sky, into the great beyond.


What wonder!  Such mystery!  The Will of Allah was strange indeed.


And across the Arabian Desert, a melody could be heard...




"Don't Worry...


"'Bout a Thing...


"'Cause Every Little Thing...  Gonna Be Alright..."

Edited by Shex
  • Upvote 2

"The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel." - Horace Walpole

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