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Posts posted by ooohu

  1. Honestly I'm just hoping steel/aluminum completely drop down in prices and I can buy up a ton and not have to worry about it when building up cities after the war. Speaking of which, once the war ends there will be another spike in steel & aluminum as nations rebuy commerce buildings... and that's when I'll make more money again :D

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  2. To be honest, I have no argument to offer that would work for everyone. Personally, playing this game with the outlook Hereno described would make the game dull for me. Changing your 'friends' because the political climate is more favorable for you if you break ties with them would take a considerable amount of fun out of the game for me (not to mention the PR my alliance would lose, the backlash, etc), especially if they stood by you in your bad days. There is already another realm which has the brand of politics you described, if you want to see the disadvantages of this approach, have a look at it. You will find several advantages, too though depending on how your moral compass operates. While, it is fun in its own way, I'd want to see friendships based on something more than just political advantage here where alliances stand up for each other, their first consideration being that they are friends and not whether they are bound by some piece of paper which can be manipulated easily by pointing out its loopholes.


    I accept a pragmatic view of political relationships as a valid way of playing the game but I don't have to like it. I feel any alliance leader should have the eye to see the practical, pragmatic side of things but the decisions he takes should be taken after consideration of certain other things as well. For instance, if someone stood by you in your difficult times, if you see a tough situation arising from them, instead of doing the easy thing of distancing yourself from them, it would be more commendable and praiseworthy if efforts are made to get them out of it or at least if they have to face their adversary, stand by them. I believe my idea of pragmatic politics is not different from yours, if it is then my reasons are not worth much.


    Moreover, its one thing to see practical side of things and quite the other to have no scruples while breaking someone's trust (especially if your support matters a lot to them at some moment). It is like taking it to quite the next level. That is what I was arguing against in my previous posts and you will find the relevant arguments in there as well.


    A relationship's value (speaking in terms of gameplay) does not always need to be something tangible like economic or military support. It can also be the joy and satisfaction gained from playing the game along with like-minded people, who are loyal to you and will stand by your side in case of a rainy day. Usually, both tangible and abstract rewards are derived from assisting an ally. There can be some negative value derived too, resulting from the interaction.



    Going philosophical about it, humans can never be selfless. There is always some self interest involved, be it inform of some tangible gain or some other abstract gain such as a feeling of joy or the feeling you get after you do something good. But that's not most people use the term in their daily life. In daily conversation, I would consider someone who is doing something for someone else without some material gain or only for his personal satisfaction and that something benefits the other person as selfless just because his interests don't involve some tangible gain.



    Value in what sense? Tangible or abstract?


    Using the same example I earlier used, helping out a friend who helped you in times of need, even at the expense of your pixels or political capital would be the honorable thing to do even though it may not be the pragmatic thing to be done. After all it is just a game, the stats are just letters and lines of code. They can be recovered. Nations can be rebuilt. But the feelings of loyalty and camaraderie such an action would stir up in your ally cannot be achieved any other way.


    Edit - We should probably get a new thread for this if we are to continue with this.

    To summarize this with something a friend of mine once said in a distant land... friendship is power. Those without em will find themselves in a bad place on rainy days... but those with them will find a shelter ready to shield them from the troubles of the day until the sun rises once again.

  3. My only complaint is that everyone is perpetually under cutting each other and as a result some of the prices are going lower then they could be... namely the larger suppliers who'll put up 500 of x at the lowest price possible and thus put a block on the market by ensuring demand is satisfied.


    tl;dr if you're putting up a ton of resources at a lower price you're not wrong for doing it... you're just an !@#$ for cutting out potential profits.

  4. I can only talk for UPN, and we have been consistent with our "story" throughout.


    You do not get to determine how we play the game. Just as we built our alliances in those phases and grew our membership, we also developed relationships. It is your prerogative to decide what approach TEst took in regards to carrying over any possible relationships over from alpha, but you do not get to dictate our foreign policy... 

    I don't think anyone's dictating anything... they're simply criticizing actions taken to the detriment of the rest of the world. You're well within your right to do as you please with your alliance affairs but expecting people not to be critical of blatant power-mongering is either incredibly naive or entirely disingenuous. Seeing as your alliance and allies represent a sizable force in this world it's only natural you get picked at by the rest of us... it simply comes with the territory you and yours occupy.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Damn... now people are going to wise up on trends and I'll have competition. In true capitalistic fashion I say this; BOO!



    This is actually really cool and I'll be sure to follow this thread more often. Thanks for doing this fellas!

    • Upvote 2
  6. Cut the !@#$ already and call this for what it is. You're protecting your allies who're assets to your greater aspirations... seeing them dismantled would only weaken your future position and so you're doing the logical thing and protecting them. There is nothing ignoble in doing that but contorting and contriving to make it something more then that just makes you look bad to anyone with half a brain.


    I understand people have an obsession with taking the moral high-ground in order to justify a conflict, but there isn't anything more justifiable then power. So don't be afraid to embrace what you are in this world... every story needs their villains.


    So enjoy the war and move on.

  7. At the very least, both of you should be tapping into your other-game alliance bases and advertising that there is a major war going on and new bodies are needed. It'll hopefully entice them to join in and once they see how good this game is compared to (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) and how much potential it could have they'll probably stay.


    Everyone's gotta do their part to see this place grow, or we'll see it die out like every other nation sim startup.

  8. Anyone interested in seeing a clear visual on how ready TC are to come into this war, here you go.




    bonus image:



    To be fair to the purple people, it'd be a bit crazy to not build up for a possible fight... even if they didn't plan on it they have no way of know what others might be doing. And being honest about it, if I were allied to either side I'd be stocking up on resources & preparing for a fight just in case.

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  9. looking at the stat charts, looks like EoS is losing NS in this war while TAC is gaining...unsual considering EoS are the aggressors?


    either EoS have not inflicted much damage on the initial onslaught and have gotten countered quite well....or TAC have a hell of a build up




    either way i shall be eating my popcorn :P

    TAC countered the EoS blitz with one on their own... neither side was taken for surprise and so far TAC appears to be the better organized.

  10. Good luck with this endeavor, I for one am glad to see a new democracy springing up.


    Some advice, if you haven't done so already; appeal to one of the larger alliances to establish a protectorate until you reach a time when your alliance can finally stand on it's own two feet. Otherwise raiders and other alliances might go after you guys... and even with a protectorate that will probably happen, but at least then you'll be able to ask your protector for some rebuilding aid and make up any losses.


    I like the alliance flag too, very minimalist.

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