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Leonard J Crabs

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Posts posted by Leonard J Crabs

  1. That wasn't the question. The question is how to make ITC profitable. Cities don't make it profitable.

    If you had one city at 5k infra, no military, and the ITC project you would have 145 NS. Infra does not inflate your NS like you say it does.

    If you want to make the ITC project profitable, you need infra and land. If you want it to be useful, you need cities.

    But cities make everything more useful

    • Downvote 2
  2. well luckily, people like you Noctis don't decide what is minor. This isn't a democracy and there is no free speech here. The mods have total authority, and I disagree with you that minor infractions are being punished.

    If this were a democracy, you would be absolutely screwed, as we have the numbers. So please thank Alex for setting up a totalitarian mod system.

    I think the mods are doing a great job and I hope they don't become alcoholics.

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  3. Just now, Noctis Anarch Caelum said:

    Honestly I think if you guys reported on yourselves, GOONS would be a much smaller alliance than it currently is in-game & think you guys just view the rules as a weapon rather than anything else. Irony of you guys reporting people for rule violation is great. When GOONS members started to get warn points for trivial stuff, they didn't seem to feel more comfortable in the climate you guys are trying to create anyways.

    I welcome any and all to report any goons that rule break. I tell everyone we let into our alliance that they're going to be scruntinized and not to break rules. So please, report all rule breaking that GOONS do.

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  4. This is how all political discourse happens though. You try to influence your community to how you feel comfortable. Whether that is allowing minor infractions to go unpunished, or banning nazis, or having no tolerance for sexual misconduct.

    There's no such thing as going into a community that you see as toxic as not trying to help. You might disagree on what toxic is, and that's your social construct. I don't think reporting rule breaking is toxic, and that's my social construct.

    If you didn't break the rules, there wouldn't be anything to report, and I've seen this mod team do a great job. I haven't seen minor infractions punished, as you claim.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Noctis Anarch Caelum said:

    Meant to say before you guys formed, although with you guys harassing the mods non-stop since forming has caused them to give out a lot more points without warning. When those come with a forum suspension and take forever to go away.

    So here's the question. The rules have never changed. Before we came, do you honestly believe no one was breaking the rules? Or maybe, and try to be open minded, you all were breaking rules and had a toxic community, and we just simply reported the rule breaking and the mods started noticing the degree to which rule breaking was happening.

    Because the latter is how I see it.

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  6. Just now, Noctis Anarch Caelum said:

    I mean on an entire forum or game level it would be bad. Doesn't matter how alliances are managed internally, when people can just join another. Although me having never recieved a warn point on the forums despite all the mass down votes I think speaks volumes on the negative changes you've brought to the forum already. That you guys keep bringing up Epi not over moderating for you guys on Discord as if he's doing his job wrong showing some discretion in how to deal with people who don't repeatedly break rules is also disturbing.

    So you guys are also waging for control of the Official Discord as well; although I think Epi is a good mod for it and not really concerned with that as long as Alex doesn't listen to you guys regarding your complaints there.

    Hey sup "Never been warned" buddy!

  7. Just now, Noctis Anarch Caelum said:

    I've always referred to you guys as totalitarian or authoritarian rather than fascist; although still a pretty bad thing to bring to Orbis. My outlook on life is without freedom, whats the point?

    I disagree that it's a bad thing in Orbis. Micro economic states with limited complexities are very easily min/maxed with communism and totalitarianism, and are a fun testing ground for the ideologies.

    The best alliances in the game are fully communistic or practically there.

    • Downvote 3
  8. the creator of GOONS, Marx, has always been a benevolent leader. Why, just the other day, some of our outstanding citizens saw rainbows with Marx's face. This spurred him to such caring sentiment to increase our food rations to 1.5k food per day. We even have some non-starving nations.

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  9. Micros aren't the optimal way to play this game, so it's silly to blame anyone for choosing to play optimally by being in large alliances. The way the games mechanics are designed, as the game grows in interest and the alliances become larger, micros will have a harder time of getting anything accomplished.

    Just like the rise and falls of civilization. Look where we are now.

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