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Tim Armstrong

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Posts posted by Tim Armstrong

  1. Honestly, I must have ignored everything associated with you on the forums and IRC because I have no memory of any of this. I share this statement not to kick you when you are down but just to illustrate that when you are playing a game you don't have to be a part of every aspect of the community. If you don't like something just don't engage with it.


    Also something that I learned early in life and I think it might be of use to you: when you mess up give a sincere apology to the people you affected. Then they will be more likely to accept you back and they probably won't be mean about it. Everyone messes up sometimes. People understand that. But digging in and perpetuating animosity will never make things better, only worse.


    If you have had fun in Orbis I challenge you to stay. Work out the problems you have with it and individual people. It's good practice for RL. <3

    • Upvote 5
  2. If you hadn't seen already, just about 12 hours ago, the CEO of reddit had removed and banned some certain subreddits, most of which didn't matter, but one of them had over 150k followers. Doing this has gone against Reddit's well-known policy of having freedom of speech no matter what. After the subreddit got removed, just about all of the rest of reddit blew up against the CEO, Ellen Pao, and she had just recently wiped most of those threads aimed at her. How do you think reddit will continue, now that all of this has happened? Do you agree with the changes? Do you oppose them?

    My sense is that it will not have much effect on reddit's audience as most people are still able to interact with reddit as they always have. A few people will probably swear it off and then find their way back eventually. People will remember this for a long time though and overall reddit's image and brand has taken a hit as a result of this.


    It's more likely that there will be more meaningful consequences on reddit as an organization though. Why does someone go to work for a place like reddit? Often it is because they feel strongly about the mission, vision, values, and culture of the organization. When the CEO undermines the company's core like this it can have negative, long-term effects on the people who make up the lifeblood of the company, which leads to lost productivity, increased staff turnover, and lower employee engagement. The board should probably fire Pao and replace her with a public relations guru who can ensure to protect the company's image (both internally and externally)by staying true to its core values.


    I oppose the removal of said subreddits. If people don't want to read them then people shouldn't read them.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I look forward to seeing Guardian with you at the helm, Cuba. Good luck with all the messes to clean up.


    o/ Guardian

    o/ Cuba


    Thanks for the wishes of good luck, Pub. Not even a nod to me? :( I see how it is.

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