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Posts posted by Forethought

  1. 6 minutes ago, Grabacr said:

    Question: What type of waffle topping? 
    Fudge sauce
    Maple syrup?

    Such doesn't exist at Waffle House.

    8 minutes ago, Jacob Apple said:

    Waffle House 


    Declaration of existence
    Credit to Evie for writing this!



    *The scene opens, introducing our main characters, Jacob Apple and Duncan Croford. Duncan invited Jacob out for breakfast at a Waffle House, saying he had a huge bombshell of a proposal to offer him. We arrive now at the beginning of their discussion.*


    Jacob:” Greetings Duncan. Please have a seat, I was just about to place my order.”


    *He waves him over, with a friendly smile on his face*


    Duncan:” Hey Jacob, why did you arrange this meeting?”


     *Duncan sits across from Jacob, placing his order as well*


    Jacob:” Oh, I have my reasons. But come on, relax, enjoy a meal. It’s been a while since we have done that, old friend.”


    Duncan:” I suppose you’re right.”


    *Their orders arrive, and as they are eating Jacob brings up his proposal*


    Jacob:” So, you're still in charge of the Brotherhood Family?”


    Duncan:” Always have been. Same with you for the Stratosphere Marine Corps?”


    Jacob:” You know it. Now, I've been thinking. Our alliances are doing well on their own, but just imagine how much better they would be if we merged together. Just imagine it. Our merged alliance, moving on up to at least top 20. Don’t you agree it’s a good idea?”


    *Duncan sits and ponders what he is bringing up, as he begins to speak*

    Duncan:” You’re painting a very pretty picture to me, Jacob. I would love to take you up on your offer.”

    *They shake hands, both of them grinning from excitement*


    Jacob:” Now, what would this alliance be called? Stratosphere Family? Brotherhood Corps?”

    *Duncan sits and thinks, and suddenly gets a grin on his face*


    Jacob:” What are you grinning about over there, Duncan?”


    Duncan:” Why don’t we name our alliance after the place we made the decision in?”

    Jacob:” Waffle House?”


    Duncan:” Waffle House.”


    *They both stand, and recite the same line”


    Both:”As of this day, Brotherhood Family and the Stratosphere Marine Corps are now merged, and our new alliance shall be known as Waffle House.”


    As a Rockstar Grill Operator/An Amazing Server I approve of this Alliance.

  2. 14 hours ago, Malal said:

    While some people may think this is fake, the real PW players know that this is 100% true. After all, what is a more BK move than signing treaties with the alliances most likley to just give up and merge into them?

    You on a whole new level of thinking man.

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  3. Hm, obviously this is a joke but could any of you imagine. All it takes is one big youtuber with all of his fans to join this game. Could you imagine that. One huge ass alliance with literally like 100 score in each nation.

  4. 39 minutes ago, CitrusK said:

    We're just alluring them into a false sense of protection. KT won't know when we actually hit them. We'll hit them, and tell them that we're militarizing to hit a micro. Mwahahahahahhaha ahwahahahfahfa ahaha

    So, just realized this was public. Darn. Now they know.


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