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Posts posted by Phoenix2683

  1. 21 hours ago, Grimz said:

    Riight, and making your alliance name a play off of "Aryan" isn't bait. Good show mate, I'll be sticking around for the encore.

    Do you really not know Arryn? and that it has nothing to do with Aryan? i mean, wow.... I'm speechless, i really hope you are just trolling

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  2. On 8/3/2017 at 10:57 PM, Crossbones said:

    Marketing ploy to try to appear more elite and selective.

    Yeah I think the first alliance I remember ever doing this was one in some far away land by the name of Planet Bob, and that alliance was Gramlins. They were very selective and an elite economic alliance, if the mists of time are correct, probably didn't want n00b dragging down their statistics...

  3. There is a lot of confusion of Sep of Church and State vs. Freedom of Religion (not from religion).

    The 1st amendment gives freedom OF religion, which means that everyone can freely practice their own religion. The state will not have a mandatory religion that they enforce upon everyone. The free practice of your religion will not be infringed upon. This is not freedom from religion, this does not mean that a politician can't be religious or a public school teacher can't talk about their religion, in fact preventing them from doing so does infringe upon their free practice of their religion.

    So where does separation of church and state come in? It wasn't in any founding document. The term is first used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Connecticut Baptists. 

    The phrase "separation between church & state" is generally traced to a January 1, 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote,

    "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."[1]

    Jefferson was echoing the language of the founder of the first Baptist church in America, Roger Williams who had written in 1644,

    "[A] hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world."

    This has been used as an argument in the Supreme court throughout the years to look at the 1st amendment differently than it is really written.

    Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment." In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: "In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state."[2]

    However, the Court has not always interpreted the constitutional principle as absolute, and the proper extent of separation between government and religion in the U.S. remains an ongoing subject of impassioned debate.[3][4][5][6]

    I tend to be on the side that believes everyone should be allowed to freely practice their religion. If a teacher wishes to lead a group of christian students in prayer they should be able to, a muslim teacher can do the same. No student should be forced to participate in practices they are not comfortable with. I believe in freedom of religion the state shouldn't be able to tell someone they can't practice or express their religion. Nor should the state impose any religion. I think it is dubious to take one letter from one founder and to color the entire 1st amendment with it. I disagree with Jefferson on many things and it is unfortunate that this has become a principle in our country when it in no way is in any of our founding documents.

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  4. Who else misses it like crazy? I always liked it better than Madden and for a while bought every year and played the online dynasty with friends. They need to figure out the licensing issue.

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  5. Why do none of the games listed seem like adventure games?


    To me classic adventure games are like Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry. Yes Sierra was the penultimate adventure game company. The Black Cauldron as well.....

    There are others but that is my definition of an adventure game, how does Pokemon Go, H1Z1 or whatever else listed here fit?

  6. On 12/6/2016 at 7:47 PM, Gabranth said:

    Teachers get paid whatever they're qualified to get paid, and whatever salary they sign onto. If they regret signing, then that is their fault. They could have became lecturers or tutors if they wanted to get paid more. Make your bed and sleep in it.


    Across the board, do I think teachers don't get paid enough? Well first, let's define enough. The work you do should match your pay grade, right? Plumbers should get paid lot's because they wade in crap all day and do some pretty hard yakka, and burger flippers should get paid jack because their skills are bare minimum, and thus they should get minimum wage - whatever that may be. From a students perspective (that's me), teachers do two things - one, relay information from textbooks into something understandable, and two, mark tests and assignments. The second isn't really hard work. Sure, there might be a lot of it, but there is a correct and incorrect answer for tests, and a marking criteria for assignments. It's very simple stuff.


    However, getting the information from a book into a students head might be a bit more difficult. In the worst case scenario, the teacher cannot explain the information to a student, and the student is forced to move to a different class. This happened to me on multiple occasions, albeit because I refused to learn. Not only is this a waste of time for the teachers, it also reflects on their vigilance and zeal, as they obviously didn't work hard enough to get me to understand. However, I understand that learning is a two-way street - a teacher must teach, but a student must also be open to learn.


    This is where I have a problem with increasing teachers' pay grades. Most of the teachers who I've come into contact with (and I'm sure many with similar public education) have little to no drive to get the student to learn. If a student has questions, or is beginning to fall behind, teachers may or may not help depending on a few things - how they feel about the student, whether the teacher feels trying to help the student is worth their time, or if the student has an actual will to learn. In my experience, unless you meet all three criteria, the teacher is hesitant about one on one learning. 


    I understand that the learning environment is different between my country and yours, however much of what I said is still true. I also understand that not all teachers do this, however I believe in a system of merit for this kind of work. If the teacher is a terrible teacher, who is rude to students and has no drive to help them, then their pay grade should reflect that, but if a teacher works with gusto and the students welcome his or her teaching, then their pay grade should reflect that also.


    I believe in a varied salary amongst teachers, either in the public or private sector. As of now, it is only teachers who have worked longer who get pay increases, what they call "veteran teachers". I believe this is unfair to both young teachers, who are usually objectively superior teachers, as they can relate to the students better and generally have more personality, and hardworking teachers who take the time to help individual students. If there was some kind of rating system that the students had to judge a teachers work ethic, maybe a private ballot system, that the board used to calculate the appropriate salary for the next year, then I would be satisfied as that encourages hard work and friendly relations.

    excellent post and I concur

  7. One time (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) veteran (2006-2009 and recently back), met Lene Hau on discord for (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) and she sent me over here. So I thought I'd give it a shot.



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