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Comrade Christ

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Everything posted by Comrade Christ

  1. Why ISIS is Winning the Social Media War by Wired Magazine's Brendan Koerner This is an important article I recommend we all read, because it talks about how ISIS operates and it offers a direction for ongoing counter-terrorism policy. To many people in the West, the rise of the ISIS "caliphate" is seen as either totally inexplicable or totally predictable — "why do they hate us?" to "of course they hate us, vice versa". But the truth is much more complex — it's not about a clash of civilizations, it's about the strategic war being run by a psychologically manipulative cult (see the article). The truth is ISIS preys on vulnerable people with slick propaganda of utopian, idealistic promises, and heavy editing of the truth. Most of the attacks in the West have been carried about by ISIS sympathizers — not actual people from Syria — and there is a reason for this. They don't know the situation in Syria, and that's how ISIS wants it. ISIS wants to create the image of a Muslim utopia to other Muslims who feel marginalized in the First World — while the actual Syrian Muslims are desperately trying to escape ISIS — and that's why it threatens to execute those trying to escape its collapsing theocratic dictatorship. ISIS keeps up a veneer of a successful "state" through propaganda online (exposed in this article) which is the only reason it survives. We have to understand how ISIS works, we have to stop the creation of more terrorists at home, and we have to understand that ISIS is a terrorist organization, which uses the same learnable and counter-able tactics of psychological manipulation which all violent cultists do.
  2. Christ was a propagandist. And a damn good one. In following his Holy Spirit, I will be happy to accept requests from Christian and godless leaders alike in seek of propaganda art (banners, signatures, avatars, war flags, etc.) which they may desire — and I will do what I can (or want) to satisfy them. By this good work, I hope to help spread the blessing of sweet aesthetics wherever God's word can be heard. Available only while supplies last!
  3. 1. That proves my point. The Second Amendment only applies to the extent which owning a gun increases security of a free state (per the Constitution). It requires a bureaucratic legal process proving one has been "reformed" in order for convicted felons to restore their gun rights.
  4. You gotta think past the brands, man.
  5. ⚔ Yesterday, a bomb exploded in the Aventine Hill section of High Heaven, terrorizing civilians and destroying pristine infrastructure dating back to the Romans. Although the culprit of that attack was unknown, it was probably carried out by the God Imperator Zutroyzang XV of Blackentor, which had declared war on High Heaven because of "blasphemies", presumably against Deus Vult, the false idol worshipped by the heathens of that country. In any case, before the smoke had even settled, Blackentor sent thousands of godless soldiers and cheaply-made tanks raiding into High Heaven, and our divine republic will respond to the heathen-lands in kind. — Supreme Pontiff, Comrade Christ, Jesus H.
  6. How I see the political media coverage: Journalistic foreign press is more objective about America, they don't have US cable news pundit culture. The Guardian, The Independent, BBC, France24, AFP, Der Spiegel. The same goes for the non pundit wire services AP and Reuters. In America, the big papers hire the better journalists with the better resources. It's usually as simple as that, but some names stand out and can have an independent voice (The Intercept). But the "MSM" applied to the big city papers (NYT, WSJ, LA Times, WaPo) is more label than reflective of journalistic quality. There are also the premium publications for professionals, more expensive with more in depth reporting. Foreign Policy, The Economist, The New Yorker, National Geographic, Scientific American, American Spectator. But they don't cover as much as the MSM, because their content is much more vertical than horizontal. The blogs that run on click-traffic predominantly are the worst. They leech off actual reporting and basically traffick in headlines and fluff piece. These are the ideologues, skewed on the right, with Breitbart, RawStory, TownHall, countless blogs.
  7. When you say "the wording was so important", you're actually saying "word association is important!" (People! Home! Property! Guns!) I'm just treating the Second Amendment, as presented, as a sentence, with conditional clauses. That's not my "interpretation", I'm pretty sure that's just English: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Just read, left to right.
  8. No, I didn't "neglect" to mention the rest of the Second Amendment, I was simply reading the actual text of the Amendment according to the rules of English grammar. It's not a word cloud, you know — just because "people" is mentioned in the sentence doesn't import it any special value. You have to read the sentence, which makes clear that the people shall have the right to bear arms because (an important word! Words!) it is necessary to the security of a free State. And while the grammatical structure of the Constitution may be a mystery to you, I assure you it wasn't to the founding fathers.
  9. I see you're the observational type! Correct, the Supreme Court upheld in Heller that the individual's right to possessing firearms is necessary to the security of a free state — that's still the overriding concern of the Second Amendment, and the Court in Heller also said that the Constitution still permits bans on weapons for people who pose a risk to society (like violently mentally ill, criminals, etc.) because the overriding concern is still the security of a free state. That authorizes the individual right to possess firearms. The Bible doesn't actually have a brain, so it can't believe in God. It's a piece of writing (or many writings), like all other literature. It's there because I think it's an interesting quote from the most-read book in history, and pop culture is always interesting for what it reflects.
  10. 1. I don't think one week old is "dead", and the actual controversy of gun control certainly isn't. Though, I guess we could make a new thread. 2. Ah, yes, "The Second Amendment protects us from the government." This is completely correct. It was made as "a check against the federal government; not self-defense against criminals." Fine. I accept that. Even though most people, including myself, say guns are necessary for self-defense, it's true you could say there is a right to revolution — truly, the first "right" exercised by this country in a poetic sense. But as a matter of law, the Second Amendment clearly states the right to bear arms is "necessary to the security of a free State", not the security of a free man. The state is presupposed — you're not entitled to be a gun-wielding vigilante citizen soldier under the Constitution. The distribution of arms is regulated for the security of a free state — and the Supreme Court has already ruled before that the individual states have the right to regulate the sale and trafficking of sawed-off shotguns (as one very specific example among many others), it is a right reserved to the states. And unfortunately, the supreme law of the land is not written in cherry-picked Samuel Adams quotes or the Declaration of Independence or the blood of tyrants and patriots. The Second Amendment doesn't guarantee any weapon to anyone who wants it — just enough weaponry as is necessary for the security of a free state. Not destroying one. I am in America, not the Soviet Union. And there is no God. (You sound like you're giving my signature a palm reading or something)
  11. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. — Galatians 3:28
  12. Jesus Christ, *so many complaints*... Battlefield 1 is gonna be the shit, and all the haters are gonna be playing it because nothing else'll be left in town (looking at you, shell of what used to be Call of Duty)
  13. If were going to base all our arguments simply by combining very large trends with multiple factors for non obvious reasons — we might as well point out the % of Americans who own guns has gone down (http://www.researchscape.com/images/charts/NHHQRFB.png) & crime has as well (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1231/5152086572_fa31258847_d.jpg) — therefore gun ownership has no correlation with safety so what's the point of having them? Plus OP's data was about international gun ownership — but if you're going to talk about America, talk about America. Less Guns = Less Crimes. As usual, the Conservative obsession with guns is just a repressed phallic attachment to metal bang-sticks, not a position based on safety or science.
  14. It should either be "the currency is bus tokens" or "the currency is the bus token"
  15. And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. — Acts 4:32 From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. — Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program ______________ ✠✠âœ
  16. Simple answer: If humans were innately shitty, we would've failed as a species. Charles Darwin himself said that altruism, self-sacrifice, and cooperation are the hallmarks of natural selection. If we were shitbags to each other, our friends, our family — we would've died in the cold long ago.
  17. Good Morning, Godless Sodomites! My name is Comrade Christ, and this morning I would like to celebrate this candidate we Americans all love. Because we're not so different, he and I. We both get it. Guys like us, we're not some "brainiacs" on the nerd patrol. We're not members of the "fact-onista"! We go straight from the gut: That's where the truth lies, right down in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut, than you have in your head? You can look it up. Now I know some of you are going to say "I did look it up, and that's not true." That's because you looked it up from a credible source. Next time look it up in your gut. I did. My gut tells me that's how our nervous system works. Every day, from my seat on St. Peter's throne in St. Peter's Basilica, I give the word straight from my gut. I give people the truth unfiltered by rational argument! I call it the "No-Fact Throne." I'm a simple man with a simple mind — I hold a simple set of beliefs that I live by. I believe in pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. I believe it is possible! I saw this guy do it once in Cirque du Soleil – it was magical. And though I am a committed Christian, I believe everyone has a right to their own religion — be you Hindu, Jewish, or Muslim, I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Most of all, I believe in this candidate. Now I know there are some polls out there, saying that this man has a 40% approval rating. But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls! We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in "reality"! And reality has a well known liberal bias... So Mr. Trump, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty — because 40% means it's actually 60% empty. But I wouldn't drink it — the last bit is usually backwash. So don't pay attention to the "polls" that say that 72% of Americans think Donald Trump isn't a good role model. I ask you this: does that not also logically mean that 72% also approve of the role model that Donald Trump isn't? Think about it! I haven't! And, I just like the guy. He's a good joe. Obviously loves his current wife —he calls her his better half, and polls show America agrees. The greatest thing about this man, is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday, as he believed on Monday. No matter what happened Tuesday. Events may change, this man's beliefs never will! (Except when they do, all the time.) And let's talk about this "mainstream media" — what are they doing? Reporting on sex scandals and outright lies and threats of violence against protesters and his competitor? Those things are really depressing! And for the first half of this entire election, we didn't want to know about Trump's scandals and they had the courtesy not to find out! But listen, let's review the rules: The Donald makes the truth, he's the truth — he tweets that truth onto his twitter, and you journalists of the "MSM" type that truth down. Look folks, my point is that I don't believe this is a low point in Trump's candidacy. I believe this is just a lull, before a comeback! People say his campaign is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic — but this campaign isn't sinking! This campaign is soaring! If anything, they're rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg! - - - TLDR, love Stephen Colbert. !@#$ Donald Trump. Hi, I'm new
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