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Posts posted by Hiroshima

  1. So I've been a hardcore fallout fan since the the first game(I actually played Wasteland and Burn Time, the two games Fallout was based on) and one thing I always liked about the games was the fact that nobody is good, and the bad guys make a lot of sense. Fallout 1 you are looking for a water chip to save vault 13, you find the chip and in the process you discover that a greater threat to your vault exists, Super Mutants and a military base loaded with enough FE juice to make a few million more! So you tell the Brother of Hood of Steel and they let you in, but not without sending you on a trial, which is designed to kill you, hah! You thought they were the good guys didn't you? Nope, you learn that all they care about is collecting technology and keeping weapons out of the wrong hands. Even if you are able to convince the Brotherhood to send some troops to wipe out the Mutants they only send 2 and they won't actually help you inside the military base, they just stand outside. I won't spoil all of it but you eventually encounter the Master and his plan is revealed. He wants to make everyone a Super Mutant so everyone will be equal and a Great War can never happen again. If your character is good enough you can reveal to him that Super Mutants are sterile, and he will actually blow himself up. Long story, short, you wipe out the Mutants and everything is dandy. The only objectively good guy is you. The "bad" guys intentions are good, if not misguided. Your vault is saved but you are exiled and in Fallout 2 you learn that your character founded a tribe.


    In Fallout 2 you are a decedent of your original character and you must go on a quest to find a Garden of Eden Creation Kit to restore your tribes land, also known as a G.E.C.K. Long story, short, you run into the Enclave. Enclave is a group of former U.S government and U.S soldiers and they are gathering up pure humans, basically people that have no mutations. Your tribe gets kidnapped and Vault 13's inhabitants as well. So what do you do? You blow their shit up, a oil rig in the middle of the ocean. In Fallout 2 NCR exists but they aren't the power house they are in New Vegas and the Brotherhood of Steel has a presence in all the major cities but not enough manpower to do anything. It's assumed that the Brotherhood of Steel are the only ones with helicopters, power armor, large amounts of energy weapons ect, but they are even scared of the Enclave. So what's the Enclaves goal? Well, it's to make humans pure again. Yep, that's right they want to preserve humans and purge mutants, seems reasonable enough to me. Have you seen ghouls? Yeah, we should purge them.


    Anyway, then Fallout 3 happened and stuff got dumb. The Brotherhood of Steel are unflinching good guys and all they care about it helping people. The Enclave is back some how and stronger? The Enclave doesn't make much sense in Fallout 3. If they had all that man power hidden away why didn't they destroy the NCR when NCR decided to hunt down the Enclave? Why did the Enclave give up on California when they had an army 3 times the size of the California branch waiting on the East Coast that they could have moved by helicopter to California? I'm just going to leave Fallout 3 alone.


    Moving on to New Vegas, this is my favorite game of recent years, the characters make sense and I just love seeing all the references from Fallout 2. None of the characters are good in this game, hell, even your own character makes shit worse. This is how you make a modern fallout game.


    And now we have Fallout 4: 10 years have passed since the East coast Enclave have been destroyed. Is the Brotherhood going to come to it's senses and decide that helping everyone is a fools errand? Who is going to control the water? Where is the Lone Wanderer? A lot of questions that will hopefully soon be answered.

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  2. I love that comic! Unfortunately, I didn't get become a fan until later in life because it never ran in any of the newspapers we received at the time.


    Now people don't have any newspapers, heh.

  3. Can someone point me at a list of censored words? In this thread I had a post containing an image, which contained the word "!@#$", or the "b" word referring to a female dog. I was warned for that post. Now I've been told that "shit" is an acceptable word on this forum, yet a word that can be played on the radio is banned? For the last few weeks I've been hearing a song called "SOB" by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats that includes the lyrics "Son of a !@#$" on the radio, uncensored. Let's not forget the all time classic song, Hair of the Dog, "NOW YOU'RE MESSING WITH A SON OF A !@#$!", which is played almost hourly on classic rock radio.

    I'd just like some clarification on this, thank you.


    Here is the song, pretty catchy:

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