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Posts posted by Timmy

  1. 2 hours ago, Lightning said:

    Thanks and don't be worried about women fleeing these sorts of games, most have no interest in playing games like these. Free speech is definitely not a reason as the moderators here are quite strict on speech so women should feel comfortable here. 


    Considering the high-level woman players we have had in this game (*cough* JR *cough*), I think that is a little excessive. Many women certainly do have interest in playing games like this, although I have noticed that the trend seems to be to not express their gender online due to the negative attention it brings. 

    In regards to voting, I live in New Zealand, the country which first gave the woman the right to vote, and strongly stand by that sentiment. Woman make up 50% (approximately) of the population, and therefore should definitely have an input on how the world they live in is run; if as you say women are the majority of voters the solution is not to force them out of the scene where they can, but instead to get more men aware of the political impact they can have by using their voice and voting themselves. 

    In regards to the i/o of the economy, in many cases where woman are working later and focussing less on families, then surely they are now contributing more to the economy than they did in the historic non-voting / stay-at-home wife era. If anything, as the primary caregiver is usually the person who works the least, and therefore provides that imbalance to the economy, are you not saying that raising and educating children is not of the utmost importance to the future of our society? For that alone I would argue that this person - male or female - is providing a crucial role and should be given leeway for not contributing as much to the economy. 

    I am also curious as to how woman no longer voting will be able to fix "tanking birth rates", are you suggesting that they should be legislatively forced to procreate? 

    • Upvote 6
  2. I haven't had a chance to test this yet due to being on mobile, but does this include a transaction / tax transaction api for the bank? Current balances all well and good, but the ability to track movements is what will actual provide some functionality to this.


    Apologies if it already exists and I missed it; seconding the need for an official API documentation and the need for standard practice.

  3. It's technically feasible, but finding that many people who are all in the same range, sober (Jess <_<) and don't have their clocks 2 minutes fast (Wilhelm <_<) and then managing them all would be, in the words of my wife, a !@#$ nightmare. It was annoying enough trying to do with just 6-8 people.


    I mean, we could try it if you wanted us to :P

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