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Posts posted by Woot

  1. I don't really get you TKR guys. You guys call yourself the 'most honorable' alliance, but you guys attacked us after:


    1 - Other alliances nuked several members of TEst. I personally ate 14 nukes and expended most of my warchest.

    2 - Espionaging TEst to make us even weaker, and at a time where we couldn't respond due to OOC reasons.

    3 - After getting half the game on board, with the target consisting of only 47 members.


    Not only all that, but you also haven't posted an official DoW nor mentioned a valid CB other than 'we're scared of you guys.'


    Does the fact that nobody at all has come to your defense, and half the alliances in the game have come in to hit you whether they were invited or not, clue you in at all as to what the CB is?


    You sat at the sidelines taking shots at every easy target and committing to nothing. You grew to the most absurd heights despite having no real political power. So your infra gets shredded - That's what every alliance in this game deals with every 3 months, welcome to the party. You can't have a net worth of 1.5 billion per member any more, boo hoo.

  2. So we can't steal treasures - that mechanic is absolutely dead at this point, just annoying management of nation colors for no reason.


    If an entire alliance bank is withdrawn into the alliance leader's nation, it can't be looted. We can't loot anybody at all that doesn't want to be looted.


    People like Mage or Bubblegum or Fraggle who don't care about infra are impossible to do anything against.


    This is all completely intended?


    Edit: I understand letting it play out a little bit, but I don't see how not having any possible way of beiging someone if they don't let you isn't just boring.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Alex, am I reading that last post in the other thread right? You completely and utterly !@#$ed us and gave us the worst outcome imaginable, an outcome worse than what anyone complaining in the thread was expecting. 


    Put the new spy system in, and then give them all their spies back and don't refund us a cent. It would be ten times better than letting us keep a spy advantage and then making that spy advantage next to worthless.


    All we can do with the current spy system is blow up one or two more nukes per nation than we could have if we didn't have a few days head start. Current spies do nothing in the coventional war. We would never have sacrificed the element of surprise for that in a million years.

  4. I think we paid dearly for killing all those spies. I was against doing it, because revealing hostility to those alliances and losing all surprise wasn't worth 7% of their planes per day or whatever we'd get.


    You can give them back their spies, but you can't give us back what we spent. The ship has sailed. Any "reparative action" can only be completely one-sided.

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  5. I did nothing but raid for a long time when I first joined, but eventually finding and raiding 5 targets a day was just a chore. Right now alliance organization is so much work and real wars take so much energy that the peace between wars is a welcome break.


    Lots of respect to Princess Bubblegum, that approval rating must have taken about 1000 wars.

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