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Posts posted by Them

  1. Rookie (for those who popped their war cherry): Bopolo

    Best Rookie (for those who popped their war cherry): Bopolo, 5 city nation beating a 15 city nation who does full rebuys on him.

    Best Rookie (for those who popped their war cherry): Bopolo the 5 city menace, slayer of giants, destroyer of 15 city nations.

    Best Rookie (for those who popped their war cherry): Bopolo. Dude punches up.


    I aim to gratify?


    gg, though. You fought well.

    • Upvote 1
  2. ^ 100%


    The authorities of one alliance shouldn't artificially limit their members' activity because the members of an alliance they're fighting limits their own activity out of their own will. 

    The point is moreso that it's unrealistic to expect the same of everyone else as you do of yourself.


    Keeping activity up in this game is pretty difficult because 90% of the time, it's !@#$ing boring.

    • Upvote 1
  3. All this talk about how the glitch at day change screwing up the blitz, and I'm just looking at my own war timeline wondering why nobody declared on me before day change.


    One of the nations deleted themself (happens a surprising number of times) but I still had the notification.


    Great coordination guys!

    Thanks m80. We pride ourselves on validation.

  4. They shoulda worshipped Dio harder. They're paying for their infidelity.

    Yeah. We really should be praising Dio more. I think we have a place on our forums for missionaries of Dio, but it rarely gets used nowadays since people are getting involved with this newfangled "Church of Zoot".


    While the blitz was executed at a suboptimal time and the Inquisition should have waited before declaring, the leadership generally believed that Syndisphere was planning to blitz them soon and decided to take the initiative themselves. It's reasonable to say that they took quite the FA hit for that decision, but it was made on limited intelligence, which they believed to be accurate. It might be easy to blame failure on elements beyond your control (the servers melting down during the blitz definitely hurt the Inquisition more than Syndisphere), but there is still quite a bit of room for the Inquisition to improve. Also, the poor tier distribution can't necessarily be attributed to bad leadership or planning since most Inquisition alliances have never needed a real "upper tier" (nobody in BK discord can agree on what the tiers are, so I'll just assume that above 16/17 or so cities is upper tier) and upper tier domination allowed Syndisphere to kill off most of the Inquisition's upper-mid tier through down-declares. NPO doesn't care about inefficiencies in its playstyle and most alliances in the Inquisition have generally viewed spending on upper tier nations as wasteful when they could focus on recruitment and increasing funding for lower city levels. The Inquisition will have to adapt its playstyle if they want to have better odds against Syndisphere, but it's their first war as a bloc and they certainly made things more interesting, like they promised to.


    Oh so having a 300 nation advantage no longer counts as an advantage?

    It hasn't counted as an advantage for over a year, m8.


    Also, only the salty losers complain about advantages. :P Success justifies all sins and whatnot...

  5. Not it doesn't. Adjust your strategy, treat planes like a precious resource, don't overextend targets and this is less of a problem.


    Air doesn't need to be nerfed, it should be the dominant unit to avoid turning the war system into a silly game of rock paper scissors.


    Only adjustment it really needs is a score adjustment, which sheepy said was a good idea but the never followed through on it.

    So soldiers, tanks and ships are all paper and planes are a rifle? :P


    The problem is moreso that wars are decided too quickly since planes die really fast and there's no good recovery mechanism. (1/6 buy per day)

    It's hard to come back from a losing war, even when your allies are beating your opponent's face in.

    Also, a RPS system probably works in this game since you're limited on individual units, as opposed to your military as a whole.


    I agree that keeping things the same is probably the best solution, however. The mechanics are pretty terribad, but we've been fine with them for over 2 years already and knowing Sheepy, he'll probably screw up more than he fixes anyways.

  6.  I don't think Ryleh was saying that ground control was necessarily uesless but he was instead trying to point to a possible imbalance. I think the fact that many alliances keep max planes is evidence that it is the predominant area of war that is focused on. It's flexibility, and in your case low cost, and a host of other reasons show air to be possibly the cornerstones of all wars present and future. 

    I don't think I was saying that planes are not the cornerstone of all wars. That's precicely why ground control and ground units matter in the first place--they can kill planes!

    Making ground control affect planes more doesn't fix the problem of planes being OP. To do that, you would need to allow nations to not have their entire army and navy bombed away in a day.

    It's not a bad change,though. It kills the max planes strategy (which I think is kinda cool and stuff) and forces everyone to build their nations for war the same way. Is that more balanced? Sure.

    Also, I guess it might allow for some wars to lead off with ground attacks (with the intent of securing air later, of course) since 6 MAPs is just enough for 2 attacks.

    It's a shame Sheepy buffed/nerfed tanks so planes kill them better than tanks and soldiers...

  7. Project Name: Pay 2 have a life

    Information: Allows you to plan attacks in advance so you can sleep

    Project effect: When you attempt an attack, but do not have sufficient MAPs, the attack goes into a queue and is resolved when you do have the MAPs (with no player input required)

    Resource cost: 25 credits

    Cash cost: $1

  8. i thought max air was the dominant strategy, isn't that why many alliances have max air in peacetime?

    As I was fighting wars with t$, the first thing they did to counter was regain air control... which makes sense.

    If you control air, you basically control all other aspects of the fight besides missiles and nukes.

    People have max air in 'cause it's a cheaper and more effective defense than having lower levels of militarization in all categories.

    Also, only t$ keeps max air in peacetime. The week leading up to the war wasn't really "peace".


    trying to secure air control first != ground control and ground forces being useless

    Air control is all t$ could do at the time.


    It's not the dominant strategy at all.

    On several levels. 

    Fighting wars with weird city counts are what happens when the other person does only planes and you have a large ground. It's really not fair or good for the game :P

    You know what rekts the only planes strategy?

    Ground control.

    You know how you can get ground control?

    Not waiting for max plane nations to down-declare.


    If an alliance with only planes gets blitzed at an irregular time (not update), they're !@#$ed.

  9. You call that a nerf? With 4 it can still be spammed indefinitely to prevent beige. 6 MAPs is the minimum required to ensure you can still win with pure ground attacks, and even then if you have to use airstrikes at any point, then you need to balance that out with naval attacks in order to still guarantee that you can win. 6 Provides a good balance. 8 for a true nerf that will probably force fortify to be used strategically as intended rather than to spam to prevent a loss.


    Agree with step 2. Kill fortify and leave the war system alone.

    It's not much, but it prevents people from lobbing 2 nukes and fortifying for the rest of the war or something like that...

    Killing fortify wouldn't be a good idea since some people who insist on not building ships/ground need it to not get beiged, even if they are winning (a.k.a. having air superiority)


    Although circumstances differ nation to nation, you will generally take more damage constantly fortifying than you would if you just fought normally and got beiged after 2 or so days. You'd get 6 days of beige to stop taking damage and rebuild forces with. With spamming fortify, you take constant damage for 5 days from 3 nations, those wars expire, and it starts over again because the original 3 never beiged you and a new 3 come and start wrecking your shit.


    Spamming fortify is a noob mistake. Similar to double-spying or starting a war off with airstrikes, learning to not spam fortify is just another tactic people have to learn.

    For a lot of people who are lower, their warchest is worth a comparable amount to all their infra. If you're in a losing war, all your infra is of kill anyways, so saving your warchest can't hurt.

  10. how 2 beige 101


    Step 1: blockade the skrub

    Step 2: kill all their infra until improvement upkeep makes their income negative

    Step 3: ground attack until they lose all their dosh

    Step 4: put them in bill-lock and they'll be too lazy to decom all their improvements

    Step 5: they can't fortify now, so beige that !@#$er

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