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Fox Fire

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Posts posted by Fox Fire

  1. A gun's primary purpose is to kill. Whether the target is human or animal does not remove that fact. Using a gun to defend property is only effective because a gun's primary purpose is to kill, thus deterring would be property thieves.

    "Sport" shooting us nothing more than simulated killing. Someone showing off his talent at it is merely showing off his talent at shooting a gun, whose primary purpose, once again, is to kill.

    When one hunts for food, is it your contention that s/he is not killing?

    Well yes. Its impossible to survive and not kill.

    Hunting for food serves a productive purpose. Hunting for sport is just stupid. Its like how rednecks drive around in lifted trucks.

    Clearly compensating for something.

  2. Wow you really suck at this.The only one of those that is actually about primarily is hunting, and people do that for two major reasons, sport and food. No one in sports shooting is "practicing to kill" they are showing off their talent at a sport they enjoy. Private, home and comerical security are about protection not killing killing is an unfortunate outcome because there is currently not a method that is as effective. Farmland security is more about protecting the crops and animals from varmits and wild animals without the use of poisons that would harm/affect the crops/animals. movies would still pretend to kill even without them at least they have authinticity, and recreational shooting is something to do, damn near 99% of people who go to a range to practice killing are cops and military. sure some people have the thought that they could but people have those thoughts regardless of the situation.

    I hunt for food.

    Hunting for sport is sickening.

  3. brb, moving to a cabin in the woods to escape death.

    Don't worry. Here's my schedule:

    Church and free time: Sat-Sun, 10am-9pm EST.

    Mass Murder: Sat-Sun, 9pm-11pm EST.

    Chillin with hookers and blow: Mon-Fri, 10am-10pm EST.

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  4. Require medical info and crime records. Simple and done. If a person has a mental condition just dont sell them the gun.

    I have a mental disorder and own a gun. Haven't shot anyone yet either...

  5. I mean, there are two sides to every story.

    As WWII victors, we like to ignore the German point of view and somehow like to blame the whole thing on one "psychotic" man.

    World wars aren't waged out of boredom and its this same exact ignorant point.of view that causes them.

  6. And now its Hitlers fault.... Forget the German populace....

    All of Germanys actions leading up to war, including Hitlers rise to power, was entirely reactionary.

    Hitlers didn't feel cheated. The entire population of Germany was starving at the expense of WWIs victors. The basic human rights of every German citizen were being ignored.


    Thus, Germany collectively said "!@#$ you" and took what they felt they deserved.


    The entire thing could have been avoided had basic human rights been respected by the rest of the world.

  7. Not even close, non-intervention caused WW2, Czechoslovakia was fully mobilized and the German army was not in a position to fight both the Czechs and France. Actually I should be more specific, appeasement led to Germany taking over Western Europe. Japan was already at war with China and their navy would probably still have attacked someone they shouldn't have.

    So now you're assuming Germany caused WWII?

    *Rolls eyes*

  8. America is better than China is when it comes to intelligence. (due to the nature of intelligence I won't go so far as to say that America is the leader either, it could easily be Russia using USSR trained people)

    And as I keep reading, its no surprise that the ignorant trend continues.

    Americas intelligence surpasses all, bit I can pretty promise that Chinese intelligence makes Russian intelligence look like childs play.

    Russia may be a few steps behind us, or ahead, in some areas..... But intelligence is certainly not one of them.

  9. reason the F-22 is being decommissioned is because there is nothing that can compete with it.

    Im done reading after that, because that statement is so false that I actually cannot.believe I just read that.....

    I mean holy shit. Do you you always talk out of total ignorance? Because aside from that, you've seemed fairly intelligent and open minded to me.


    (The F-22 Raptor was scrapped because it sucks. Plain And !@#$ing simple).

    (In other words, the unique engines had a severe problem of burning up and or cutting out at high altitudes. Thats exactly why no other modern variations have used this type of engine.)

    (The F-35 is the variant that works.)


    (One more thing, the Chinese have effectively reverse engineered ever stealth aircraft our public currently knows of.)



    Bit to be 100% honest, that statement made me lose a good deal of respect for you.

    It takes some serious ignorance to accomplish that, and you certainly have accomplished exactly that.

  10. Interventionism works, plain and simple. If it wasn't America it would have to be someone else, a superpower is needed in the modern world.

    Oh? Prove it.

    The world has never needed interventionism. In fact, interventionism is exactly what has created most global conflicts.


    The revolution in Syria was inevitable, I don't like using that word when discussing things like this but it was. Although it could have been greatly mitigated had the government of Syria not ignored the warning signs so utterly. They basically funneled weapons to every damn rebel group in that part of the Middle East for the past two decades, most notably with Hezbollah and Iraqi militants. The thing about funneling weapons though is that some of those weapons tend to stay inside the country instead of leaving. Then, in 2006 Syria had an absolutely devastating drought, 1.5 million farmers lost their farms and became nothing more than homeless beggars. In 2011, when the drought ended, those farmers wanted their lands back but couldn't because, ya know, the government is corrupt. So Syria now had black market guns and 1.5 million discontented farmers, you do the math. Although there were other reasons for the rebellion those two factors I mentioned were the main reason it grew into what it is now. Later, a bit into the war, it started becoming Sunni vs Shia (at least according to the media)but at the end of the day it was 1.5 million pissed off [homeless] farmers with guns.

    I won't disagree. I will simply point out the fact that you've completely disregarded the propaganda war that has been being wages.on a global scale between east and west since before WWII.

    Its basically common knowledge that the US funneled cash.into Syrian anti govt media for years. Just like we did in Libya and numerous places around the world throughout decades.

    Most modern wars are actually waged and done entirely.under our noses. IE: The situation in Ukraine has been a battlefield LONG before it it literally became a physical battlefield. There's been a propaganda war raging in Ukraine since the fall of USSR. East and west both want to keep its away from.the other.

    This civil war going on now was actually not as random as the media makes it sound. Its the result.of decades of propaganda war.

    Why do you think Russia invaded so Damn fast?

    Syria is absolutely no different and its no coincidence that both nations happen to have a very close relationship to Russia.

    Since 1991, our policy toward Russia has been "containment."

    Which is absurd. Were badasses, but not gods. Its this same "containment" policy that created Nazism and WWII.


    There has been a global propaganda war raging under our noses for decades. Says war is entirely directed at Russia and you think Syria, Russias single largest arms buyer is not going to be drawn in? Even Iran has been pulled in, though it has manages.to maintain local support to a point, we've given up on them with more focus on other Russian assets.

    Keep in mind that what the media tells you is always only a small fraction of.the story.


    I would say secondary, true we gave those dictators (and their armies, can't put all our eggs in one basket now can we?) buckets of money but we didn't force them to be corrupt !@#$ about it. They could have done something to mitigate it like Saudi Arabia did where they more or less paid people to not revolt(big oversimplification I know) but they didn't and are now either dead or exiled.

    The "best" part is that we are just going to give money to their replacements as well because we don't want them to attack our strategic ally in the region(that by supporting makes everyone in the region hate us) and because money makes the world go 'round in general. 

    No, I mean we created the Arab spring through a propaganda war which has now clearly grown beyond the control of both opposing sides.

    We now have conflicts raging, created by both sides, that we cannot control and have since lost influence.over.

    We inspired some people and it spread further than we intended. Our propaganda war inspired these movement and now what? Now we are.left with several conflicts that we assumed would happen differently and cannot contain, or.attempt.to contain without blowing our poorly shaded cover.

  11. Oh, and all the European empires collapsed......

    Sure, Britain still very much exists, but its not an empire. Its continuously lost territory.

    In fact, there was some hype of Scotland leaving the Union not too long ago.

    (Keyword, hype, but serious, none the less).

  12. Please stop using literally in non-literal situations.

    Anyways, the USSR collapsed because closed economies in and of themselves are flawed. The fact that they also built up an educated population also brought about their collapse as educated people seem to hate authoritarianism for some reason or another.

    Not all empires collapse either, the colonial nations of Europe were able to avoid it mostly. De-Colonization is, after all, a different situation to the complete and utter destruction or Balkanization of a far flung empire. Now, they did suffer the effects of losing large amounts of territory that supported their empires and home population, but what France and Great Britain went though in the mid to late 1900s is quite different than what happened to the USSR.

    Not in all cases. Again, what economic theorists do not take into account is culture and the ever changing world.

    Fascism, IE, worked amazing for Germany.So amazing that the nation went from a starving, bankrupt nation, to a global powerhouse, so powerful, it was able to bring the entire world to its knees and vastly excelled in science. NASA was actually created by Nazi rocket scientists because their rocket technology was so insanely ahead of its time.

    The AK-47 was nothing more.than a modernized version of a Nazi rifle.

    Vast amounts of.medical technology is the direct result of Nazi Germany.


    The Soviets created the largest land army to ever exist. Even to this day.

    The Chinese have created a globally dominant economy and a military (specifically intelligence and aeronautical tech) that we struggle to compete with.


    No system is perfect. Everything, and not just related to politics, bit literally, everything has its flaws.

    Choosing to ignore them, or accept them is the difference between change, and success. Or ignorance and failure.


    (I used "literally" again).

  13. It is a Representative Democracy but a variant of Democracy nonetheless

    PRoC is a representative democracy too. (Also, Rome, Russian Federation, North Korea, etc are all Republics).


    I don't think you understand the meaning of "literally"

    Anyways, the electorate college is flawed. The problem is that we will be stuck with it forever simply because smaller states would never want to give it up as it is not in their interests to do so.

    I think I do, and correct. My state in particular probably loves it.


    To be fair, the American election system has the best manipulators in the world. They are able to successfully manipulate people using relatively basic and tribal rhetoric such as the ever famed "Us or Them" mentality, the "repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" system, and the often overlooked slogans and chanting. America has made an art of elections, would be a shame to have those two and a half centuries of manipulation tactics go to waste.

    Or they could just go to other countries and work there (I was going to post an old video about how the same people who worked the 2008 election campaigns helped elect a really corrupt guy into power somewhere in Eastern Europe but I gave up because I don't remember the country or care to much) 

    Yes. And America intervenes in other nations politics to no end. We directly started the civil war in Syria, literally gave suitcases full of cash to Afghanis to rebel against the taliban, and over all, the US is the primary cause of the "Arab Spring" in general.

    Our government/system is just as !@#$ed up as any other. Difference is, or domestic policy has been far more successful in gaining local support.


    On another note, I think you and I are.mostly agreeing here, give or take minor details.

    I like meeting people who can see the flaws on both sides, as no side is ever perfect. :)

    • Upvote 1
  14. Take a look at any Empire in world history that collapsed. Did any of them (that survived even as a shell) end up in better shape after collapsing? No, not a single one. It is called common sense.The only exceptions are when the economy of the world itself increases or if they end up reclaiming most of their lost land ala post-Imperial China

    I agree. My point was, many people assume USSR was so terrible, when actually, modern Russia is Hell compared.to USSR.

    There's a reason communism is still extremely popular in post soviet states and why most of the older people (who have actually experienced the difference) want to return to Russia and re-create that union.

    Our western propaganda of how evil communism is, is a pathetic fear tactic. LITERALLY a pathetic FEAR tactic.

    Now given what our.said, can you agree that all empires collapse inevitably?

  15. Actually, on the subject of democracy, America isnt a direct democracy and your presidential vote literally means absolutely nothing.

    In fact, when you actually take the time to push the little bubble for your presidential vote, you're entirely wasting your time because your vote literally has no effect on the presidential election. And even if it did, the most suitable people for office have never had any chance to run because our.capitalist system immediately defines the two candidates based on publicity, media, and what the richest people can buy off, before the race even begins.

    So all in all, especially with an ever increasing.populace, we will always be stuck with wealthy idiots in office, rather than the truly intelligent people deserving of such a title.

  16. And what about the other 5 million? Or the 21 million dead under Stalin?


    Genocide happens for political and/or economic reasons. No government decides to kill an entire race for no reason whatsoever. (Although the reasons are always bad and and is never excusable)

    All Im saying i what you just said. Genocide doesn't happen for.nothing. Whether the reasons are baseless or factual is debatable.


    So NATO is evil and we should allow the poor defenseless Russian Federation and Peoples Republic of China do whatever they want to whomever they want?

    Why not? We do all the time. The biggest reason I speak against.the west is because of its blatant hypocrisy. Only Murica is allowed to illegally invade nations, apparently.


    Nah, we haven't exterminated every culture we've encountered yet

    Anywhere America has any influence, we have converted the.populace to our culture. Just.look at Japan, Germany and Russia. Hell, even China is.being.forces to slowly convert. (Slow and steady does win the race though).


    Democracy is the lesser of all evils

    Democracy is a universal norm these days. Most nations are surprisingly democracies (Including USSR and China).

    Only.difference is, in America, our definition of.democracy isn't democracy unless its American style and or American approved.

    America doesn't know what democracy is these days. Its become some freedom fantasy we can't even appropriately define.


    Perfectly intelligent and rational people can end up having a completely different opinion as you and that's okay.

    I agree. But denying the blatantly obvious truth, which you only deny because you refuse to accept it, is different than simply disagreeing.
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