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Fox Fire

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Posts posted by Fox Fire

  1. http://rt.com/op-edge/184830-ukraine-russia-conflict-war-ceasefire/Even the state newspaper of Russia admits that Ukraine is trying to play this as a war. Given that in the context of the Obama speech, what do you think it is that they're trying to say there? They're essentially threatening Russia with war, and are going to be talking about joining NATO shortly. This is the closest the US has come to a war with Russia since before the end of the Cold War. It is serious business.

    We are already legally obligated to defend them (oddly enough, so is Russia) and that's not happening is it?

    Just like the cold war, it will be a war of words. If anyone was going to defend Ukraine, they would be.

  2. We also have a treaty with Ukraine that we are ignoring because we will not go to war with Russia.

    Let's face it, not gonna happen. Especially under Obama. Maybe if it were famous warlord, Bush, but I simply see this as what it's been the whole time.

    Talk, talk and a lot more talk.


    A historic speech, no doubt.


    I'm glad to see that we are not attempting any sort of "appeasement" policy towards Putin and what appears to be his thirst to recreate an empire.


    EDIT: Not related to Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania but about Ukraine:


    Ukraine needs to stop being influenced by Ukraine. I think it's more than clear the people there wish to be members of the EU and NATO, and they should be allowed that sovereignty.

    Except for the millions of people who actually don't.
  3. Are you saying mental health isn't a problem??!




    This attitude is is exactly why we continue to have many of the problems that plague this country. Many people have mental health issues and refuse help because of this way of thinking and the stigma this culture attaches to MH. No one is saying that having diagnosis would prevent you from owning a firearm, but an MH screen is absolutely necessary and should be mandatory. Believe it or not, we are blind to most of our issues. When we've only lived one life, we have nothing to compare our current thoughts and emotions to. What might seem normal to you might be a red flag to a therapist. A mental health expert spends years studying the various illnesses and draws from decades of research. Owning a firearm comes with a lot of responsibilities, and there needs to be a system in place that can identify people who might use their weapons on others or themselves. If you are diagnosed with something, but continue to seek help and manage the symptoms, there is no reason why you couldn't own a firearm.


    Please, if you have a psychologist/ therapist/ psychiatrist, talk to them! Their job is to offer an objective perspective on your life and to look out for your well being. It is the most liberating thing to dump the load on your mind onto someone who will neither judge you nor tell a soul your secrets.

    I'd much rather talk to a good friend.

    Because like I said, no body can truly understand another's mentality. I don't believe mental illness can be diagnosed in most cases because you then have to differentiate between personality and problem.

    IE: what part of your mentality is illness and what part is personality? Is there even a difference? How do you confirm it?

  4. First, we should support Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and the idea of a free Kurdistan.

    The idea to bring democracy to down there was just plain stupid to begin with.

    Let closed cultures do what they wan't and have their states and don't push for old british-french borders from the colonial times!


    Hussein, Assad, Mubarak etc. were all dictators who together killed a lesser amount of people then the ISIS freaks in the short time of their march.

    They didn't support the minorities, but neither they hunted them, now you got your !@#$ing arab spring.

    You must have a good-natured secularized dictator down there, if you give them the freedom to vote, they vote for islamist partys, and the !@#$ repeats.

    To begin with there isn't a single -real- democratic muslim state in this world... so islam and democracy combinations are bound to fail.


    America really should't do warfare this time, everytime they do it gets far worse afterwards -.-

    Every single comment here already has just military content,....


    ...how about America just takes the refugees and just does welfare this time, additionally to weapons/equipment/medicine/food exports. And just wait till the people, who live there, create the land in a way how they want to, not how murica wants it.


    The thing I hate most, are those !@#$ing refugees, who don't care about their home, just fleeing to millions... wait MILLIONS ? Lazy egoist bums, weapons everywhere and no ones gonna fight, at best trying to get asylum in europe. If they had fought them of at start of their movement, nah well thats to late of course. If the moslems in Germany would plan to create Germanistan, I wouldn't even think about running to dunno.. France?  -.-



    lol , and?

    Mr. Bashar Al-Assad is a dead man walking. There's absolutely no way he is going to survive this.

  5. Underlordgc is right in that a rebellion against the US government would only be successful with the military and the police on the side of the people which in a lot of ways will be unlikely due to conditioning and the current climate that exist with a militarized police force. 


    However, I think as a matter of principle the population should maintain the right to defend itself from government oppression, no matter how futile it may be. Power does indeed come out of the barrel of a gun, and in the past 100 years government oppression has been the leading cause of unnatural death (Democide) giving some reason to keep the populace at least sort of able to defend itself and not just keel over. 


    That being said, the only real way to affect change with the government is to go through legal means, first by getting money out of politics and then addressing the issue of police militarization and Orwelian Big Brother policies. And we should pass reasonable gun legislation such as back ground checks, but that won't happen even with a 90 percent nation wide support for it, due to the NRA not actually supporting gun owners but rather gun manufactures.






    In Iraq, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is an even worse guy with a gun.

    That part about mental health is BS. I have a mental health issue, yet throughout my life I've been far more peaceful than my peers. We all remember high school and the raging hormones. Even back then, I was always the one avoiding fights or breaking them up.

    My track record proves I'm not a violent person. My criminal history proves that as well.

    I'd trust myself with a gun before I'd trust most mentally healthy people.

    In fact, mental health is a total joke. Half the people I know suffer from some diagnosis that's just total BS. You can't really understand the mental state of anyone other than yourself (most of the time, not even then) and you certainly can't do it by seeing said person once every three months to engage in minor chit chat.

    Psycologists are a joke. My doctor is a cool guy, but as someone with a mental health issue, I can also assure you that he doesn't know anything about my mentality and never will.


    In closing, I'd like to state that insane mass murderers never tell their doctors that they want to kill people. Nor do non insane mass murderers.

    So the mental health argument is virtually void.

  6. I should set my stance on this issue since I've been less than serious most of the time. People should not be able to purchase anything above a pistol. You also need to pass a training course and be mentally stable. I also doubt a gun law would ever pass that would take away guns people already own. Especially considering the fact that you can still buy a handful of miniguns that were sold into the civilian market before the law went into place banning them.I have seen Iraq, it was far less violent when they didn't have guns under Saddam. I also find it laughable that you think we are anything like Iraq.1. The militarization of the police force is a direct consequence of the war on terror. Changing gun ownership laws won't have an effect on it.2. We are the leading weapons manufacture, we spend 40-45% of the entire world's military spending. But, again, changing gun ownership laws won't effect that because that is spent by the government on defense and has nothing to do with what a consumer spends.That guy in the video is pretty hypocritical, he denounces using children as political ammo but then turns around and uses his dead comrades as political ammo. Also, should congress take up arms and go overseas with the marines when they declare war? Really appears to be nothing but rhetoric which I tire of. I agree that the bill should not have been forced through but they did it before for same-sex marriage, where was the outrage when they gave men and women the right to marry their own sex? Or when they did the same for teacher evaluations? How dare they evaluate teachers!

    Guns a completely different topic than teachers or marriage.

    Also, he wasn't using his dead comrades. He was honoring their sacrifice.

    Treyvon Martin didn't fight and die for this nation's rights.

    Try again.

  7. I should set my stance on this issue since I've been less than serious most of the time. People should not be able to purchase anything above a pistol. You also need to pass a training course and be mentally stable. I also doubt a gun law would ever pass that would take away guns people already own. Especially considering the fact that you can still buy a handful of miniguns that were sold into the civilian market before the law went into place banning them.I have seen Iraq, it was far less violent when they didn't have guns under Saddam. I also find it laughable that you think we are anything like Iraq.1. The militarization of the police force is a direct consequence of the war on terror. Changing gun ownership laws won't have an effect on it.2. We are the leading weapons manufacture, we spend 40-45% of the entire world's military spending. But, again, changing gun ownership laws won't effect that because that is spent by the government on defense and has nothing to do with what a consumer spends.That guy in the video is pretty hypocritical, he denounces using children as political ammo but then turns around and uses his dead comrades as political ammo. Also, should congress take up arms and go overseas with the marines when they declare war? Really appears to be nothing but rhetoric which I tire of. I agree that the bill should not have been forced through but they did it before for same-sex marriage, where was the outrage when they gave men and women the right to marry their own sex? Or when they did the same for teacher evaluations? How dare they evaluate teachers!

    You realize the vast, vast majority of gun related deaths are with a pistol? In fact, some areas have pistol bans where you can still purchase an assault rifle.

    I quit reading your comment after sentence #1 because it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard

  8. The gun laws here are perfectly fine.

    I'm not sure how you all keep repeating the idea that guns are the problem. Maybe if we actually enforced the paws we already had, the problem would be mended.


    The problem is that there are 2 main arguments for the second amendment.1. The idea is that an armed populace is harder to subjugate by a foreign invader (which, as the arsenal of Democracy, is not something we need worry about)2. So we can fight against our own tyrannical government. (Which is again, ludicrous, how is a civilian supposed to fight against A-10's or Abrams?)Both of the arguments are outdated. We are the world leader in military strength, and with NATO behind us we can take on the rest of the world. Even if the worst came to pass and someone invaded us, we have over 5,000 nuclear warheads, you can extrapolate from there.A rebellion, on the other hand, would need to be supported by the American military to have any hope of success. Your "Barbie doll" AR-15 is, weather you want to admit it or not, not going to help you.

    Have you seen Iraq lately?


    Besides that, a couple more points:

    1. Our police forces are militaries of their own. They're also the largest street gangs and share the exact same mentality as a gangbanger.

    "Oh no they don't!"

    Yes, Yes they do. And that would be because being the largest street gang on the street is what they do for a living.

    2. America is the worlds leading weapons producer.

    Would you prefer the rest of the world be armed instead?


    Giving up my firearms is like cutting my hands off. A completely stupid idea that accomplishes nothing other than my own impairment.

    As wide spread as guns are in the US, banning them would leave you with an unarmed populace where only criminals have guns. Because I can absolutely assure all you Europeans, that around here, people have entire arsenals. People also have arsenals hidden away in discreet locations that would never be found by police.

    I can't even fathom how the hell the Government is supposed to collect all these guns. In my state, firearms don't even have to be registered and you don't need a license to own one. And shootings are a very rare occurrence. Most murders here are actually committed using everything except a gun. Odd, huh?

    Not really.

  9. And it could be all so easy...


    Dont think about crossbows, or Shuriken, thats all nitpicking. Just go for necessity of ownership.


    Like the german Waffengesetz:


    A number of criteria must be met before a firearms ownership license is issued:


    • age of majority (18 years) (§ 4 WaffG)
    • trustworthiness (§ 5 WaffG)
    • personal adequacy (§ 6 WaffG)
    • expert knowledge (§ 7 WaffG) and
    • necessity (§ 8 WaffG)

    And for all, who already have guns, they should be proofed again if they pass those criterias.

    I would tell that idea to blow me..... Not out of fear of hiding something, but because my personal information is nobodies business, and certainly isn't the business of a simple salesman of all people.

    Quit blaming the gun and focus on the real issue for !@#$ sake.

    I know it's hard for foreigners and non gun owning upper class liberal !@#$ bags to realize, but if you don't defend you power to kill, then you're a !@#$ and a prime example of stupid.

    There is a reason our founding fathers gave us this right. And it wasn't to hand it off to the government after they wrote an entire essay to protect us from that government.


    I mean really, why would anyone have such a right?

    Does anyone know why? Probably because our founders realized government sucks and the people are better.

    OMG!! A revolutionary idea?! No way!!!


    Anyway, wake me up when we get back to that stage. Maybe I'll enjoy being an omnipresent dictator in a video game more....

  10. The first step to changing the way we think about firearms is recognizing that they were designed for, and are really only useful for, piercing and tearing the flesh and organs of living beings.

    Exactly. That's exactly why I should have the right to own them.

    The object is not at fault. That's the biggest flaw to the fight against guns.

    Millions of people in America own guns. We know what they are for, we have the right to own them. Good luck getting such a deep part of American culture to give up such a powerful freedom to the government.

  11. She would have been unable to kill him without a full-auto uzi in her hands.Anyways, a 9 year old can shoot a Uzi but it is illegal for me to own a fully functional Abrams? I just want one, that's it. And maybe a Bradley as well. A F-22 would be nice too. Also a Predator Drone. I can't have any of those but that child is allowed to kill someone? Where's the justice?

    She could have killed him with countless things. A knife, a bat, a hand grenade, an atom bomb, you name it.

    It just happened to be an Uzi in this case.

    She's holding the gun wrong and so is he. Having his face right in the way was pretty stupid too. This is just an example of unsafe gun handling.

  12. You may not know what he's referring to a specific incident. I didn't when I first read it.



    Pretty bad idea, by the way.

    I know exactly what he's referring to.

    Watching the video, the girl seems like she has no experience with guns.

    That's your problem. I've seen kids her age who can shoot an AK on full auto no problem.

    Teaching your kids to shoot, and letting them shoot fancy illegal machine guns is one thing, but they probably shouldn't start with an Uzi.

    The media is trying to turn this into another case of "guns kill people" but the fact remains that "people kill people."

    • Upvote 2
  13. Capital Punishment:

    A. The idea that murdering people will show other people that murdering people is wrong.

    B. The systematic extermination of societies most violent criminals.

  14. i don't think the idea is to simulate society, it's to simulate politics and war, it's that simple

    No no, it's mostly not the one who got their !@#$ kicked that is retaliating, it's their gang

    i'm not quitting from the game (for the time being) i just quit this forum unless things got interesting

    good luck man


    *As he comes back into the room*


    You were saying, Mr. Jesus?


    Trying to have fun by irritating everyone else logically should not return you a positive response.

  15. wow. what a helluva bad metaphor. :lol: 

    Never read Gorky, Dostoyevsky? Even Tolstoy'll rise from the ashes and puke for that low-balls metaphor.

    jeez. what have you've read in your entire life? A Guide to Sleep and Snore i guess  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    It wasn't a metaphor. It was just what I was imagining while reading your comment.
  16. don't need yer love, baby.  :wub: 

    you can love that malay vincent with all of yer stink soul and all of yer rotten body.  :blink:  :blink:



    blah blah blah. old arrogant malay geezer can talk. all talk. talk talk talk.   :lol:  :lol:

    I'm imagining a small child. Not the kind you want to hug, but one of those really over spoiled ones. Like the kid in the line at the grocery store who throughs a fit and starts screaming because mommy won't buy him candy.


    Just my initial impression.

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