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Everything posted by Darkusius

  1. There are many countries that will go under. I don't see Cuba being one of them, as it is considered a developing nation. Whereas the US is only sustainable due to immigration, which is influenced by the absolutely atrocious political system. Cuba at least has a man that gets stuff done. I may or may not be talking out of my ass though.
  2. A troll thread? If you looking for troll threads, you've come to the wrong place my friend.
  3. I agree with you. The Defense budget is ridiculous ax well, and should be used for better things, like,I dunno, SOCIAL EFFING WELFARE. Or something else better than guns, guns, guns, and more guns.
  4. Sanders by a long stretch. I'm also a fan of O'Malley, but he isn't going to get the Dem nominee. As for Republicans, Trump is straight forward, but I view him as a joke. Carson is beginning to gain in polls, but he may not be able to take the nominee. Sanders v. Trump would be the best presidential battle in history.
  5. I mean, the superiority complex of the US is pretty annoying. "We have the biggest army, so we can do whatever we want".
  6. Nation Name: Southern Socialist Republic Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=10837
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