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Posts posted by Flubb

  1. Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=178512

    Ruler Name: Literally Jesus

    Nature of Violation:



    This is clearly vulgar language and a mean comment prohibited by the game rules. I am deeply offended that someone would use and direct such vile language at another person.


    In-game Communication

    All forms of in-game communication, including but not limited to, messaging, war declaration reasons, alliance announcements, leader, city, or nation names, and nation and alliance descriptions must be appropriate. Vulgar language, mean comments, Nazism or Nazi related names and titles, Terrorist organizations related names and titles etc. are not allowed and will result in your nation receiving a strike.

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  2. Hello Orbis. This is Flubb with a message for the Orbis community, a message that is being voiced by casual players like myself across both sides of the war and outside of it:

    Ramp things up a bit, will ya? 

    The PW forums are little more than extreme sunshine and rainbows. This type of behavior, which is most commonly seen in alliance governments and serious players, is unhealthy for the game itself and the thousands of casual players who aren't really involved in alliance politics. The mentality shared by both coalitions "I’m right, you’re wrong" leads to nothing but mutual understanding. While I'm all for politics on the forums (I play a game called Politics and War, lol) when it gets to this point someone needs to draw a line. I don't want to play the blame game, I'm not finger pointing here, but people just need to get angrier. We play this game for fun, and I wouldn't call what goes on in these 30-page threads fun. Please, let's try and make PW a bit more fun and a lot more toxic.

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  3. BK cancelled with TLF because they signed with Rose. It's fairly clear and we're not hiding that fact. We told TLF that we didn't want to have an ally tied to anyone in Paragon before they signed and they made their choice.


    Also not sure why you think Partisan controls us. He didn't even know about the cancellation until about a day before  :rolleyes:


    Partisan confirmed for loominati

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  4. Pretty sure they have quite a bunch of missiles back then in WW2. Stalin and friends had a lot of fun with those, and not even mentioning V2 rockets a certain funny-mustached man once had.


    Also, I'm having a hard time finding out what's the difference with the hacker system you guys described with the old spies we have, other than requiring a whole new project like stetonic said up there. Are you sure the supposedly new function can't be just crammed into the spies' job description, rather than introducing a whole new mechanism that barely does anything new?


    I think the main difference (at least in my scenario) is that hackers would bring an element of preparation, not just by having hackers, but upgrading systems and shit so that you dont get !@#$ed over. Hackers could have the chance to !@#$ up your command and control as well which is different than just spies destroying shit.

  5. We don't even have passenger airlines and postal systems ingame, what makes you think we're on the modern world? Hell, I seriously doubt Internet even exist in Orbis. People are too busy raining lead on each to other to really invent anything new... and I think you're operating on the Hollywood kind of hacking there.


    All those thing are fine and all, but how does this exactly work? New project? New standalone units that work like spies? Improvements? Is there any upkeep or recruiting costs? What would happen if two nations hacking each other, the hackers on one side dies of cardiac arrest instantly despite being miles away from the other side?


    But this is a game, and hollywood hacking is awesome see: hackers.


    There could be a project like a cyberwarfare command, that allows you to recruit hackers. Hackers could be killed by spy attacks. There would be upkeep costs. Hackers could perform defensive functions like setting up security systems that take x amount of turns depending on the number of hackers you have, and they could also perform offensive functions like launching attacks from another nation or detonating missiles in a country, or preventing missile launch and attack capablities. The success of these attacks can be offset by the number of hackers in a country as well as any security measures already set up.

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