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Posts posted by johnl023

  1. If Trump thinks a literal wall will work, and that he can actually get Mexico to pay for such a contraption, he's stupider than I thought (considering the amount of political manipulation and opportunism in his campaign: no strong establishment pick, and the frontrunner Cruz lies almost as much as him). It'll probably be just a set of border restrictions.

  2. Update: At least 12 impure human beings has been vaccinated and thanked The Sval Corps for their generous effort to curb T-Virus.




    We are pure because our people are genetically modified to become immune to all diseases, the ability to replace dead cells, extremely high field of vision and sight - mind you, Svalbardians also are faster, stronger and leaner than regular human beings. Svalbardians are also known as by a new dawn of human species called "Hõmo Bardians" after Hõmo Sapiens. You also never made any effort to visit us, so your corporation is just jealous that our corporation is doing better due to our advanced scientific technology and ability.


    tl:dr you don't really know about us that much, but if you ever want to visit and establish diplomatic ties with Svalbardians, we will be happy to sit down and have tea with you.


    In a rare diplomatic statement, Yunland calls BS as well.

  3. rapists and drug smugglers from mexico can march over the border and rape american citizens and support drug abuse. the time is for trump. a wall needs to be built. a great big huge wall that will stop the mexicans. the wall needs to be built strong and the military needs to be stationed on it as america needs to be great again. drug users and rapists wont be able to cross over the border with this great wall in place. america will become great again and the american people will be strong. sanders says we should let rapists into america. but i am against that. we need to build a wall and we need to make it big strong and long..


    what will happen? mexicans will come into our nation and rape american woman. shoot up our schools and spread anti american beliefs. a wall needs to be built and trump needs to get in. only he can make america great again. the wall needs to be built strong and big. but look at sander. sanders the zionists wants to knock down any walls and ban guns. so mexicans can come over the border and murder americas. the time for trump needs to come or america will never be great


    america needs to be great. a wall needs to be built and the mexican drug trade needs to stop. but currently liberals are in white house and the wall will never be built and america will never be great again. i am against this. i will support the wall as it needs to be built in order for america to become great again.


    America? What in the world happened to Vietnam?


    Who's saying that America needs to be made great again? Trump! Wait a second, doesn't he hate communist policies? :blink:  


  4. Both Islam and Judaism have their extremists. They also both have moderates.  Only problem: sometimes it's the extremists eith the most influence, such as the Wahhabis in Saudi and some parts of the Zionist movement.

  5. The Svalbardians are forunate that the casualties isn't the innocent Svalbardians. Once Britannia rebuilds Northern Italy, they will have to relinquish the control of Italy as it belongs to Svalbardian rightfully.

    You can't just claim countries. Has the GSE ever controlled Italy?

  6. The brittish 18th army launched a major naval invasion today,the biggest naval invasion ever seen in the history of mankind,supported by aircraft carriers and Costal bombardment Venince was captured from Britannian hands. We took heavy losses since the Britannians held stubbornly to the city but eventually the garrison there surrenderd after constant bombings. Venince is left in ruins,garrisoned by the 18th army but Moreau has sworn to rebuild the cites,95 procent of the city was left in ruins,we have cut the Britannian north italy in half making supply reaching them impossible and enforced an blockade on Britannian turkey,abu haddad will surley capture it with ease since all the Britannian are cut off



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