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Posts posted by Mutwa

  1. Your assertion that this would disadvantage small alliances is nonsense, and your argument that alliances shouldn't be able to build their new nations up quickly offers no benefit to the game.


    Again, where did I say alliances could never help their members? I am all for alliance aid, playing with friends and helping each other out is a large part of the fun but a small alliance could not aid their members as well as large alliance, it is simple economics. More income allows more expenditures. How you think this is nonsense is beyond me.


    I guess we will just have to agree to dissagree.


    If your small alliance cannot offer funding for a new nation's cities then that is a problem with your small alliance, not a problem with the idea or the game. Work on fixing that first.


    Where did I say I was in a small alliance?


    I like your idea of working to fix an alliance if it isn't able to provide what it member's need though, just like players should work on growing their own nations. It is about putting in the effort.


    If we are going to remove the restriction we might as well just let people start with 4 cities, and when the larger players grow even more and people complain about it being hard to catch up again when we'll just make it 6 cities. How long before the larger guys just stop playing because they have to work for their gains and every new player just gets it for free?

  3. Removing the limit will only disadvantage small alliances further. Less people will want to join if the alliance can't afford to sponsor as many cities.


    Raiding is already difficult approaching 500-600 score with almost everyone in range being in one of the big alliances. It will be even worse when almost everyone joins a big alliance straight off the bat because they don't want to work at getting their nation off the ground and instead just want it handed to them on a plate.

    • Upvote 1
  4. When viewing Manual Transactions in the alliance bank, the top scrollbar only takes you as far as the munitions column. The last 2 columns, steel and

    aluminum, do not show unless you use the bottom scrollbar to scroll over further.


    This problem does not exist when viewing Tax Records on the same page.


    The Manual Transaction table has 17 columns and the Tax Records table has 15. Not sure if this 2 column difference is related? Maybe a copy/paste where the column number wasn't updated?

  5. It appears that spies no longer contribute to your military score in the pie chart but still contribute towards your nation's score. This means that the pie chart total score does not match your nation's actual score.


    For instance, my nation's score is 467 but my pie chart breakdown is 250 for infra, 100 for cities, and 102 for military, giving a total of 452.

  6. See you guys are making my case for me. I mentioned earlier the only thing striking a child teaches them is to immediately comply with the person that hits them.


    When those people are not around and the child is in a weak social situation, where it is not clear how they should act, they will revert back to their old behavior.



    Hardly, the children I speak about who tend to disregard their parents when they aren't around are those I knew who never got hidings.


    Don't get me wrong, many children are generally well behaved regardless how their parents tend to punish them. The trick is in being consistent so that the child knows where the boundaries are.





    When we allowed the parent 15-45 minutes to cool down. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE OF THEM CAME BACK AND SPANKED THEIR KID.


    So why if this was good for a child would parents feel so terribly about it?


    Strange then that the only instance I can 100% vouch for is myself, and I never spank my kids in anger. The first part of the punishment is always being sent to their room to consider what they have done and why it was wrong. Once I have given us both some time we will discuss what happened and a punishment will be given, whether that be grounding, loss of privileges, additional chores or a hiding.





    Just out of curiosity is anyone other than Coach and I posting in this thread a parent?


    Yes, I have 2 sons, 9 and 13.

  7. I have lived in countries where hidings were allowed and where they were not and in my experience, children who got hidings were FAR better behaved on average than those that did not.


    With a hiding they can't really avoid the punishment, with anything else they could just ignore whatever restrictions you place on them. What do you do then? Restrict them further? Since they aren't abiding by your restrictions to start off with how is that going to help any? If someone isn't around to enforce the restrictions then they are only as effective as the child's willingness to follow them.

    • Upvote 3
  8. The resource limitation of continents was intentional. It exists so that no one nation can produce all it needs.


    Smaller nations prduce more raw goods than they need and can sell them to mid sized nations for the money needed to grow.

    Mid sized nations can use the resources they buy and produce to make finished products which they then sell onto the larger nations.

    Larger nations generate a lot of money which they spend to buy what they need.


    This idea would break the economic system the game is built on.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I asked Muhammed Bas about it after the incident. According to him (When he payed me), he said that the NAC was raiding him for resources, and he wanted some payback. 


    That is the problem with taking contracts if you have morals, you end up with only 1 side of the story and could quite easily end up fighting for the 'wrong' side.


    I think characters like you make games like this more interesting though so best of luck to you.

  10. The only type of raiding that should be allowed, if any, is raiding inactive nations that are inactive for a month. Thats fine, dont let there resources go to waste. 


    Payback for what? I attack a nation that was inactive for almost a week. I havnt compromised my moral values.



    So no raiding a nation that has been active in the last month, or is that almost a week?

    • Upvote 1
  11. Does this game really benefit from a thief though? I mean I'm getting my money for the alliance so it's moot point, but the only reason we're getting it is because King stumbled into Ansom, who I firmly believe is the most level headed and reasonable of that bunch. He first tried to start his own alliance with stolen cash.


    Most games like this have their villians. Those players or alliances that everyone else just loves to hate. Sometimes that make the games more interesting and other times they ruin it for everyone else. Not sure if this guy will rise to that level but I suppose a thief is as good a villian as any.

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